Back pain and Burning when going to the bathroom

Erika Member Posts: 1

My husband was diagnosed with rectal cancer and has been going through chemo (3 pills 2x a day) and radiation 5 days a week. He just finished his 4th week and has 1 1/2 more weeks to go. This pat week, things are getting much more difficult. He has tremendous pain (Burning) while urinating and just bad pain while pooping. Today however, his back started hurting so bad he ended up on the floor and couldn't walk.  He feels he is suffering from chemo brain as well.  Can anyone please help me to help him? I would appreciate any input whatsoever. My husband just turned 70 a few days after he started treatment. Needless to say his spirits have been really low as well. :(((


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Radiation Hell

    I am so very sorry that your husband has joined our lovely club. Its no fun, but now we're a part of it, we have to go with the flow. 

    I had a terrible time with radiation. The pain with defecation equalled if not exceeded the pain of childbirth. It prboably equalled it, its just that it happened day in and day out, instead of one day of labor and then the baby. 

    I personally found nothing to elivitate the pain. I talked to my Radiatologist, and he had nothing to offer either. 

    For the burning urination, other than talking to the Radiologist, which is always the frist step, I would drink as much water as is safe, and maybe add the Cranberry jucie, just incase he has a UTI. I don't remember any burning but I did keep myself hydrated.

    As for the back pain. I'm sure you've already talked to his Radiologist about it. But I would be telling him every day you go in. I don't like the sound of that, as Radiation can damage the bones, if not directed properly. 

    Ah, Chemo Brain. Its an odd sensation, and scary. I felt like my head was wadded with cottonwool. I felt like I was in a constant fog. 

    Welcome to the forum. You will find much help and advice here, and support and friendship. 

  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    Wow! So sorry he is in so much pain!

    I'd call the radiologist and ask him what he can give him to relieve the pain. Sue could be right, he may have a UTI that is causing the burning. Maybe they can give him pain medication until he's finished with the radiation. I'm so sorry he's dealing with this. I know it's hard for you to watch your husband in such pain. Call the radiologist and see what he can do. If he gives you no satisfaction, talk to his oncologist or internist. Someone has to help this poor man!


  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    Dear Friend,

    I went through the same treatment 2 years ago. Chemo and radiation causes inflammation and demages the cells that are multiplyin fast. That means cancer but also the skin and the inner lining of our bladder, urether and intestines. The skin and the anal area have to be constantly moisturized and has to take anti-inflammatory medication for the inner probkems. Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or better yet Alive is a strong pain killer and also an anti-inflamnatory. Alive is also good for muscle cramps which is probably causing your husband's back pain. I was taking 800mg ibuprofen 3-4 a day. Ask your doctor about the proper dosage for your husband.

    It is very hard right now, but you guys will get through it. If he is gonna get surgery come back to the board for more information.

    All the best,


  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    He needs medical assistance

    Being in such pain is not something to wait for it to get better.  Have you called his doctor?

    I think you should take him to the ER and let them determine not only cause, but also get him some pain relief.

    Hope things improve quickly.

    Marie who loves kitties

  • hurleyrr
    hurleyrr Member Posts: 2
    lp1964 said:

    Dear Friend,

    I went through the same treatment 2 years ago. Chemo and radiation causes inflammation and demages the cells that are multiplyin fast. That means cancer but also the skin and the inner lining of our bladder, urether and intestines. The skin and the anal area have to be constantly moisturized and has to take anti-inflammatory medication for the inner probkems. Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or better yet Alive is a strong pain killer and also an anti-inflamnatory. Alive is also good for muscle cramps which is probably causing your husband's back pain. I was taking 800mg ibuprofen 3-4 a day. Ask your doctor about the proper dosage for your husband.

    It is very hard right now, but you guys will get through it. If he is gonna get surgery come back to the board for more information.

    All the best,


    Your Input would be very helpful

    How are you Laz.  My mother was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer.  I've been exploring options out there, and was hoping to get someones input who has been thru this before.  She jsut went thru her first week of Chemo.  In your experience, did you see any improvement in your condition while goign thru chemo? And if so, how soon?  Also, have you heard, or tired, Integrative Oncology?  I went to a Integrative Oncologist with my mom last week, and they put a lot of emphasis on diet, and chrono-chemotherapy.  Its hard to know what, or who, to believe.  Any advice you can give would be greatly appreciated.

  • Coppercent
    Coppercent Member Posts: 158
    Lemon juice

    i would call the doctor and discuss all of the pain issues. I would squeeze lemons in my water and drink it throughout the day. The lemon juice stopped the burning on urination. It really works. I drank it every day.