
bob13440 Member Posts: 66

my wife Lorraine was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian in january. She had the debulking surgery in february, removed the tumors. Started chemo in March, today was her eighth week of chemo. A couple of weeks ago she noticed her stomach was getting bigger again. She is worried that tumors are coming back. Is this possible this soon after surgery and during such agressive chemo (weekly)? She is calling the doctor that did the surgery tomorrow to see what he says, just wondering if anyone here could give us an opinion. Thank you.




  • wholfmeister
    wholfmeister Member Posts: 315
    Full belly

    Hi, Bob.  So sorry your wife has to go through all this, and for you, too.  It isn't easy being the caregiver, standing by watching.

    My guess is that the enlarging belly is due to changes from the surgery and continuing treatment that just make the belly flabby.  My surgery was 3 years ago, and I have had chemo ever since.  I have never been able to get my belly to firm up after the surgery.  Because it isn't firm like it used to be, it just looks huge!  Ugh!

    Another possibility is ascities.  I hae not experienced this myself, but many women with ovarian cancer struggle with a build up of fluid in the pelvis and abdomen.  Some women have posted here about having to have several liters of fluid drained.

    Regardless of my guesses, your wife should most definately report this symptom to her doctor.

    Good luck to her!

  • Abbycat2
    Abbycat2 Member Posts: 644 Member

    Full belly

    Hi, Bob.  So sorry your wife has to go through all this, and for you, too.  It isn't easy being the caregiver, standing by watching.

    My guess is that the enlarging belly is due to changes from the surgery and continuing treatment that just make the belly flabby.  My surgery was 3 years ago, and I have had chemo ever since.  I have never been able to get my belly to firm up after the surgery.  Because it isn't firm like it used to be, it just looks huge!  Ugh!

    Another possibility is ascities.  I hae not experienced this myself, but many women with ovarian cancer struggle with a build up of fluid in the pelvis and abdomen.  Some women have posted here about having to have several liters of fluid drained.

    Regardless of my guesses, your wife should most definately report this symptom to her doctor.

    Good luck to her!


    Dear Bob, I absolutely agree with Wholfmeister. Please discuss this with Lorraine's doctor. He can best determine what is going on. I pray for peace  and good health for you both.




  • bob13440
    bob13440 Member Posts: 66
    Thanks ladies... Doc said

    Thanks ladies... Doc said he's sure it's just her stomach healing and there is nothing to worry about. She has an appointment with him on May 19, but today's phone call was encouraging! Thanks for the input.

