Possible Kidney Cancer 23 years after surviving Ovarian Cancer

Rosydumas Member Posts: 3

Hello everyone,

I followed this forum a few years back after my daughter was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma. She battled the monster for over 2 years but she lost the fight 3 years ago. I came back here to share my story and to try maybe to find some sense out of this whole thing!

I had a couple of pap smears coming back abnormal and the doctor was suggesting to remove my uterus and cervix since the risk to have a cancer is very high (I had my ovaries removed 23yrs ago due to ovarian cancer), a few weeks later I went to the doctor for abdominal pain, headache and spitting out blood...she ordered a CT scan of my lungs, my head and pelvic area.
The brain is ok, chest cleared but they found a 10cm mass on my right kidney with a 10mm lymph node envolved.
They want to go in a take out my kidney since it is most likely kidney cancer. She wants to remove the uterus and cervix at the same time.

Now this is very rare as she said, but I am still wondering what the heck is going on with me?!

Part of me is freaking out and other part is happy that I will get to see my baby soon!

It may sound crazy and it is actually crazy when I seat back and look at what my life has decided to put me through!
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!
Till then, I will keep waiting... :(


  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Oh dear Rosy, I am shocked

    Oh dear Rosy, I am shocked too! So sorry this is even happening to you! ENUFF!!!!

    My hope is that others will come here to not only support you (like me) but to offer you their experiences as well. If its true, it ends up being RCC (renal cancer), it is known to be slow growing. You may have had this tumor for awhile. But 23 years apart ??

    You'll see that many have been getting excellent treatment IF you may need it down the line. Getting all those organs out at once.. gee.. I don't know what to say? I guess it would be relief..still..

    You'll need lots of loving care and support. Yes it is YOUR time now for being cared for, right Rosy?

    How is your family doing with this news?

    Know that we (I for sure) will walk this journey along side you. You can DM (direct message me) anytime.

    Sending you light, love and healing prayers!


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Jan4you said:

    Oh dear Rosy, I am shocked

    Oh dear Rosy, I am shocked too! So sorry this is even happening to you! ENUFF!!!!

    My hope is that others will come here to not only support you (like me) but to offer you their experiences as well. If its true, it ends up being RCC (renal cancer), it is known to be slow growing. You may have had this tumor for awhile. But 23 years apart ??

    You'll see that many have been getting excellent treatment IF you may need it down the line. Getting all those organs out at once.. gee.. I don't know what to say? I guess it would be relief..still..

    You'll need lots of loving care and support. Yes it is YOUR time now for being cared for, right Rosy?

    How is your family doing with this news?

    Know that we (I for sure) will walk this journey along side you. You can DM (direct message me) anytime.

    Sending you light, love and healing prayers!


    Not fair



    I can only speak for the Kidney Cancer. At 10 cm get it out ASAP. Kidney Cancer speads with tumors that size if the Kidney is not removed.

    There will be plenty of support here for you on this journey.




  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    icemantoo said:

    Not fair



    I can only speak for the Kidney Cancer. At 10 cm get it out ASAP. Kidney Cancer speads with tumors that size if the Kidney is not removed.

    There will be plenty of support here for you on this journey.




    I am very sorry about what

    I am very sorry about what you've had to go through, very sad about your daughter..

    But the main thing I'd like to stress out - please listen to Iceman, when he says to get kidney thing out now. Unfortunately, the tumor of this size plus lymphnode involvement could mean cancer...

    We all will be here to offer all support we can.

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Allochka said:

    I am very sorry about what

    I am very sorry about what you've had to go through, very sad about your daughter..

    But the main thing I'd like to stress out - please listen to Iceman, when he says to get kidney thing out now. Unfortunately, the tumor of this size plus lymphnode involvement could mean cancer...

    We all will be here to offer all support we can.

    I don't think they're related

    I don't think they're related just an unfortunately coincidence that you had ovarian cancer and now possibly kidney cancer. Absolultely get it out ASAP. We're here for you with any possible advice, support, and encouragement. Terribly sorry about your daughter but I don't think it's time to join her quite yet. Wishing you the very best and please keep posting here. The people are amazing with their knowledge, empathy, and support. They were a mind-saver to me.

  • a_oaklee
    a_oaklee Member Posts: 566 Member
    So sorry

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your daughter.  I cannot fathom the emotional turmoil that you are enduring.  You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Re your tumor on your kidney:  I hope you are planning on getting it removed as soon as possible.  10 cm is quite large, but I have read of people having larger tumors.  I have read that the average growth rate of a kidney tumor is 1/2 cm per year.  My husbands was 5cm, and we wonder if it was there for 10 years.  Of course the growth rate does depend on the grade of the tumor.   None of that really matters.  You must focus on just getting it removed.  You will be ok, and there are lots of people here to help you.  


  • Rosydumas
    Rosydumas Member Posts: 3
    Allochka said:

    I am very sorry about what

    I am very sorry about what you've had to go through, very sad about your daughter..

    But the main thing I'd like to stress out - please listen to Iceman, when he says to get kidney thing out now. Unfortunately, the tumor of this size plus lymphnode involvement could mean cancer...

    We all will be here to offer all support we can.

    Thank you for your kind

    Thank you for your kind words! Today I got the preliminay op date: May 14th...it hasn't set in yet...but I know it will soon :(


  • Bobcoos
    Bobcoos Member Posts: 2
    Dear Rosy,
    First my

    Dear Rosy,

    First my sympathies, condolences, and prayers on the loss of your daughter.

