Just a quick update - NED for SRC, starting to deal with newly dx breast cancer

Maxiecat Member Posts: 544 Member

Hi Everyone,

I am back after taking a break from dealing with Signet Ring (SRC) cancer.  For those of you that don't know me... I was dx in 2012 with stage 3b SRC cancer with 4 of 18 nodes involved.  I had the rt hemi and 6 months of Folfox.  At about 1 year out from dx, I was experiencing daily pain and my CEA was going up a little and my scans were suspiciuous.  We opted for a diagnostic laparoscopy to rule out progression and to determine if I was a candidate for HIPEC.  They didn't find anything!  I was declared NED!  My subsequent scans have all been good - no change noted and my labs have been all within normal - so I have remained NED.  I have been enjoing life without the constant thoughts about cancer, my neuropathy has finally subsided, I gained probably too much weight back, I have been able to eat a normal diet, I had just been starting to get back to "normal".   I was getting ready for my 3 year anniversay from SRC - when I asked my oncologist for a referral for my annual mammogram in January at my 6 mo appointment.


Well, I waited until March and finally got in to get my mammogram.  I opted to pay the extra $40 to get a 3-d mammogram this time.  I am glad that I did.  The mammo revealed several spots that needed another look.  I had a repeat mammo and was then told that I needed a biopsy.  I had the biopsy done at the end of March.  The first week of April, I got the news that it was DCIS stage 0/1...and that I would need surgery.  My oncologist met w/me and suggested that we do the genetic testing (I have a family history of BC) - the testing took almost a month to come back.  It was negative for any of the BC genes (we are still waiting for all of the other genetic tests for Colon Cancer to come back).  I have picked a surgeon and am scheduled for my consultation on Tuesday and a breast MRI on Thursday.  After having to wait a few weeks...things are finally moving.  I have been researching my options - I am not sure yet if we are going to go w/a lumpectomy and 6 weeks of radiation or a mastecomy.  I won't make a decision until after the consultation and the MRI - I was told that I have dense tissue - so the DCIS may be more involved.  The good thing is that it looks like I won't need any chemo this time around.  I just don't know I don't want to have to wonder if the BC is coming back.  The surgeon's assistant told me that it really is up to me to decide what I want to do - but that the MRI will help guide that decision.


I am still kind of numb about this... having to deal with cancer again.  Things are crazy here with school out in just a couple of weeks...my kids are 13 and 14...my taxi is always going.  My husband might be changing jobs soon (like in the next month) - I am not sure how that will affect surgery with a change in insurance.... will I have to postpone it, will the new insurance pick up the tail end of treatment costs, will my Drs even be in network, ugh and will my out of pocket calculator start all over again and will be end up paying much more?  My inlaws are moving up from FL to PA in the next few weeks and will be staying with us for a few weeks while they house hunt and before they can close on a new house.  How long will they actually be here?  I am sure my MIL will be helpful.  And just last night I talked to my Mom...my Dad is in the hospital with heart issues from his COPD and lung disease.  His lung function is only at about 30% right now.  Should I postpone treatment and go and see him?  Will my mom need help with him when he gets out?  What if something happens to him while I am still recovering and can't drive (I hate flying)? 


I think I need to go pick up a box of Calgon....I wonder, do they still make that stuff?


Sorry this was so long winded...but this is what is going on with me right now.  The good news is that SRC can have a good outcome...and even though it was a scary high-grade cancer, NED can be found.  It is just the rest of the stuff that "life" throws at you that can be a challenge at times.





  • lilacbrroller
    lilacbrroller Member Posts: 412 Member
    Good lord!

    you have a lot on your plate. Yes, by all means, let yourself be frogmarched to the nearest bath and body works type store! Very sorry about your second experience with cancer, but happy it is stage one and resolvable.

    good luck with everything



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Long winded

    You be as long-winded as you want. It stinks that you have a secondary Cancer. My heart hurts for you. 

    I pray all will go well as you rid yourself of this, and then let it be plain sailing. You deserve it. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • jen2012
    jen2012 Member Posts: 1,607 Member
    Hey alex,  I'm so sorry you

    Hey alex,  I'm so sorry you are dealing with more cancer, but glad they caught it early.  Just unbelievable!  One step at a time.  You will get thru it all.

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    I am truly sorry to hear that

    I am truly sorry to hear that you have to deal with a second cancer.