Celebrating 2 yrs 6 months NED!

Just a quick upate to let everyone know we are still around and enjoying life! Kreg has celebrated 2 yrs and 6 months! Had his check up Thursday and NED was the word we got!

For anyone fighting the battle.....there is light at the end of the tunnel. Hang in there, it gets better!

God Bless you all,



  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member
    Woo Hoo!

    Looks like I'm the first one who gets to give you a "Woo Hoo!" Thank you for the words of encouragement and may you be around for many more. 

  • polystone2014
    polystone2014 Member Posts: 59

    Great to hear good news. Continue to improve and NED.

  • josh r.
    josh r. Member Posts: 264 Member
    welcome news

    Hi Cris and Kreg,

    This is reason to celerbrate! Time seems to fly faster when you're NED! All the best, josh r.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    NED Wonderful


    Did you hang-up your cancer kicking boots and instead enjoy the good NED life?


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Go Kreg!!

    Thanks for the update, Cris....Love hearing about our old battle buddies,  and that they are doing well. 


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Not much better than NED..........

    Very hapy to hear the great news.......NED
    Not that long ago I had never heard it, and now it is just the sweetest sound to hear, except cured.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Then Came Bronson...

    I mean Kreg...

    Travelin down that long lonesome highway.. Livin life my way..



  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member
    Good News

    This is the kind of news I want to sign on and see. A GOOD KICK AZZ STORY. It will also get better for you with that 5 year light. I recently got the 5 year cured notice.


  • rush1958
    rush1958 Member Posts: 223 Member

    Most excellent! Happy Dance!
