They can't do my scan....

dhs1963 Member Posts: 513

Ok...this is the longest I have been between scans since my initial Met.  Since my last scan, I had some other medical issues which resulted in a pacemaker.  I called up immediately, and was told that they just need the paperwork on the device (MRI complient).  Well, now, they told me that they made a mistake....and I need to have it done in a different part of the facility, which is booked solid until Sept.  I am not willing to waite 9 months between scans when I am just over two years out from Stage 4 grade 4 (w/ sacomitoid differentiation).

I am waiting to hear back from the Dr (rather than the radiology center).   I offered that a CT scan might be viable, as my Creatinine was down to 1.4 last time....


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Okay...what about trying

    Okay...what about trying another location for your scan? Get on a waiting list?

    And then there is the good ol' CT Scan - if your creatinine is at a good level.

    I hope that you get in before September!! You definitely qualify to get in there soon!

    Best of luck to you!



  • sblairc
    sblairc Member Posts: 585 Member
    CT with creatine of 1.4 sounds ok, right?

    Unless I'm missing something, shouldn't that be OK? 

    My husband had it with 1.5 creatinine. I'd do that and get on a cancellation list. SO FRUSTRATING but OMG what amazing response. 


    Keep us updated!

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    sblairc said:

    CT with creatine of 1.4 sounds ok, right?

    Unless I'm missing something, shouldn't that be OK? 

    My husband had it with 1.5 creatinine. I'd do that and get on a cancellation list. SO FRUSTRATING but OMG what amazing response. 


    Keep us updated!

    Wait list could work. My

    Wait list could work. My fiances father had brain MRI in MAR. Initially it was booked until end of Jun, we've put him on waiting list and there was a cancellation after a week or so, so he got it done pretty quickly after all...

  • dhs1963
    dhs1963 Member Posts: 513
    Allochka said:

    Wait list could work. My

    Wait list could work. My fiances father had brain MRI in MAR. Initially it was booked until end of Jun, we've put him on waiting list and there was a cancellation after a week or so, so he got it done pretty quickly after all...

    The Doctor said we will make something work...

    He is tyring to get me into the MRI at the center. It is easier to do it at his facility, as he likes to review the scans himself.


    MRI is first choice...if that is not available, we will try CT with contrast (and hydrate me) my last scan, my Creatinine was just over the threshold, but in another hospital, it was 1.4.  If CT contrast is not an option, we will do a CT wo contrast....that may mean followup scans but then I will be more able to bump someone.

    The other problem is the Center is 60 miles from me...and there is rioting going on in that city....Baltimore rioting may limit access to JHU, or it could lead to cancelations.

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    dhs1963 said:

    The Doctor said we will make something work...

    He is tyring to get me into the MRI at the center. It is easier to do it at his facility, as he likes to review the scans himself.


    MRI is first choice...if that is not available, we will try CT with contrast (and hydrate me) my last scan, my Creatinine was just over the threshold, but in another hospital, it was 1.4.  If CT contrast is not an option, we will do a CT wo contrast....that may mean followup scans but then I will be more able to bump someone.

    The other problem is the Center is 60 miles from me...and there is rioting going on in that city....Baltimore rioting may limit access to JHU, or it could lead to cancelations.

    Well maybe something good

    Well maybe something good will come out of the rioting. Praying for a cancellation for you.

    Take care!



  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    dhs1963 said:

    The Doctor said we will make something work...

    He is tyring to get me into the MRI at the center. It is easier to do it at his facility, as he likes to review the scans himself.


    MRI is first choice...if that is not available, we will try CT with contrast (and hydrate me) my last scan, my Creatinine was just over the threshold, but in another hospital, it was 1.4.  If CT contrast is not an option, we will do a CT wo contrast....that may mean followup scans but then I will be more able to bump someone.

    The other problem is the Center is 60 miles from me...and there is rioting going on in that city....Baltimore rioting may limit access to JHU, or it could lead to cancelations.


    Just got back from scans in Baltimore. No more rioting

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member


    Just got back from scans in Baltimore. No more rioting

    Sorry this is happening to

    Sorry this is happening to you. Do they scheduling folks know you are stage 4?

    Or could your doctor intervene, even more?

    Good luck. I have a good feeling you'll get in soon enough.

    keep us informed ok?


    Warmly, Jan

  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    I'M sorry you have to wait,

    I'M sorry you have to wait, it is hard, I know. When it's time for any blood work,ultrasound or CT, I want to be done and have the result asap, it's not easy to wait. Hope the waiting list or changing it to MRI can work. Hoping for NED news from you. Forough