Chemo Question

Kritter Member Posts: 147

Hello all,

I am curious about what my Doctor said. Just wanting your opinions on this. 

I asked him how many chemo treatments I would be having with this new cancer they discovered and he got quiet and then said * When it stops working* but you may need breaks or we may have to try something new later on if it does quit working.

My question... is he saying this is treatable but not curable? 

I will ask more when I see him soon but it just startled me so bad I lost my train of thought for awhile. Just curious what you might think it means.

Prayers and Hugs Kritter


  • lornal
    lornal Member Posts: 428

    I heard from several doctors before I had surgery that chemo is not a cure.  ALthough, chemo can cause it to go into remission.  Radiation, however is a cure.



    Lorna 2007 & 2014.

  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member

    Kritter, my grandma took a chemo drug for years and years. She died at age 86, but not from cancer. My father-in-law has been having regular monitoring and taking a chemo drug for at least ten years. It seems that some cancers are treated like chronic diseases. It stinks, but at least there are treatments. With the rate of new discoveries lately,  I truly feel we are only a few years from an actual cure. Prayers are going up for you.


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804

    I'm not sure what he ment by the answer. I also understand your concerns, as I know I would be as well. You have many questions, so please write them down and leave space for answers. Hand the paper to him and then when he gives an answer that might through you you don't go blank. I thioght I had everything covered when I first met with the tumor board, but I was wrong. He answered one and I just went blank. I was not prepaired for that. The next time I wrote them down and handed it to him and as he went down my list he answered each one and even wrote the answers down. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. You will be able to deal with what ever this is, as you are much stronger then you realize.


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    kritter, i never had chemo so

    kritter, i never had chemo so i really can't comment.  i definitely understand your concer though.  i would absolutely write all my questions down and go through them with him one at a time.  don't feel bad for taking up time, it is your life you're discussing.  i do know that many people have been on chemo for years to keep it in remission but i've only heard this, i have no real info as to what type or how long it worked.  i will be praying for you, kritter.  if you can, take someone to your doctor visit with you.  it may be too much for you to retain all at once.

    God bless you,


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    kritter, i never had chemo so

    kritter, i never had chemo so i really can't comment.  i definitely understand your concer though.  i would absolutely write all my questions down and go through them with him one at a time.  don't feel bad for taking up time, it is your life you're discussing.  i do know that many people have been on chemo for years to keep it in remission but i've only heard this, i have no real info as to what type or how long it worked.  i will be praying for you, kritter.  if you can, take someone to your doctor visit with you.  it may be too much for you to retain all at once.

    God bless you,



    Last year, when I had chemo, there were several people there on long term chemo. With tht being said, they all seemed to be coping and doing quite well. Ask your doctor to be more specific for you and if he says his plan is long term, you can always seek another opinion if you aren't comfortable with that.  Plus, you never know what is coming down the pipeline as a new solution.

  • Kritter
    Kritter Member Posts: 147

    Thanks for all the comments and advice I recieved, I will start taking someone with me and a note pad as well. 

    I am adjusting daily to my new issues and I know I can beat this.!  

    Prayers and Hugs ...Kritter 

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Kritter said:


    Thanks for all the comments and advice I recieved, I will start taking someone with me and a note pad as well. 

    I am adjusting daily to my new issues and I know I can beat this.!  

    Prayers and Hugs ...Kritter 

    Hi Kritter

    I am back on line now that I landed home in Honduras and got internet up and working. I too like all the rest would like to know the answer to that question.


    My prayers are with you
