Post ENT visit~


I finally saw the ENT again today and he reviewed the CT sinus scan and double checked some other things! It was very comforting news as he said I have a turbinate dysfunction caused by severe allergies! That is what he thinks has caused the swelling! He believes the headaches are caused by the congestion I have constantly. He also thinks the sore throat is from GERD and constant post nasal drip as it is better since the Zantac. He said they could take part of the turbinate but sometimes it causes more problems then it's worth! He wants me to just continue meds and keep an eye on swelling. If swelling gets any worse too come back and see him! I will accept this as he is the expert, unless of course it worsens! I feel a great relief today as one problem is down with one to go! Waiting on ultrasound report and doctor call but that's another board:p I want to thank all the fine folks who hung in with me giving me their time, support, life experiences and prayers through this most stressful event! I will be forever indebted to you all and am saying prayers for your continued good health! I will never forget you folks and will recommend this site for anyone having any of these issues that may or may not be caused by cancer! I don't know how I would have got by without all you wonderful folks! Thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart! <3


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    line, thank you for sharing

    line, thank you for sharing that great news!!!  i'm so happy for you.  now you can get back to living without that constant fear.  life is good!!!  you are welcome anytime you want to stop in and say hi.  maybe you can even stop in just to let us know what you're doing to enjoy life.  either way, i'm gald we had the opportunity to meet you and that you are well for the most part.

    God bless you,


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    THAT IS GREAT NEWS.............

    That is so good to hear and you must feel so much better just having answers. Please take the GURD very serious an it can cause major problems, I have it bad and didn't know it. There is also what is LPR and it is like gurd but the acid goes higher up and into your larynx and upper throat. I have to take Rx proten blockers as nexium and prilosec did not do enought. For now don't sleep on your right side, only the left. When on the right side your stomach is higher and gravity will let the acid drain to your upper throat. Raising your head of the bed helps too. I naver had "heartburn" just the acid so mine is most likely LPR, but all they said is I have GURD. Please stop in and let us know how you are doing. We won't forget you. May all your tomorrows be better than today..............


  • Linewife7
    Linewife7 Member Posts: 43

    line, thank you for sharing

    line, thank you for sharing that great news!!!  i'm so happy for you.  now you can get back to living without that constant fear.  life is good!!!  you are welcome anytime you want to stop in and say hi.  maybe you can even stop in just to let us know what you're doing to enjoy life.  either way, i'm gald we had the opportunity to meet you and that you are well for the most part.

    God bless you,


    Thank you:)

    Thank you sincerely debbiejeanne! I am relieved of this news, now only one more hurtle to get through but the breast board is so helpful:) Waiting for results, probably Monday! I will definitely stop by and continue to pray for you all! You are truly a blessing<3

  • Linewife7
    Linewife7 Member Posts: 43
    wmc said:

    THAT IS GREAT NEWS.............

    That is so good to hear and you must feel so much better just having answers. Please take the GURD very serious an it can cause major problems, I have it bad and didn't know it. There is also what is LPR and it is like gurd but the acid goes higher up and into your larynx and upper throat. I have to take Rx proten blockers as nexium and prilosec did not do enought. For now don't sleep on your right side, only the left. When on the right side your stomach is higher and gravity will let the acid drain to your upper throat. Raising your head of the bed helps too. I naver had "heartburn" just the acid so mine is most likely LPR, but all they said is I have GURD. Please stop in and let us know how you are doing. We won't forget you. May all your tomorrows be better than today..............


    Thank you:)

    Thank you so much Bill! When you replied the first time and all the others, I was in tears thinking I couldn't believe these people are trying to help me even though I don't havee a diagnosis and they don't know me! I appreciate the tips very much. I had no idea and am in the habit of sleeping on my right side! That is such helpful info and will train myself too sleep on the left! Old habit:p I can't tell you how much comfort you have given me! I can't believe complete starngers could be so kind and helpful! I hope you are blessed tenfold!!! I will stop by and am utilizing breast board as still struggling with serious pain and awaiting ultrasound report. Hopefully that will tun out manageable as well. God bless you<3

  • petroglyph
    petroglyph Member Posts: 41
    Good to here of your

    Good to here of your diagnosis, but then again we were pretty sure you will be fine.

    I had side effects with Zantac as described in the warning. I am much happier with Nexium. But that's me. Zantac certainly helped my life, I have Gerd as well. Good luck out there, I hope your other results you are waiting for are just as positive.

    It is hard to express how grateful we are when we are in such flux. I was really glad to find my mens survivor group. I try to encourage survivors to go to meetings sometimes so that those that are freshly diagnosed can gain confidence and comfort knowing others have been there before.

    Nice meeting fellow electrical travellors. Petro

  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    Now there is some good news.

    Now when my wife states that I am giving her a headache I can respond Naaaa I heard it was congestion.

    Enjoy the day


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Whoo Hoo!!

    What a relief!  I'm so happy for you.....


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,723 Member




    All the good news with none of the bad side effects.

    Journey on.


  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member
    Great News!

    We definitely prefer false alarms. It's good that you are taking charge and insisting on answers. I hope you find the cause of your other pain soon.