Debbie Downer

hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

One of these days I hope to have something good  to post. Am back in hospital  again. Suspect c diff  Angry as was here six weeks ago and they kept throwing antibiotics at me. Left with two or three and couldn't tolerate any.  Antibiotics cause c diff. 

Unable  to do water or ensure so little choice than to come back  this is just  so  old and so drepressing . 

Just needed to whine

I was fine at home if I didn't eat or drink but knew realisticalily that wouldnt last long 

feeling like I should be die for a break.


  • lornal
    lornal Member Posts: 428

    Sorry to hear you are back in the hospital.  That is no fun.  I sent you a PM message last week, did you get it?  If not, can you PM me your email address.  Thanks!


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    We all know her

    Debbie Downer, we all know her, and it's not you.  Boy, you have been going through it.  Sometimes we need those IV Medes and hydration to get it.  I almost joined you last week.  Woke up Tuesday shivering, no one is shivering this time of year where I live.  102.6 fever.  My husband got me to urgent care (I don't remember much).  Ear infection, meds.  Wednesday I was sweating.  Very weak, as you must be, and dizzy, my new normal.

    Rest and get better.




  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member


    You know we are there with you all the way, for good or for bad, and it is a hard road we all live every day. It is time to put your combat gear back on and prepare for the battle and as you know you will not go alone Jesus will be there holding on to you no matter what.



  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member

    At the high school where I taught, there was a sign on a wall I passed every day. FROG- Fully Rely On God. It's times like these that's what one must do. Years ago, my mom got c diff which she kindly shared with me. It's not fun and can last for a while. Check into prebiotics or probiotics to help repopulate the good bacteria in your body. I hope you will get that well deserved break soon! You will be in my prayers.

  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Praying for a swift recovery.

    Praying for a swift recovery.

    Debbie (upper, not downer).Wink

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Best place to vent you can find..........

    Why.....we understand. It also is some comfort when you can just get it out and write it down.

    Please remember when you are on antibiotics you need to eat yogurt or take probiotics to replace the good bacteria that the antibiotics kill as well as the bad ones.

    Yes Debbie you are over due for a break, and may it soon be here.


  • avisemi
    avisemi Member Posts: 172
    I hate c diff. Dima had it

    I hate c diff. Dima had it for a long time. :( and when he went to the hospital to get treated for it, they ended up messing him up worse than he came in. THough, they did more good than bad so can't complain that much. Hope you get better fast. 

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    feel better

    Candi (and Bev),

    Sorry to hear Debbie Downer paid you a visit.   I hope things are better now.

    Always my best,


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Candi, you've been through so

    Candi, you've been through so much that you have every right to be a downer if you want.  i am so sorry you have yet another set of problems.  i just continue to pray that you get better and then once and for all get totally well.

    God bless you Candi,


  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member

    Candi, you've been through so

    Candi, you've been through so much that you have every right to be a downer if you want.  i am so sorry you have yet another set of problems.  i just continue to pray that you get better and then once and for all get totally well.

    God bless you Candi,


    Debbie Downer

    Don't even feel the need to apologize about ranting here.  If we can't do it here then there's no where else we can go.


    It is very hard to stay positive when your health goes south.  Rant all you want if it makes you feel better.  At least the people here understand completely.  Those w/o C kind of get those glassy eye looks when you try to explain the difficulty you're having.  Not us.  We just nod in understanding and put you on our prayer list with the hopes that things will get better.



  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Debbie Downer

    Don't even feel the need to apologize about ranting here.  If we can't do it here then there's no where else we can go.


    It is very hard to stay positive when your health goes south.  Rant all you want if it makes you feel better.  At least the people here understand completely.  Those w/o C kind of get those glassy eye looks when you try to explain the difficulty you're having.  Not us.  We just nod in understanding and put you on our prayer list with the hopes that things will get better.




    Thank you Tom and everyone else. Very much sppreciated.

  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    hwt said:


    Thank you Tom and everyone else. Very much sppreciated.

    How are you doing?

    How are you doing?  Hopefully back home.  I know that it takes awhile to get body and gut back after antibiotics as well as everything else that is and has been going on in your life.  Try to get some rest.

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    KTeacher said:

    How are you doing?

    How are you doing?  Hopefully back home.  I know that it takes awhile to get body and gut back after antibiotics as well as everything else that is and has been going on in your life.  Try to get some rest.


    Thanks for asking. I was back in ER earlier in the week, dehydrated and down 16 pounds in less than 2 weeks.  Finally tested negative for the c diff yipeeee.  My G tube was checked and is still in place. They suspect issues with tube feed as the culprit.  I see the GI specialist tomorrow or Tuesday. Am working hard to take in 2000 ML water a day but best I have done in the way of nutrition is 1-2 cans of Ensure Plus. In a nutshell, if I don't eat or drink, I am great! Missing my husband a great deal but family is near.

  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    hwt said:


    Thanks for asking. I was back in ER earlier in the week, dehydrated and down 16 pounds in less than 2 weeks.  Finally tested negative for the c diff yipeeee.  My G tube was checked and is still in place. They suspect issues with tube feed as the culprit.  I see the GI specialist tomorrow or Tuesday. Am working hard to take in 2000 ML water a day but best I have done in the way of nutrition is 1-2 cans of Ensure Plus. In a nutshell, if I don't eat or drink, I am great! Missing my husband a great deal but family is near.

    Missing hubby and health

    Missing hubby and health issues of your own is rough. Praying for healing and confort.  Debbie

  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    hwt said:


    Thanks for asking. I was back in ER earlier in the week, dehydrated and down 16 pounds in less than 2 weeks.  Finally tested negative for the c diff yipeeee.  My G tube was checked and is still in place. They suspect issues with tube feed as the culprit.  I see the GI specialist tomorrow or Tuesday. Am working hard to take in 2000 ML water a day but best I have done in the way of nutrition is 1-2 cans of Ensure Plus. In a nutshell, if I don't eat or drink, I am great! Missing my husband a great deal but family is near.


    Sending prayers, hugs and love your way.  I hope you catch a break soon and are feeling better!! 

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    hwt said:


    Thanks for asking. I was back in ER earlier in the week, dehydrated and down 16 pounds in less than 2 weeks.  Finally tested negative for the c diff yipeeee.  My G tube was checked and is still in place. They suspect issues with tube feed as the culprit.  I see the GI specialist tomorrow or Tuesday. Am working hard to take in 2000 ML water a day but best I have done in the way of nutrition is 1-2 cans of Ensure Plus. In a nutshell, if I don't eat or drink, I am great! Missing my husband a great deal but family is near.

    The missing...........

    They say it gets easier in time. In a way it doesn't hurt as bad but something will happen or you hear a song and all the feelings and memories come rushing back, and yes you still miss them. My Father has been gone 29 years and I still get those feelings. Sometimes I don't even know what set them off. But after the brief sadness, there is always a smile, because I have such great memories. The memories is what will get you through the loss as nothing can ever take them from you. Even writing this brings them up. You only seem to remember all the good memories, as there were many years I did not really see him much as he loved his worked and was at work most of the time. I saw him every morrning and for dinner but he often had to go back to finish something. Now that doesn't seem to matter because I understand why he worked so hard for the family. Candi, your memories will always get you through this. 
