weird symptoms, possible lymphoma?

I probably wouldn't of even thought about lymphoma if I hadn't stumbled across a defining symptom. I was sitting at a bar with my boyfriend and took my few sips of alcohol (I don't drink much) and my shoulders started aching again.  I looked over and asked if his shoulders ever hurt from alcohol. He looked at me with a strange look.  I then asked his friend "what about you?" I got another strange look. 


Now I wouldn't immediately think I have cancer upon research but I have been having weird symptoms for a few years. I get a new symtom it seems around every three-six months,  some come and go and some are just progressively getting worse.


So here's my list:

*All over itchiness that prevents sleep and is crazy making - no rash! 

*pain in the armpits (front, back, and middle), almost constant and is now spreading to the breasts. 

*random sharp pains in the collarbone

*random dead arm feeling in right shoulder (most symtoms favor the right)

*reynauds syndrome in feet which is increasingly getting worse

*moments of extreme lightheadedness and hypotension

*swollen lingual tonsils that have been there 6 months+ with very little tenderness when touched. (I have no tonsils or adnoids) 

*jaw pain that shoots into the ear when I drink alcohol.  

*shoulder pain when I drink alcohol

*stomach pain with and without nausea (random times and lengths)

*persistent sharp pain in appendix area on right side and rarely on left.  (Ovaries and appendix have been ruled out as the cause for pain).

*fatigue of course.. I really need a good night's rest

*right hip pain (rarely on left) that makes it hard to walk.  

*high white blood count low lymphocyte for over 2 years now even with use of antibiotics

As you can see I'm Not in great shape. I have a doctors appointment in 6 days with a new doctor because my last one just kept making everything seem simple.  Years later I'm sicker than ever.  I'm crying at least twice a week just because this is controlling my life.  I used to hike just about every weekend. Now I spend just about every weekend in bed. I have been checked for a lot, but its all the simple things.  Diabetes,  thyroid problems,  allergies, etc.. I even a collonoscopy and endoscopy. Nothing; Nothing!  


So I'm hoping you guys can help me lead this new doctor to a proper diagnoses. Any tests I should ask for,  any ideas on what could be going on with me? 


Meanwhile I'll keep trying my special baths,  heating pads,  10s unit,  and tears to make me feel better. 





  • OO7
    OO7 Member Posts: 281
    Hang on there

    I have lymphoma and didn't have any of your systems.  That doesn't mean you don't have it but I sure you don't!  I did have fatigue and discounted it but it was severe, the kind that when you wake up your exhausted, driving a car is difficult.  I hope you get results soon and feel better even sooner.  

    Be your own advocate, stay steadfast and stong and I hope there is another reason for your systems.  

    Best of Luck.

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member


    I re-read your "list" several times, including the tests you have already had done, all with negative results.  These disparate problems do not at all suggest lymphoma, in my layman's experience. Most of them I have never heard linked to lymphoma in any way.

    Wishing you a clear diagnosis soon,


  • Rocquie
    Rocquie Member Posts: 869 Member

    Itching is a classic lymphoma symptom. Pain in the jaw and shoulders when drinking alcohol is also reported. Personally, I was experiencing crippling fatigue. I did not have high white cell count but I did have low lymphocytes in the investigative period leading up to my diagnosis. Everyone is different. 

    Why not tell your new doctor, outright, that you suspect lymphoma so that he or she can test for it? 

    Good luck. I hope you do not have lymphoma, but if you do, please know that it is very treatable. I, myself, have been in remission for over 2 years and I feel great--miles better than I did before diagnosis.





  • Misspelled_My_Name
    Misspelled_My_Name Member Posts: 2
    Well the doc ordered a ton of

    Well the doc ordered a ton of tests and is sensing me to a hemotologist.  I didn't mention anything I suspected yet,  but just rattled off a few symptoms before she started talking about a possible blood disorder and sensing me to a hematologist.  I'm on another round of 10-day amoxicillin 875mg because I was running a fever at the doctors office.  She knows I just tried a 7 day course 2 months ago,  ago she upped it a little.  Wondering if it's am infection and I'm antibiotic resistant? I don't know but I'm really sore today, been getting headaches from the neck pain at the base of the skull.


    It's definitely affecting my lymph nodes whatever it is and it's been quite some time.  


    My tongue I believe is a another thing called tonsil stones.  I started taking oil of oregano and my tongue began hurting and pushing stones out.  The swelling on the right side has went down a little since I got what I believe was one stone out. 


    Thanks for your help and will let you guys know when I know what's going on.  :/

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member

    Well the doc ordered a ton of

    Well the doc ordered a ton of tests and is sensing me to a hemotologist.  I didn't mention anything I suspected yet,  but just rattled off a few symptoms before she started talking about a possible blood disorder and sensing me to a hematologist.  I'm on another round of 10-day amoxicillin 875mg because I was running a fever at the doctors office.  She knows I just tried a 7 day course 2 months ago,  ago she upped it a little.  Wondering if it's am infection and I'm antibiotic resistant? I don't know but I'm really sore today, been getting headaches from the neck pain at the base of the skull.


    It's definitely affecting my lymph nodes whatever it is and it's been quite some time.  


    My tongue I believe is a another thing called tonsil stones.  I started taking oil of oregano and my tongue began hurting and pushing stones out.  The swelling on the right side has went down a little since I got what I believe was one stone out. 


    Thanks for your help and will let you guys know when I know what's going on.  :/

    The only thing that 'defines'

    The only thing that 'defines' lymphoma is a pathologist's report, based on testing and examination of an entire excised node. Nothing else will do so. Almost all of your symptoms could be hundreds of non-malignang conditions.  

  • Sdgirl96
    Sdgirl96 Member Posts: 4
    po18guy said:

    The only thing that 'defines'

    The only thing that 'defines' lymphoma is a pathologist's report, based on testing and examination of an entire excised node. Nothing else will do so. Almost all of your symptoms could be hundreds of non-malignang conditions.  

    My oncologist said the

    My oncologist said the infected Lymphnodes can hurt when drinking. Mine is in my groin though. But that's really the only symptom that I can relate to on your list. I'd ask your doctor for a pathology report from a biopsy from one of your inflamed nodes.