
Girl2 Member Posts: 27

This may seem a silly question but has anyone on chemo had has cea reduce one cycle and go up the next ? An this happen?


my dads cea was 65 before chemo and after round 2 it went to 55 


  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    you asked this before



  • Girl2
    Girl2 Member Posts: 27

    you asked this before



    Yep i did . Ur right. i think

    Yep i did . Ur right. i think I'm so over worrying that I'm asking the same question 

  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    Girl2 said:

    Yep i did . Ur right. i think

    Yep i did . Ur right. i think I'm so over worrying that I'm asking the same question 

    You Need To Make A List

    And talk to the doctors. 

    Take a look at my post here


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    A reduction in levels is always a good thing, but they still can be unrelieable so don't read too much into it.  Some doctors don't check for levels because much can influence the levels, but it's good to hear that they went down.


  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member

    you asked this before



    It's also been asked on the colon club

    where this member was posting many of the same questions in past months.  Not trying to be rude here, girl2, but there is only so much energy available on any one forum, and it just seems counter-productive to be asking questions on one site, and then again months later on another site.

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member

    There are SO many things that can cause the CEA to rise or fall that it's not really a reliable marker to go by. In some cases it can be helpful if after a long period of time you notice a rise in the CEA and the appearance of new tumors but when you're just starting out it can be a bit misleading. That's not to say that a lower CEA is a bad thing. It just means that it's lower and could be due to many factors, some of which may (or may not) be cancer related.

    I'm sure I confused things but my point is that often too much weight is put on that number 

  • DD3
    DD3 Member Posts: 136 Member

    my wife's oncologist checked her CEA during her FOLFOX treatment. My wife's CEA has been historically low and probably isn't a good indicator for her anyways.  I would say don't stress about the levels during treatment as chemo can have some adverse effects on body.  That is way easier said then done. 

  • DGOH5963
    DGOH5963 Member Posts: 3

    Dear All,


    My name is Desmond i am from the small red dot : Singapore.

    If CEA tumor markers idicators are not reliable than what information will be more reliable.

    I am concerns as my wife was diagnosed stage 4 CRC  mets to liver .  Had RFA done for he leveer mets.

    Had chemo - 5FU, Oxiplatin, Eibetux for couple of treatment since May.

    Last PET scan shows clean.         

    So can someone help how and where to get reliable information on how one is doing .

    Thanks for your valuable inputs to this regards





  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    DGOH5963 said:


    Dear All,


    My name is Desmond i am from the small red dot : Singapore.

    If CEA tumor markers idicators are not reliable than what information will be more reliable.

    I am concerns as my wife was diagnosed stage 4 CRC  mets to liver .  Had RFA done for he leveer mets.

    Had chemo - 5FU, Oxiplatin, Eibetux for couple of treatment since May.

    Last PET scan shows clean.         

    So can someone help how and where to get reliable information on how one is doing .

    Thanks for your valuable inputs to this regards





    Welcome to the forum, Desomond

    I think that getting a reliable result probably depends on the person and on doing a combination of tests. CEA along with CT and/or PET Scan seem to be your best option for most people. 

    When my CEA was rising my CT Scan was clear but a PET Scan showed the tumour in my liver. For others, as you have read, a CEA is not a good indicator but a CT Scan is. 

    Its a matter of finding out which test, one or all, is the best indicator for your wife. It takes time, and I that is hard when dealing with Cancer. 

    I wish your wife the best. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • DGOH5963
    DGOH5963 Member Posts: 3
    Trubrit said:

    Welcome to the forum, Desomond

    I think that getting a reliable result probably depends on the person and on doing a combination of tests. CEA along with CT and/or PET Scan seem to be your best option for most people. 

    When my CEA was rising my CT Scan was clear but a PET Scan showed the tumour in my liver. For others, as you have read, a CEA is not a good indicator but a CT Scan is. 

    Its a matter of finding out which test, one or all, is the best indicator for your wife. It takes time, and I that is hard when dealing with Cancer. 

    I wish your wife the best. 

    Sue - Trubrit


    Hi Sue & all,


    Thanks for your sharing.

    As from feed back CEA tumor cancer marker are not a reliable and i am still at lost how to get good indicator results.

    By the way how many times can a cancer patient go through CT Scan & PET Scan to check on the reliablity.

    Oncologist or any experts please share on how to contained cancer cell growth and or spread of cancer tumor in the human body.

    Your input sharing is greatly appreciated.









  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    DGOH5963 said:


    Hi Sue & all,


    Thanks for your sharing.

    As from feed back CEA tumor cancer marker are not a reliable and i am still at lost how to get good indicator results.

    By the way how many times can a cancer patient go through CT Scan & PET Scan to check on the reliablity.

    Oncologist or any experts please share on how to contained cancer cell growth and or spread of cancer tumor in the human body.

    Your input sharing is greatly appreciated.









    welcome to the boards

    Sorry you have to be here, but it is a good place.  

    CEA seems to be more indicative of issues for some people as compared to others, based on people discussing things here.  (For some the higher CEA meant an issues, and for others not as reliable).  

    There are also issues about  PET/CT and the rest with exposure to radiation.  There are also issues about sometimes scans being off.  But once on this ride, scans are part of it to check things.  

    In terms of  Oncologist or any experts please share on how to contained cancer cell growth and or spread of cancer tumor in the human body. on a general level treatment involves chemo/radiation/surgery.  (Radiation may or may not be used depending on the type of CRC).  The chemo/radiation may or may not be done before surgery.  (Surgery sometimes first then chemo/radiation or vice versa).  There are also other things that generally can help and there is extensive discussion on things like vitamins and the rest.

    Then of course there are risk factors and things to avoid which may cause cancer.

    If you are able to discuss a bit more of what is going on, some more detailed answers nmay come up.