Breast pain~

Linewife7 Member Posts: 43

I don't have a diagnosis yet but could use some advice, input from anyone who has experienced these symptoms! I have been posting on the head and neck due to some issues with blocked nasal passage, pain, headaches,swelling,sore throat ect. See ENT next week. But to put everyone into focus, I have been diagnosed with Costochondritis aprox. 1 1/2 yrs. ago. I have had OMT and PT with no improvement in symptoms. The pain seem to have started in the right side and I said from the beginning that I didn't know whether it was my chest or breast? Doc did nuclear bone scan and tumor marker which came back clear and diagnosed Costochondritis. Long story short and the reason I am on this board today, I have had significant pain pariculary in my right breast, underarm area. I had a recent mammo and it was literally excruciating! I have very dense breasts and was called back 2 yrs, ago. I have never had a mammo that caused that much pain. Pain started before mammo btw, but just heightened with mammo. It has been continous now and causes me to wake up through the night. It is a steady pain and moderate level and that is with a pain med. No redness or other abnormalities that I can see. I turn 52 this wknd. I saw PCP today and requested a bilateral ultrasound. He agreed and I am scheduled May 7th. I can't help but be concerned where this pain has gone on for so long. My question is has anyone had such pain with their diagnosis of breast cancer? I am sorry this post is so long but had to explain the background as well. I have been hoping all this time the Doc's were right about the Costo DX however have always questioned it in my mind as it was always more pronounced in the right side! Now, I'm certain of this breast pain and obviously can't wait for the ultrasound. Any info, advice would be greatly appreciated. Please bear in mind I have very dense breasts. I don't understand why they just don't automatcially do an ultrasound with mammo for this issue? I so would appreciate any help! Thank you so much in advance and God bless all! I currently have a dear friend fighting breast cancer but she found a lump and pain wasn't a prominent feature at the time! Thank you again!


  • GlowMore
    GlowMore Member Posts: 789 Member
    Breast Pain

    Very sorry to hear you are in such pain and do hope it has eased since your post.   Please let us know if you have been able to get any other tests done....but if you haven't we will be with you on May 7th next week during your Ultra Sound and hope that it is all clear and that it is NOT Breast Cancer.    Sending Prayers for Strength and Courage.   Glo 

  • Linewife7
    Linewife7 Member Posts: 43
    GlowMore said:

    Breast Pain

    Very sorry to hear you are in such pain and do hope it has eased since your post.   Please let us know if you have been able to get any other tests done....but if you haven't we will be with you on May 7th next week during your Ultra Sound and hope that it is all clear and that it is NOT Breast Cancer.    Sending Prayers for Strength and Courage.   Glo 


    Thank you so much for your reply! I know I have posted on head and neck as well for obvious reasons! The Ultrasound will be on May 7th and back to ENT May 8th! Unfortunately still having pain in right breast which extends to armpit area:( I was wondering if anyone out there has had persistent pain in breast/armpit when they were diagnosed? Of course I'm hoping it is something else that can be easily treated but wish I knew of others out there that may have experienced this! I appreciate your reply so much and thank you for your kind thoughts Glowmore<3 God bless!

  • TechMama
    TechMama Member Posts: 28
    Linewife7 said:


    Thank you so much for your reply! I know I have posted on head and neck as well for obvious reasons! The Ultrasound will be on May 7th and back to ENT May 8th! Unfortunately still having pain in right breast which extends to armpit area:( I was wondering if anyone out there has had persistent pain in breast/armpit when they were diagnosed? Of course I'm hoping it is something else that can be easily treated but wish I knew of others out there that may have experienced this! I appreciate your reply so much and thank you for your kind thoughts Glowmore<3 God bless!

    I have dense breasts as well,

    I have dense breasts as well, and had cancer hiding in it they found in an MRI that the Mammogram had missed.  However, I did not experience the pain you are describing.  I am hoping for you, that that means you will have something else that is easily treatable.

  • Linewife7
    Linewife7 Member Posts: 43
    TechMama said:

    I have dense breasts as well,

    I have dense breasts as well, and had cancer hiding in it they found in an MRI that the Mammogram had missed.  However, I did not experience the pain you are describing.  I am hoping for you, that that means you will have something else that is easily treatable.


