For Mother's Day(Not Cancer Related)

wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member

For all of you who remember me and those that don't know me, I hope eveyone had a pleasant Mother's Day. As you know, I lost my husband Ron two years ago followed by my daughter Debbie just ten months ago. It was a rather sad day for me as all holidays are for some of us. For the first time in nearly 50 years, I did not get that cheerful call of Happy Mother's day from her. It sort of hit me this morning. I started to cry and my grandson came over and gave me a hug which was special as he is rarely demonstrative with his feelings toward me or his dad.

 With Mother's Day lurking on the horizon, I felt it was finally time for me to find my new forever friend, which I did on Wednesday. Haven't taken any pictures yet, but her name is Marley. I found her on the Humane Society website and she was so beautiful, I was afraid she would be gone before I could get there. She is a cream colored, gold highlighted three year old Lab/Shepherd and she is exactly what I wanted. She weighs 65 lbs., but does well on a leash and she is housebroken, a big plus. I have always had labs and shepherds and a small dog just didn't feel right. Not meaning to, she has clawed up my left arm to the point of bandages.  LOL  She is simply trying to get my attention that she wants to play. While watching TV, I spend a lot of time placing that paw back on the floor with a firm "NO", so we are working on it.

Anyway, I just wanted to share a bit of happy news with you guys. Lord knows, we all need it.




  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    Ahh Wolfen

    I am so glad you found the perfect forever friend, your losses have been greater then anyone should have to go through.  May your new buddy, partner, friend, who no doubt will adore basking in your love be by your side for many years giving and receiving love.

    I am so happy for you!

    luv and hugs,

    Winter Marie

  • tanstaafl
    tanstaafl Member Posts: 1,313 Member

    I am so glad your grandson was able to come over.

  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,428 Member
    New Friend

    I am so sorry you had to go through what you have been through.  

    I am glad you have the new friend; I smiled when reading about it, which is greatly appreciated today.  I have had Shepherds for most of my life and have had Goldies in the family.  Marley sounds like the perfect combination.  65 Lbs is not that big at all, all my Shepherds were always lap dogs for me, and the lightest one was about 90 lbs :) 

  • jen2012
    jen2012 Member Posts: 1,607 Member
    Yay Wolfen, Im so happy for

    Yay Wolfen, Im so happy for you.  that's one lucky dog and I know you have a lot of love to offer her.   Our pooch is a humane society dog...she's a great dog!  

    I had a tough Mother's Day as it's the first since I've lost my mom and i was thinking the only thing harder than not having my mom on Mothers Day would be not having on of my children.  I'm so sorry.  You know how special JBG was to all of us and she continues to be an inspiration.

    Enjoy Marley and please post some pictures soon!

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Many hugs coming your way, Wolfen...

    to you and your new pooch!

  • hippiechicks
    hippiechicks Member Posts: 509 Member
    Thinking of you often as well

    Thinking of you often as well and so glad to hear you have found a friend.  I did the same after I lost my best friend around Mother's Day a few years back.  She was my best friend, I was in the middle of treatments also.  She got so sick so fast and I had to put her down.  I waited a year, and on Mother's Day I went and picked up my new baby.  She was the runt and only 1.5 lbs at birth .. but she had the biggest personality of the litter and her eyes were glewed to me the entire visit.  So, lucky me (because I had last pick and did not know until pick up day) was given the gift of my new forever friend.  She is the best!  Love her to bits and she follows me EVRERYWHERE! 

    So for you Wolfen ... Happy Mother's Day!! Big hugs to you! JBG and your husband surely sent you that gift.

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member

    Thinking of you often as well

    Thinking of you often as well and so glad to hear you have found a friend.  I did the same after I lost my best friend around Mother's Day a few years back.  She was my best friend, I was in the middle of treatments also.  She got so sick so fast and I had to put her down.  I waited a year, and on Mother's Day I went and picked up my new baby.  She was the runt and only 1.5 lbs at birth .. but she had the biggest personality of the litter and her eyes were glewed to me the entire visit.  So, lucky me (because I had last pick and did not know until pick up day) was given the gift of my new forever friend.  She is the best!  Love her to bits and she follows me EVRERYWHERE! 

    So for you Wolfen ... Happy Mother's Day!! Big hugs to you! JBG and your husband surely sent you that gift.

    I'm a

    dog person and we have only had rescues. They give us so much love we can't thank them enough. I often think dogs have all the best traits of people and very little of the bad ones. During my chemo my little guy was glued to my side, I knicknamed him 'chemosabi' lol I know you two will have a wonderful life together.


  • lilacbrroller
    lilacbrroller Member Posts: 412 Member
    Easyflip said:

    I'm a

    dog person and we have only had rescues. They give us so much love we can't thank them enough. I often think dogs have all the best traits of people and very little of the bad ones. During my chemo my little guy was glued to my side, I knicknamed him 'chemosabi' lol I know you two will have a wonderful life together.



    Congrats on the new addition!  Happiness is a warm puppy, according to Snoopy. 

    I'm at NIH and am headed to pet therapy at 7:00. 



  • geotina
    geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member
    Hi Wolfen:

    Congrats on your new forever friend.   I had lost my precious Simon the cat less than two weeks before losing George.  I had him for 14 years and yes, he was a rescue. 

    I, too, have recently added a new forever friend to the house.  She is a Calico cat, about 5-7 years old, and her name is Lucy.  She is just perfect.  I adopted her from a local animal rescue group.  She stole my heart the minute I laid eyes on her.  She is really good in the house and is an indoor cat only.  She is a tiny thing, only 7 lbs. but she is eating really well so hopefully will gain a little weight.  I thought I could never love another pet like my Simon but this little girl opened up my heart.  George would have adored her.  On some mornings when I wake up there she is, curled up on George's pillow. 

    Again, congrats on your new friend.

    Hugs - Tina

  • skeets1961
    skeets1961 Member Posts: 56
    I'm sorry for the pain &

    I'm sorry for the pain & sadness in your life.  Thank God for the unconditional love from our pets.  They really are the greatest!

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Thinking of you today...

    I think of you often, Wolfen.  It broke my heart when JBG passed away. It broke my heart for you, having a daugther pass away is bad enough, but so soon after your husbands passing of the same insipid disease is just so much to bear.

    I am happy to see you posting here on ocassion, but really happy to hear that you have found a friend and companion. May you share many happy years together.  A dog can bring so much joy and comfort, I just know she will help you over the coming years.

    Cyber hugs to you, Wolfen. I look forward to hearing from you every now and again.

    Sue - Trubrit