Surgery booked, now what?

Nana4life Member Posts: 78 Member

Hello All, 

Just got my surgery date for the partial nephrectomy.Monday June 8.  I am happy that I'm going to get this thing out of me. I am confident with the surgeon from what I have been researching he is quite good.

I have read some of my medical records from my biospy and it says I have RCC. It's kind of hard to understand but it also says stage 2/4 and 1cm mass And no tubules necrosis. I have no clue what thIs all means. but I do know I have cancer and it sucks bad.

Also, I'm just getting started here so could you help me with some of this language. What is NED? Mets?

Thanks kidney angels!


  • sblairc
    sblairc Member Posts: 585 Member
    I'll be some help here. . .

    Well a 1cm tumor is very small and very very good. But it conflicts with the stage information you gave. Do you mean Grade 2/4 instead of stage? 

    That is important because Stage 2 is a 7 cm tumor. I think you probably meant grade 2. 

    NED is an abbreviation for No Evidence of Metastatic Disease. Basically no currently detectable or active cancer is visible on any scans. 

    METS is short for metastatic (spread of cancer to other organs which is always Stage 4)


    Hope that helps. 



  • Nana4life
    Nana4life Member Posts: 78 Member
    sblairc said:

    I'll be some help here. . .

    Well a 1cm tumor is very small and very very good. But it conflicts with the stage information you gave. Do you mean Grade 2/4 instead of stage? 

    That is important because Stage 2 is a 7 cm tumor. I think you probably meant grade 2. 

    NED is an abbreviation for No Evidence of Metastatic Disease. Basically no currently detectable or active cancer is visible on any scans. 

    METS is short for metastatic (spread of cancer to other organs which is always Stage 4)


    Hope that helps. 




    Yes I meant grade. Thanks for clarifying. What does that mean? 

  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    Nana4life said:


    Yes I meant grade. Thanks for clarifying. What does that mean? 

    Stage 1,grade 2 is good.

    Stage 1,grade 2 is good. Furhman grade show how different the tumor cells are from normal kidney cells. The most simmilar one is grade one and the most different obe is grade four. The aggressiveness is ussually estimated by type of tumor (clear cell,papillary,....), furhman grade and tumir size. Futhman grade is proved to be important factor in reccurances in clear cell type.

  • dhs1963
    dhs1963 Member Posts: 513
    As cancer goes, not bad...

    Grade 2 is good: means not particuluarly aggesive (grade 4 is bad, as are sarcomitoid features).

    Stage 1 means that it is isolated to the kidney -- meaning it has not spread and probably will not spread.

    NED:  that is our goal, No Evidence of Disease


    Necrosis meas dead tissue:  it is a sign of an agressive tumor.  



  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Hi Nana4life,
    You have

    Hi Nana4life,

    You have already received lots of good information. Now is the wait. The worst part. I suggest preparing ahead as much as possible....make some meals ahead of time, get caught up on some things around the house....prep things so that your first week at home is smooth sailing. Jan used a lombar wrap and with ice in it to hold on the incision. That is a really good option instead of or along with pain killers.

    Hoping all goes well for you!



  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member

    I'm not quite sure how to phrase this. But apart from the cancer thing (which is a pretty big thing I'll admit) all your news sounds like good news. Many of us here would love a diagnosis like that! So, chin up! You're in the hands of professionals and everything is looking good.

  • aamdsi
    aamdsi Member Posts: 284
    well for a bad thing

    You got a "great" diagnosis! 

    As people have said, now comes the hard part...waiting.  Take some time for yourself now. 

    Remember to ask questions!  Of both Dr.s and us.  No question is silly, bad or stupid. We've all been there/here.

    I'll add to Jojo's ideas with some good books, and new walking shoes.  For walking (as we all will say) is the best thing for you!

    You'll be fine!  We are here for you.



  • HH431
    HH431 Member Posts: 41
    aamdsi said:

    well for a bad thing

    You got a "great" diagnosis! 

    As people have said, now comes the hard part...waiting.  Take some time for yourself now. 

    Remember to ask questions!  Of both Dr.s and us.  No question is silly, bad or stupid. We've all been there/here.

    I'll add to Jojo's ideas with some good books, and new walking shoes.  For walking (as we all will say) is the best thing for you!

    You'll be fine!  We are here for you.



    Nana4life,I'm scheduled on


    I'm scheduled on Tuesday June 16th for a partial neph.  My mass is 4.2 CM and appears to be localized.  They are saying it is Stage 1B although once they take it out everything can be confirmed.  No sign of spreading.  A Radiologist attempted to biopsy mine with ultrasound mine and missed the target extracting regular renal cortex instead.  I am passing on another biopsy attempt and just getting it removed as I am told it is 90% likely cancerous at this size and even if benign, it might grow too large or mutate into cancer.  I am nervous as can be, but am slowly coming around.  A lot of good support here and it sounds like you are in a great situation.

  • jason.2835
    jason.2835 Member Posts: 337 Member
    Stage 1 grade 2 was mine


    Same boat as you, stage 1 grade 2 and it's a good boat to be in. Obviously, you'd like to be dry land but if grade 4 is the Titanic were more like the SS Minnow. Everybody lives a long time, but they go through an adventure. 

    - Jay

  • Ree_Maryland
    Ree_Maryland Member Posts: 161 Member

    My cacer was stage 1b

    , It has been a year since I had the right kidney removed , feeling great , so no worries it will be fine. I know who does nto worry when you hear the C word try not to stress so much. Keep us informed . had itching pretty bad around the insisions and lumpy on right side but all ok now .

  • debynash
    debynash Member Posts: 5
    HH431 said:

    Nana4life,I'm scheduled on


    I'm scheduled on Tuesday June 16th for a partial neph.  My mass is 4.2 CM and appears to be localized.  They are saying it is Stage 1B although once they take it out everything can be confirmed.  No sign of spreading.  A Radiologist attempted to biopsy mine with ultrasound mine and missed the target extracting regular renal cortex instead.  I am passing on another biopsy attempt and just getting it removed as I am told it is 90% likely cancerous at this size and even if benign, it might grow too large or mutate into cancer.  I am nervous as can be, but am slowly coming around.  A lot of good support here and it sounds like you are in a great situation.


    Hope your procedure went well, Nana4life. My mass is 5 cm. and I will have my open partial (maybe turning into a full) nephrectomy on the 23rd. June must be the month for partial nephrectomies..!