    Thank you so much for your reply! I actually requested the Ultrasound. My Mammo came back clear but with this ongoing pain I didn't fully put my trust that nothing is there:p The strange thing is they called me back 2 yrs. ago for repeat Mammo and Ultrasound but said it was nothing suspicious. But alot can change in 2 yrs. With this persistent pain I want to air on the side of caution! As I said above, I have ongoing rib, scapula, collarbone pain as well as breast, underarm and feel I have to advocate for myself. I think the Doc might feel that I am anxious as I broke down in tears when they said they were sending me to ENT for blockage/swelling/pain in nasal. Of course, I had been worried about it for weeks before I saw Doc so naturally I cried:p If there is anyone on this board who has had any pain with their DX of breast cancer I would so appreciate any info at all! I don't want to assume it is cancer but have to be certain. Ultrasound is scheduled for Thursday and I'm anxious to have it! I can't thank you enough for taking your time to reply to my post! I truly appreciate! Thank you very much and God bless! <3

  • GlowMore
    GlowMore Member Posts: 789 Member
    Linewife7 said:


    Thank you so much for your reply! I actually requested the Ultrasound. My Mammo came back clear but with this ongoing pain I didn't fully put my trust that nothing is there:p The strange thing is they called me back 2 yrs. ago for repeat Mammo and Ultrasound but said it was nothing suspicious. But alot can change in 2 yrs. With this persistent pain I want to air on the side of caution! As I said above, I have ongoing rib, scapula, collarbone pain as well as breast, underarm and feel I have to advocate for myself. I think the Doc might feel that I am anxious as I broke down in tears when they said they were sending me to ENT for blockage/swelling/pain in nasal. Of course, I had been worried about it for weeks before I saw Doc so naturally I cried:p If there is anyone on this board who has had any pain with their DX of breast cancer I would so appreciate any info at all! I don't want to assume it is cancer but have to be certain. Ultrasound is scheduled for Thursday and I'm anxious to have it! I can't thank you enough for taking your time to reply to my post! I truly appreciate! Thank you very much and God bless! <3

    Forgot to share

    I forgot to share with you the fact that when I found my lump and had the biop and the lumpectomy and the chemo and the radiation etc etc etc...........  I NEVER had any pain in my breast.   I have Triple Negative IDC Stage 3B...but even after my lumpectomy surgery....NO PAIN....lots of discomfort..........and later lots of pain all over my body from the chemo............but to begin with....NO PAIN IN THE BREAST.     I hope and pray you are able to find out what is causing this terrible pain and I hope and pray for your sake that it isn't Breast Cancer.    Hang in There. 

  • jessiesmom1
    jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member
    GlowMore said:

    Forgot to share

    I forgot to share with you the fact that when I found my lump and had the biop and the lumpectomy and the chemo and the radiation etc etc etc...........  I NEVER had any pain in my breast.   I have Triple Negative IDC Stage 3B...but even after my lumpectomy surgery....NO PAIN....lots of discomfort..........and later lots of pain all over my body from the chemo............but to begin with....NO PAIN IN THE BREAST.     I hope and pray you are able to find out what is causing this terrible pain and I hope and pray for your sake that it isn't Breast Cancer.    Hang in There. 

    Pain at Time of Diagnosis

    For several weeks prior to my breast cancer diagnosis I noted that my right underarm area was sore and I could feel a lump. It definitely felt different than my left underarm. The lump increased in size and level of soreness. The underarm was outside the field of vision of the mammogram so an ultrasound was next. That was deemed suspicious so an excision biopsy followed. The results there were not entirely clear so a Tissue of Origin test was ordered on the sample. That (very expensive) test determined that I had breast cancer - as opposed to another type of cancer that metastasized to the lymph nodes. No malignancy was EVER found in the breast tissue itself. A right mastectomy and 16 rounds of chemo followed the diagnosis. 

