One hundred and eighty seven MILLION dollars stolen from Cancer charities

Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
edited May 2015 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Edited to make it readable.

One really has to wonder what the world is coming to. 

Just a few charities involved here, but really, how can you steal money from good people and not just Cancer patients but children suffering as well? 

Sue - Trubrit

Not sure where my head was when I wrote this post. 

Thank you, Marie who Loveskitties. 


  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    I Am Not Sure I Have Seen The Story

    I will google for it, but was there a recent event?  Please tell me it is not St. Judes...

     Edit: Found it.  There is a special karma correction waiting for them.  The words I would use would be censored.

  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    translation of Sue's post

    One really has to wonder what the world is coming to. 

    I know, just a few charities involved here, but really. How can you steal money from good people and from not only regular Cancer patients but children? 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    I haven't seen the story but

    I haven't seen the story but I do not donate to charities and this is why.  I am however extremely charitable.  I will buy a meal for someone or if I know someone is ill, I will go directly to their home and clean, make a meal, do some yardwork.  So many dishonest charities, I just won't give money.  I find it dispicable that Memorial Sloan Kettering collects so much money for "research" but then charges patients copays.  They have an incredible amount of money coming in from insurance and charity.  I appreciate their service but cancer is totally a profitable "business" and it's shameful.

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member

    translation of Sue's post

    One really has to wonder what the world is coming to. 

    I know, just a few charities involved here, but really. How can you steal money from good people and from not only regular Cancer patients but children? 

    Sue - Trubrit

    lol Thanks Marie!  I missed

    lol Thanks Marie!  I missed the original but this gave me a good giggle.  Sue you are such a hoot!

  • John212
    John212 Member Posts: 116 Member
    The good news, if there is any

    In this particular story, the good news is that all the charities were related. They were all run by the same family, whose ill-gotten wealth is now being taken away. They will be individually and collectively shamed, which is as it should be. What these people did was to use the form of a charity to scam people and ought not to reflect on other much more worthy charities that do good work.

    I know how discouraging it is to read that some seemingly charitable organizations appear to be run more like for-profit businesses. When the executives are paid handsomely and much less money flows into research and good works than seems right, we rightfully ought to shun them. Unfortunately, marketing and advertising are very powerful and some of the worst offenders are among the most well-known organizations. From our perspective, this just seems all too unfair.


  • hippiechicks
    hippiechicks Member Posts: 509 Member
    Oh yea!! Whoot whoot!! Glad

    Oh yea!! Whoot whoot!! Glad they brought them down! 

    What goes around comes around .. let's just wonder how well those involved will sleep at night for the remainder of thier days.

    My rule for giving  to cancer is to support those cancer fund raisers close to home .. the ones who have worked so hard to save my life and my community members, and potentially my children in the future.  We have a wonderful hospital and cancer center that does tremendous work and does need support .. it takes a village.

  • marbleotis
    marbleotis Member Posts: 720 Member
    What goes around

    always comes around.  and shame on them they know who they are.  Maybe if they or a family member of theirs had cancer - they would think differently. They did not steal money, they stole people's chances of recovery or additional testing or just that one more speck of research needed to end this thing.  They stole people's lives!

    And what kind of lame accounting system cannot catch $187M of theft, Really people.

    For shame!