1/2 way of Treatment

cmai Member Posts: 21

Hi all,


My husband finished 18/35 rad treatment and head 2nd round of high dose Cisplatin last Monday.  He's misserable, no appetite, cramping in the epigastirc area. His skin is slightly burnt from the radiation...


I can't wait until he's done.  The lymph node on the side of his neck is about a pea size... (it was about 3cm at the start of treatment).


I think the Graviola tea has prevented a dip of WBC.


Thank you all for your support!!!





  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member

    the cure is worse than the illness. Halfway is a good place to be it's a downhill run now. I'm 2 years after treatment and it's a distant memory. He will feel better but it takes time. for about 2 weeks after the chem/rads he will still'cook' but then week by week improvements start. It's slow going but by my recovery it can be done. I feel practically normal now. I've adapted to a few side effects. My neck is a little wooden but exersise helps. My saliva is ok if I don't talk too much but then I can use artificial saliva. My taste buds in some food aren't quite right. Things I liked before I don't like now I prefer sweet to savoury. All these things don't worry me. I have my energy back and I do things as before. its slow but you get there in the end.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    HI Kathy


    No Appetite, Cramping. Skin is slightly burnt from the radiation all sounds normal. It is hell going through treatment but soon it will be over, keep encouraging him that before he knows it the treatment will be finished. God bless you for being his loving caretaker wife



  • cmai
    cmai Member Posts: 21
    Hondo said:

    HI Kathy


    No Appetite, Cramping. Skin is slightly burnt from the radiation all sounds normal. It is hell going through treatment but soon it will be over, keep encouraging him that before he knows it the treatment will be finished. God bless you for being his loving caretaker wife



    Thank you for the Support

    Jack & Tim


    Thank you for the support.  It sure is like a roller coastal ride.  He started feeling fine, then mouth sores, then fatigue,n/v from chemo, then no appetite and abdomen pain...  and it seems be in cycles.  I can't wait till it's over. I pray no one has to suffer through this .. and I pray that he has many years to come after this suffering.



  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    cmai said:

    Thank you for the Support

    Jack & Tim


    Thank you for the support.  It sure is like a roller coastal ride.  He started feeling fine, then mouth sores, then fatigue,n/v from chemo, then no appetite and abdomen pain...  and it seems be in cycles.  I can't wait till it's over. I pray no one has to suffer through this .. and I pray that he has many years to come after this suffering.




    It's a tough go but your husband is halfway there! It will all be worth it when his scan reads "no evidence of disease". If he doesn't already have zofran or something similar for n/v he should ask for it. Also, pain meds for the abdomen pain. Most importantly, make certain your husband stays well hydrated. Sorry, nothing to offer for the mouth sores. Mine were on my lips and miserable. As soon as tx finished they improved quickly. 


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    Next Stop COMPLETION, USA!!!



    Halfway there is a good milestone, now just bring it  on home.

    As said, keep drinking water lots of water and swallow, swallow, swallow. It doesn’t sound like much but it goes a long way towards recovery.

    Good luck,



  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member
    Congratulations on reaching

    Congratulations on reaching the halfway mark! It's good news that the lymph node has shrunk. As you've heard from others on this site, the end of treatment is the beginning of the healing process which takes a while. Just be patient; improvement is slow but sure. Encourage your husband to take in whatever food and liquid he can manage. Try smoothies or soft, slippery food like canned fruit and pasta. And don't forget to take care of yourself! It's tempting to just make yourself a piece of toast for dinner, but you need to eat well too. We'll be counting down the days with you!

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Kathy, 1/2 way through is

    Kathy, 1/2 way through is fantastic!!  won't be long and you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel and he will be on the road to recovery.  praying for the rest of tx and recovery to go smoothly.

    God bless you,


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    It is rough........

    It can be a road to hell and back at times. But remember, you can only walk half way into a forest, because once you are half way in, you are now going out of the forest. Just take one day at a time, it does really get better in time. That is what he is fighting for, time. He will get through this even as rough as it is, and the recovery can be a little slow at times, but the outcome is so worth it. You get your life back, and lots of time...............