    So to answer your question, yes one can feel pain prior to/with a breast cancer diagnosis. It does, however, seem like you working yourself into a tizzy before that level of anxiety is called for. I wish you the best of luck. Please keep us posted as the journey continues. 

    P.S. That diagnosis came 5 and a half years ago.



  • Linewife7
    Linewife7 Member Posts: 43
    GlowMore said:

    Forgot to share

    I forgot to share with you the fact that when I found my lump and had the biop and the lumpectomy and the chemo and the radiation etc etc etc...........  I NEVER had any pain in my breast.   I have Triple Negative IDC Stage 3B...but even after my lumpectomy surgery....NO PAIN....lots of discomfort..........and later lots of pain all over my body from the chemo............but to begin with....NO PAIN IN THE BREAST.     I hope and pray you are able to find out what is causing this terrible pain and I hope and pray for your sake that it isn't Breast Cancer.    Hang in There. 

    To Glowmore

    Thank you Glowmore for your reply! I have been trying to read all I can about different types of cancers and benign issues associated with breast/armpit pain! I have the ultrasound tomorrow, finally! I am having pain now and feel what seems to be a lump in outer right breast and still pain to armpit. Of course, nothing will be sure until I get an official diagnosis but I am trying to once and for all figure out this pain. Ongoing pain in ribs, scapula, collarbone for the 1 1/2 yrs. which docs are calling Costochondritis. It has never improved, even with OMT/PT! Of course I am praying nothing was missed:p If I didn't have such dense breasts I probably wouldn't be worried about the Mammo missing something as well as ongoing pain. At least I can point the technician to the pain and what feels like lump and that may help them. I am so grateful for all info you ladies have given and of course am hoping for the best! I will keep you posted! Thank you so much<3

  • Linewife7
    Linewife7 Member Posts: 43

    Pain at Time of Diagnosis

    For several weeks prior to my breast cancer diagnosis I noted that my right underarm area was sore and I could feel a lump. It definitely felt different than my left underarm. The lump increased in size and level of soreness. The underarm was outside the field of vision of the mammogram so an ultrasound was next. That was deemed suspicious so an excision biopsy followed. The results there were not entirely clear so a Tissue of Origin test was ordered on the sample. That (very expensive) test determined that I had breast cancer - as opposed to another type of cancer that metastasized to the lymph nodes. No malignancy was EVER found in the breast tissue itself. A right mastectomy and 16 rounds of chemo followed the diagnosis. 

    So to answer your question, yes one can feel pain prior to/with a breast cancer diagnosis. It does, however, seem like you working yourself into a tizzy before that level of anxiety is called for. I wish you the best of luck. Please keep us posted as the journey continues. 

    P.S. That diagnosis came 5 and a half years ago.



    To Jessiesmom1

    Thank you so much for your reply! I have read about other women having pain in some articles I found just last night! Tonight I am feeling like a lump is in outer right breast and still pain into armpit! I will have the ultrasound tomorrow! I have also been reading about painful benign issues as well. I don't waant to assume I have BC but can't help but be suspicious because of ongoing pain the last 1 1/2 yrs. the docs are calling Costochondritis. I told them from the beginning, I couldn't tell whether it was in breast OR chest. They didn't do a breast exam unfortunately. Maybe they were confidant about last yrs. Mammogram coming back clear. I just hope this will be the test that will determine something either way. I appreciate you mentioning the tissue of origin test as being armed with all the info I can get will be helpful! I am so grateful for you ladies replying and will definitely keep you posted! God bless<3

  • crownd1964
    crownd1964 Member Posts: 2
    I am at 6 months now had

    I am at 6 months now had surgery and radiation did not need chemo. I had no pain or lump they found it during my regular yearly mammo. It was caught very early don't waste any time getting checked.

  • Linewife7
    Linewife7 Member Posts: 43

    I am at 6 months now had

    I am at 6 months now had surgery and radiation did not need chemo. I had no pain or lump they found it during my regular yearly mammo. It was caught very early don't waste any time getting checked.

    To crowned

    Thank you so much for your reply! All replies are so appreciated! I am so sorry you were diagnosed with cancer but am glad yours was caught early! My prayers are with all you ladies<3