    I am new here, just joined today.  I am a three time survivor of RCC.  My first onset was on Christmas Eve of 2007.  The tumor was a stage 3 and covered my entire right kidney, the adrenal gland, and a portion of my renal vein.  All was surgically removed in Jan 2008.  Then in late 2009, my left adrenal gland had a stage 1 tumor, the gland was removed laproscopically.  In May of 2014, RCC came back in my left shoulder.  That tumor was removed in Sep 2014 and I did 20 days of radiation on the top backside of the shoulder.  It is now in my liver and I am on an 800 mg regiment of Votrient daily.

    I am here to tell you not to fret nor worry even though that is the normal reaction to cancer.  In my opinion, it is best to have the kidney removed as you can live with just one.  I am living proof.  Also, I would have the uterus and cervix removed as well depending on whether you are married or single, young or middle age, or whatever your circumstances.

    The reason I am still here has been (according to my Oncologist and primary doctor) my positive attitude.  They told me that is the best medicine for RCC or any cancer.  As I said, I am a three time survivor and I am in my early 60s.

    I know your surgery is scheduled for May 14th.  I am praying for you.  Your surgery will be successful.  We are all here for you.  Do not be afraid of asking questions and no question is ever silly unless it is never asked.

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    Bobcoos said:

    Dear Rosy,
    First my

    Dear Rosy,

    First my sympathies, condolences, and prayers on the loss of your daughter.

    I am new here, just joined today.  I am a three time survivor of RCC.  My first onset was on Christmas Eve of 2007.  The tumor was a stage 3 and covered my entire right kidney, the adrenal gland, and a portion of my renal vein.  All was surgically removed in Jan 2008.  Then in late 2009, my left adrenal gland had a stage 1 tumor, the gland was removed laproscopically.  In May of 2014, RCC came back in my left shoulder.  That tumor was removed in Sep 2014 and I did 20 days of radiation on the top backside of the shoulder.  It is now in my liver and I am on an 800 mg regiment of Votrient daily.

    I am here to tell you not to fret nor worry even though that is the normal reaction to cancer.  In my opinion, it is best to have the kidney removed as you can live with just one.  I am living proof.  Also, I would have the uterus and cervix removed as well depending on whether you are married or single, young or middle age, or whatever your circumstances.

    The reason I am still here has been (according to my Oncologist and primary doctor) my positive attitude.  They told me that is the best medicine for RCC or any cancer.  As I said, I am a three time survivor and I am in my early 60s.

    I know your surgery is scheduled for May 14th.  I am praying for you.  Your surgery will be successful.  We are all here for you.  Do not be afraid of asking questions and no question is ever silly unless it is never asked.

    First, I'm sorry you are here...

    and welcome aboard, regretfully.

    With what the surgeon(s) want to remove, I know you can live without "the works".  Had the TAH (Total abdominal hysterectomy, oopherectomy, apendectomy) in 1987.  Pause (meno, that is).  In 2006, unknown problems led my PC to order an ultrasound, along with the usual labs and a UA.

    Mass in the kidney and liver, and where ever else it had spread-which ended up being a set of nodes, which were all removed.  There were two recurrences in 2007 and 2008, with the enlarging nodes surgically removed.  So far, until tests next month, so good. I focused on being alive.

    I don't like to get into the faith and religion part of life, because people have different beliefs. But somehow, I'd rather stay here and enjoy who I am with than contemplate who will be on the other side waiting.  And I say this with a straight face, after spending the past 36 hours coughing from a virus in my throat and larynx.

    Hang in there and recover from surgery.  One step at a time.


  • Rosydumas
    Rosydumas Member Posts: 3
    donna_lee said:

    First, I'm sorry you are here...

    and welcome aboard, regretfully.

    With what the surgeon(s) want to remove, I know you can live without "the works".  Had the TAH (Total abdominal hysterectomy, oopherectomy, apendectomy) in 1987.  Pause (meno, that is).  In 2006, unknown problems led my PC to order an ultrasound, along with the usual labs and a UA.

    Mass in the kidney and liver, and where ever else it had spread-which ended up being a set of nodes, which were all removed.  There were two recurrences in 2007 and 2008, with the enlarging nodes surgically removed.  So far, until tests next month, so good. I focused on being alive.

    I don't like to get into the faith and religion part of life, because people have different beliefs. But somehow, I'd rather stay here and enjoy who I am with than contemplate who will be on the other side waiting.  And I say this with a straight face, after spending the past 36 hours coughing from a virus in my throat and larynx.

    Hang in there and recover from surgery.  One step at a time.


    Thank you for all the

    Thank you for all the support!

    I means a lot! I want to stay positive but it is soooooo hard!

    I woke up this morning and say to my self "enjoy every day as if it was your last!" and that is how I am going to live from now on!


  • brea588
    brea588 Member Posts: 240
    Rosydumas said:

    Thank you for all the

    Thank you for all the support!

    I means a lot! I want to stay positive but it is soooooo hard!

    I woke up this morning and say to my self "enjoy every day as if it was your last!" and that is how I am going to live from now on!



    Sorry you are going thru all this, and sorry on loss of your child.  I had kidney cncer 2012, and the next year I had colon cancer but they were not connected.  Both primary sites.  But you have a great attitude to life each day as if it was your last.  That is how we are really supposed to live, we are not promised tomorrow.  But wishing you good luck on your surgery.  Will be praying for you.

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    brea588 said:


    Sorry you are going thru all this, and sorry on loss of your child.  I had kidney cncer 2012, and the next year I had colon cancer but they were not connected.  Both primary sites.  But you have a great attitude to life each day as if it was your last.  That is how we are really supposed to live, we are not promised tomorrow.  But wishing you good luck on your surgery.  Will be praying for you.

    Hi Rosy,
    Welcome to our

    Hi Rosy,

    Welcome to our forum. You came to the right place. You have been through so much already. Wow. Glad you have the surgery date already. Hoping all goes really well for you.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you!

