Burst blood vessel in the eye (subjunctival hemorrhage)

todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member

I've been getting these a lot since my kidney was removed. Even more in the past 6 months.

May be random, and nothing to do with my lack of kidney and adrenal gland or cancer, but I was wondering if anybody else has experienced these?

The most recent one has lasted almost 2 weeks and was really quite awful. It actually flooded my eye on two occasions in the past 2 weeks making it bright red at first. Saturday my nephrologist told me to go to the ER. She was worried about my eyesight. That was a waste of 3 hours and $100. (An aside, I think those of us with cancer should get a deal on ER copays. Anybody agree? We just seem to end up in the ER more often than normal people, and that $100 that is supposed to stop you from going for minor issues doesn't seem to apply to those of us with something as major as renal cancer!)

The doctors say it's nothing and not to worry about it (and/or they don't know what causes it....).

Just thought I'd ask the committee on here and stop talking to the committee in my head, which has absolutely no helpful input whatsoever!




  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Well not sure if I would

    Well not sure if I would recommend you to go to the ER...other than to eliminating the possibility of an immediate problem. What about an eye specialist? It is very strange....have you gotten them after lots of pressure (i.e. vomiting, coughing a lot,etc?) I would have been worried about it too, Todd.



  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Well not sure if I would

    Well not sure if I would recommend you to go to the ER...other than to eliminating the possibility of an immediate problem. What about an eye specialist? It is very strange....have you gotten them after lots of pressure (i.e. vomiting, coughing a lot,etc?) I would have been worried about it too, Todd.



    Yes, definitely see an

    Yes, definitely see an opthomologist. Is it possible that the meds are causing high BP? Or perhaps a thinning of capillaries?

  • aamdsi
    aamdsi Member Posts: 284
    Didn't see red

    But I had a "stroke" in my left eye that has left a small blind spot.  Well, not even blind, more like if you place  adrop of water in the center of your glass' lens? 

    Anyway that's what took me to the Dr. to begin with, and they discovered that I had extremely high blood pressure, and that led to the CardioICU for a couple nights and it was there that they discovered the cancer.

    Now am being treated for HBP, but slowly they are lessening the meds for it.  But the "spot" is permenate.  Won't get worse, isn't a visual impairment, so....kind of a "blessing in disguise" since made me go to Dr.


    Guess long story short....Find a good opthomolgist (sp?) 8-)

  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    APny said:

    Yes, definitely see an

    Yes, definitely see an opthomologist. Is it possible that the meds are causing high BP? Or perhaps a thinning of capillaries?


    I did see one yesterday. He said definitely no tumor. Could be spikes in BP or even highly variable BP, or a bunch of other things.

    He didn't think there's any risk to my vision.

    He actually said with tumors in the eye, the vision would be affected long before you'd see anything like this. He said your vision is your best indicator whether your eye is ok or not.


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    aamdsi said:

    Didn't see red

    But I had a "stroke" in my left eye that has left a small blind spot.  Well, not even blind, more like if you place  adrop of water in the center of your glass' lens? 

    Anyway that's what took me to the Dr. to begin with, and they discovered that I had extremely high blood pressure, and that led to the CardioICU for a couple nights and it was there that they discovered the cancer.

    Now am being treated for HBP, but slowly they are lessening the meds for it.  But the "spot" is permenate.  Won't get worse, isn't a visual impairment, so....kind of a "blessing in disguise" since made me go to Dr.


    Guess long story short....Find a good opthomolgist (sp?) 8-)

    Opthamologists can tell a lot

    Opthamologists can tell a lot about your health, apparently!

    Glad you got some good information there, Todd.

