Memorial Day 2015

rush1958 Member Posts: 223 Member

Hello Gang,

I'm sorry I don't get back here to visit my old friends as often as I should.

It's Memorial Day. For me that means the traditional start of summer, a day of remembrance of those I hold dear and a day of reflection.

Speaking of reflection, about five years ago I was in a hospital bed recovering from an operation. On Good Friday of 2010 I had surgery to remove 41 lymph nodes and to remove a tumor on the base of tongue. The shock of learning that I had cancer and multiple biopsies lay behind me and I was starting to contemplate the 33 radiation treatments and three rounds of cisplatin that lay ahead. On Memorial Day weekend of that year I was back in the hospital again. This time because of severe nausea and dehydration from the second round of chemo.

Through the late spring and summer of 2010 time seemed to slow to a snails pace. It was hard to focus much beyond getting through the day. Fatigue, radiation burns, loss of taste, nausea, dehydration and a host of other ailments all took their toll. I will always remember 2010 as the "lost summer."

It's now five years later. Thankfully, since the end of treatment all of my check-ups and scans have been good. The doctors think I have recovered nicely from the treatments. Fatigue is a distant memory. The sense of taste has returned. Things not exactly the same as before, but I don't mean that in a bad way. It's just a little different.

My strength, my saliva function and my optimism have all returned. I puttered around my rain soaked acerage this weekend. I watched the baby ducks play in a puddle of water and chase insects. I mowed the grass. I've been working on some carpentry projects. That is a sharp contrast to the way life was five years ago.

So what's my point? Well, this is simply a posting for the folks that are beginning this journey. The veterans of this tribulation have all been where you are. Sometimes it seems overwhelming, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Things will get better. Keep your eye on the prize.

Have a great Memorial Day,



  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    thanks for the visit

    Hi Rush,

    It's always great to hear from those who were here getting through the daily struggles of diagnosis, treatment, and recovery of this terrible disease. Often we are able to only focus on one day, literally. It's wonderful knowing hat life gets better and the "new"normal is as rich and fun as before. Thanks again for the report and the official NED!. don

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Thank you for the wonderful update....

    Rush thank you for the wonderful and encouraging update. For thoes starting this trip or in the middle of it, where it can be so rough, this lets them know there is a light at the end. Some go to Mr Google and get such wrong information and numbers as well. There is a few good places out there, but none can compait to this one where you get to see first hand what will most likely happen as far as side effects and how to handle them and what has worked. This information is from the ones that went through and lived it every day. Most of all, this site I believe has helped more than they will ever know, and proud to be part of it. Thank you!

    Bill   Oct 2013

  • Carolinagal4
    Carolinagal4 Member Posts: 22
    wmc said:

    Thank you for the wonderful update....

    Rush thank you for the wonderful and encouraging update. For thoes starting this trip or in the middle of it, where it can be so rough, this lets them know there is a light at the end. Some go to Mr Google and get such wrong information and numbers as well. There is a few good places out there, but none can compait to this one where you get to see first hand what will most likely happen as far as side effects and how to handle them and what has worked. This information is from the ones that went through and lived it every day. Most of all, this site I believe has helped more than they will ever know, and proud to be part of it. Thank you!

    Bill   Oct 2013

    Thank you

    Thank you for the update. I am one who is just starting this journey. I go into the hospital on Friday for surgery to remove part of tongue, rebuild it with flap, and remove lymph nodes on one side.  Then it's off to radiation (possibly chemo) later this summer.  I am just beginning this journey and already this site and the wonderful warriors on it have helped so much with questions on how to prepare.  It is also awesome to hear that life can get back to some sort of normal and a time when this journey isn't all-consuming.  thanks again to all for sharing-it helps so much!

  • polystone2014
    polystone2014 Member Posts: 59

    Thanks for your sharing with us. It definitely encourages us to beat various disease.

  • thennies61
    thennies61 Member Posts: 285
    I to have gone though just

    I to have gone though just about the same kind of surgey and treatments.It is a long trip yet slowly moving forward.They removered part of tounge and replace with muscle from my thigh as a flap.I go in today for a bone graph.As they are going to take bone from my shin and fill a small gap in my jaw from the surgery.Instead of waiting for it fill in naturally they are going to help it along so in a few a months I can get implants.They will trim my line straight and move my tounge flap alittle bit.The wierd part is that I have some feeling back along my tounge.I have slowly been able to feel hot and cold have been able also to move the tounge flap around some when eating or gumming my food.All tests have been good so there is a plus side to going toe to toe with the monster called cancer