  • rcaulder
    rcaulder Member Posts: 70

    I was there a week ago. I am now down to 8 treatments left with 1 Erbitux. It will come soon enough. This has been a rough ride. I have only lost 7lbs so far without a PEG. Great to hear about the node. Mine was 3.9 CM that is now barely palpable. My succes I owe to God who gave me some great doctors. I also have recieved support from great people here. I wish the treatment wasn't so brutal, but it's what has proven to work. I still talk, eat and swallow. I am kind of the stubborn stupid type. It will get a little rougher from this point, but just keep him eating and swallowing. Mouth sores are tough. I also have 11 year old sons I look at everyday. They motivate me to swallow nutrients with the pain. This is tough stuff. God is awesome though.   

  • tomb247
    tomb247 Member Posts: 54
     Kathy,I am 4 months



    I am 4 months removed from treatment (6wks IMRT 7 Fields) and here are a few things that helped during the last few weeks of treatment and after:

     If skin is not too irritated, pure Aloe vera gel and sea buckthorn oil mixed may help alleviate some of the severity of the skin issues. (Check with doctor to make sure it is ok). Also gargling with pure aloe vera juice and sea buckthorn oil (food grade) may help with mouth sores. (Again check with doctor). My doctor said it would not hurt and really had no opinion as to whether it would help. The research on these say that they will lubricate the affected skin and mucosa respectively. I did use a number of natural remedies for relief but always ran it by my doctor because some things may interfere with the treatment.

    As many have said before, swallow, swallow and keep swallowing. Even though he may not feel like eating or drinking because of discomfort and taste, super important. 

    Here is a link to a Purdue University summary of sea buckthorn berry oil based on past research: https://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/proceedings1999/pdf/v4-335.pdf

    Take Care and God Bless,


    Tom from NW Missouri

  • cmai
    cmai Member Posts: 21
    Thank YOu

    Thanks All ..


    You all have been great support...  It's awesome to know that we are not alone and there are great people out there!!!


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    cmai said:

    Thank YOu

    Thanks All ..


    You all have been great support...  It's awesome to know that we are not alone and there are great people out there!!!


    Hi Kathy


    Just checking to see how your husband is doing with his treatment, should be getting close to the finish line by now.



  • cmai
    cmai Member Posts: 21
    Hondo said:

    Hi Kathy


    Just checking to see how your husband is doing with his treatment, should be getting close to the finish line by now.



    NOT good new


    I posted an update... As I was getting ready to celebrate.. "we are done.."  I was preparing to head home  in 2 weeks.  Drop my boys off and came back to NJ for 3rd round chemo...  Had appt and was told by our med onc that she's canceling the 3rd round chemo :(((


    His MRI and Pet scan showed mets to liver and multiple sites of bone :(((  The worst part... I've heard anything from his rad-onc, whether to keep on going .. or stop the treatment.

    My medical oncologist recommend to find clinical trial for him... because of young kids and school is starting soon... we will head back to Hopkins.

    I decided to cancel his rad tx (30th) and head home in 6 hours w/o hearing any thing from his rad onc.....


    I can't sleep .. it's now 2;30am.. 

    Tim... I want to know what you did .. can you suggest me what to do for my husband.. I know you were told you had 6 months.........

    my med onc won't tell us his expected time..which I completely understood :(




  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    cmai said:

    NOT good new


    I posted an update... As I was getting ready to celebrate.. "we are done.."  I was preparing to head home  in 2 weeks.  Drop my boys off and came back to NJ for 3rd round chemo...  Had appt and was told by our med onc that she's canceling the 3rd round chemo :(((


    His MRI and Pet scan showed mets to liver and multiple sites of bone :(((  The worst part... I've heard anything from his rad-onc, whether to keep on going .. or stop the treatment.

    My medical oncologist recommend to find clinical trial for him... because of young kids and school is starting soon... we will head back to Hopkins.

    I decided to cancel his rad tx (30th) and head home in 6 hours w/o hearing any thing from his rad onc.....


    I can't sleep .. it's now 2;30am.. 

    Tim... I want to know what you did .. can you suggest me what to do for my husband.. I know you were told you had 6 months.........

    my med onc won't tell us his expected time..which I completely understood :(




    So sorry to hear this...

    Kathy i'm sorry to hear about your husband. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.
