
My dry mouth has gotten worse, mostly at night.  During the day I can drink water, coffee, and lots of liquid to keep things in check.  At night, I tend to be a mouth breather and I wake up in pain due to the lack of saliva.  I tried having water by my bed, but I can't swallow until I get up and spit, gag and spit some more.  I just ordered some Xylimelts and can't wait to give them a try.  Biotene and those other rinses did not help me one bit.  Wish me luck....and thanks for recommending these! 


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member

    I will be waiting for the review of the product.  I think Matt (CivilMat) uses them.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I use them also....

    mostly at night, but sometimes in the day if I'm outside and water is a pain to pack around.  I like them


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Tracy

    I am not sure if

    Hi Tracy

    I am not sure if you tried the Stoppers4 dry mouth spray, I still use it and it is the only one that works for me, I still get up at night with dry mouth but a few sprays and I go back to sleep for another few hours. Some else I did to help was to stop taking anything with caffeine in it, that’s just me did it help I am not sure but I don’t have half the problems with dry mouth as many others do.


    Hope the Xylimelts helps


  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member
    Dry Mouth

    Sorry. For some reason the rest of my message didn't post, just the sassy part! We'll try again.

    You mean you haven't tried taping your mouth shut at night? I've actually thought about it! For me, acupuncture helped prevent a seriously dry mouth, but there are times it does crop up such as when physically active outside or sleeping. During winter, a humidifier helped a lot. Now in summer the humidity is higher and it hasn't been bad. Maybe using a humidifier at night all year would help you. Biotene does seem to help for several hours if the humidity is high enough. Also, you can sometimes trick your glands into releasing saliva if you pretend you're chewing. Caffeine is drying, so you might try cutting back on coffee. I never tried the melts, but hope they will work for you.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    dry mouth defense


    I use xylimelts with great success.  I use two every night when I go to bed.  Without them I end up with dry mouth, with them I don’t.  I’ve been using them for about three years.  Once in a blue moon I try sleeping without them, it’s not much fun.  Like P51, I sometimes use them if I’m going to be out and about and don’t want to be drinking water.  I also think the extra saliva is good for my teeth.


  • yensid683
    yensid683 Member Posts: 349
    Alternatives to mouth breathing

    I have a similar problem exacerbated by a deviated septum.  I had it partially corrrected many years ago but re-damaged it early one morning just a few weeks after my last radiation treatment, passing out on my way to the bathroom and face planting. ( almost three years ago now)

    I tried the humidifier, various Biotene rinses and gels, and found that one of the easiest solutions for me was to simply use a Breathe Right strip at night!

    it's not perfect, there are times I wake up with a mouth as 'dry as sheetrock' to parrot Phrannie's simile.  I get through it though and do get to sleep a little more comfortably.


    It's not perfect but it works

  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    So far so good...

    So far, they have helped quite a bit!  I only use one (don't have enough molars left to "attach" another one) but it's made a great difference!  Thank you all!


    I have tried the breathe right strips.  They seem to work pretty well, so I am doing a combo at night now :)