stage IV tumor removed

chnsaw68 Member Posts: 4

Had surgery in October of 2014 to remove a stage IV tumor with half of my colon. They hooked me up to a chemo pump, while my wife went to get the prescriptions for nausea, etc... only to find out that my insurance had cancelled. I finished the one treatment, took everything back, and haven't been back.


No meds for chemo, then got a $25,000 bill from the hospital. Wife wants me to go back, due to some recent problems, but why should I run up a bigger bill that she's going to be stuck with? 


  • neons356
    neons356 Member Posts: 57 Member

    Can't you get insurance through the Affordable Care Act? If you're a stage 4 it would seem like being under treatment would be critical for you.


  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member

    I guess I would question how your insurance was canceled  These days non-payment is about the only way to lose it.  If it is thru your employer or your wife's then they would have to have canceled all employees.  Were you not notified of the cancelation?  Surely the doctor and or hospital verified insurance coverage.

    T\hese days you can get coverage even with a pre-existing condition like cancer.

    You need to speek with the billing department at your hospital about your bill.  They should be able to help you and perhaps can direct you to help getting other insurance.

    Marie who loves kitties

  • chnsaw68
    chnsaw68 Member Posts: 4


    I guess I would question how your insurance was canceled  These days non-payment is about the only way to lose it.  If it is thru your employer or your wife's then they would have to have canceled all employees.  Were you not notified of the cancelation?  Surely the doctor and or hospital verified insurance coverage.

    T\hese days you can get coverage even with a pre-existing condition like cancer.

    You need to speek with the billing department at your hospital about your bill.  They should be able to help you and perhaps can direct you to help getting other insurance.

    Marie who loves kitties

    Had ky's version of ocare.

    Had ky's version of ocare. Lost my job when I couldn't work. No problem until I started chemo, then they cancelled.

  • chnsaw68
    chnsaw68 Member Posts: 4
    neons356 said:


    Can't you get insurance through the Affordable Care Act? If you're a stage 4 it would seem like being under treatment would be critical for you.


    Ocare is who cancelled

    Ocare is who cancelled

  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,428 Member
    Find an Advocate and Contact Insurance Regulators

    See if you can find someone, perhaps an attorney if you who handles these things and deals with these matters.  There often attorneys who fulfill pro bono (free) services and/or certain public resource attorneys in order to minimize the financial cost.  There may be other outlets. 

    Also you may want to contact the State Insurance board.  

    Gather up all details on why the insurance company dropped you.

    You need to get treatment and chemo it sounds like, do not let this stop you.  Hospitals also may work out payment plans.  And try not to think about it running up bills that your wife will be stuck with.  Though this dance of cancer and chemo sucks, and Stage IV is not picnic, there are many Stage IV people here who have beat it.  I am Stage IIIC, scans clean but potential Stage IV could happen if these things do blow up, but it is beatable.

    Find someone who can step in and ease the burden of the insurance issue.  You have enough on your plate.

  • chnsaw68
    chnsaw68 Member Posts: 4
    NewHere said:

    Find an Advocate and Contact Insurance Regulators

    See if you can find someone, perhaps an attorney if you who handles these things and deals with these matters.  There often attorneys who fulfill pro bono (free) services and/or certain public resource attorneys in order to minimize the financial cost.  There may be other outlets. 

    Also you may want to contact the State Insurance board.  

    Gather up all details on why the insurance company dropped you.

    You need to get treatment and chemo it sounds like, do not let this stop you.  Hospitals also may work out payment plans.  And try not to think about it running up bills that your wife will be stuck with.  Though this dance of cancer and chemo sucks, and Stage IV is not picnic, there are many Stage IV people here who have beat it.  I am Stage IIIC, scans clean but potential Stage IV could happen if these things do blow up, but it is beatable.

    Find someone who can step in and ease the burden of the insurance issue.  You have enough on your plate.

    Thanks for the advice, having

    Thanks for the advice, having problems with my bones now. Can't stand up very long without pain spiking! Wonder if it's spread, but really don't want more parts cut off. After getting bill for $25000, hard to go back to the docs!!

  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,428 Member
    chnsaw68 said:

    Thanks for the advice, having

    Thanks for the advice, having problems with my bones now. Can't stand up very long without pain spiking! Wonder if it's spread, but really don't want more parts cut off. After getting bill for $25000, hard to go back to the docs!!

    Please Please Please

    Do not let the bills get in you way.  I know that is easier said than done, and the thought of the bills piling up is not a good asepct when going through this at all.    If you are in are in debillitating pain where you cannot stand, you need something to help.  Maybe even a trip to the ER or a local place/clinic type thing where costs may not be high.

    Don't give up, you can get past this and it sounds like you medical attention now.

    Hang in there and keep posting here, there is a ton of support and advice.

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Have you contacted the state about this?

    I would call these folks and see what they say:

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member

    for Medicaid. This is why we need universal health care. In most modern first world countries you can't get 'cancelled.' I don't want to open up a political debate but it sounds like you're giving up because of money. There are solutions out there. Our system is flawed, especially if you're not wealthy, but don't just give up and die. The hospital will tell you where to seek financial help. Good luck!