close your eyes...count to 10...and FLY!

MAliceR Member Posts: 98

Hi all, Today I had my chemo port removed. I guess you can say I was "deported".

At my Oncology appointment last Monday, she really felt for my emotional healing I needed to have it taken out. I am now on every 6 months for CEA tests and once a year for CT scans and she felt that going into the infusion center monthly to have the port flushed would keep me from moving forward. So, I took a leap of faith and did it today.

It seems strange not to have my little buddy riding there on my chest under my skin. According to my medical records it was put in exactly 18 months ago today. I finished with chemo 1 year ago on July 4th. 

So, here I am, portless in Portland. It is exciting, frightening and a bit emotional. I am still not to the point I can feel that after nearly 4 years I might be finished with this. It is still REALLY early days yet in the scope of things, but my Dr says it is time to begin to be cautiously optimistic. So this was the first step.

One day at a time. But for now I am planning to head to Costa Rica the end of August for 3 weeks, celebrate my 60th birthday somewhere awesome and LIVE while I have the chance!





  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Wonderful news!

    That is just fantastic, Mary. 

    You will miss that little bump, and its kinda scary for a while..... a short while. HA!

    Live! We learn to do that when we have Cancer. I think its a bonus amongst allot of bad times. Knowing just how important life is, and those who share it with us, and what we share it with. 

    May you have the best holiday in Costa Rica. We'll want you to tell us all about it when you get back; unless you feel that part of your healing is also moving away from the forum, which is understandable. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    How timely,

    I'm thinking of removing my port too, docs said wait for 1 more scan. I went to Costa Rica for my 50th birthday! Enjoy, I loved it. Get busy living! Right?


  • Cathleen Mary
    Cathleen Mary Member Posts: 827 Member
    Easyflip said:

    How timely,

    I'm thinking of removing my port too, docs said wait for 1 more scan. I went to Costa Rica for my 50th birthday! Enjoy, I loved it. Get busy living! Right?


    Live, Live, Live!  Portless

    Live, Live, Live!  Portless in Costa Rica is the way to go. Breathe. Savor. Enjoy!


  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,427 Member

    No port has to be a great feeling.  :) 

    Have a wonderful birthday trip.

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    lol Deported!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm

    lol Deported!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm still laughing.  Congratulations!