Remembering Craig (Our lion)

janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member

I though it would be nice if we could post the article that Craig had published in Cure magazine. I am hoping that someone here is computer savy enough to do it. I think it would be a great rememberence for one of his most proud moments and for the new comers to really see what he was about. I am so thankful he at least got to be published which was a big dream of his.


  • jen2012
    jen2012 Member Posts: 1,607 Member
    Good idea Big Billy's

    Good idea


    The Legend of Big Billy

    by Craig Harrison

    Inspiration image

    Craig Harrison as Big Billy

    It was late in the winter of 2010, and the nights were long and dark. I lay in bed motionless hour after hour, listening to the wall clock mock me with its relentless chiming that marked each passage of time – a haunting melody that became the subtle, audible reminder of yet another sleepless 60 minutes I would never get back.

    It must have been somewhere between three and four in the early morning – that thin layer of time that separates the night from the dawn. It’s affectionately known as “the witching hour” for many a cancer survivor in the throes of treatment. It’s often a time when we find ourselves alone, with nothing but our thoughts to keep us company. It can be a time of deep despair and haunted visions. Or it can be a time of enlightenment, where cer­tain truths finally align themselves in the perfect order, at last revealing that which you’ve been hunting for those many long, soul-searching nights.

    Big Billy would bear the markings of one tough,

    cancer-fighting dude.

    This particular night, there was a stillness and a calmness in the air. It was so eerily quiet I could hear my thoughts rattling around in my skull like a game of Ping-Pong gone mad. I was tired, I felt defeated, and at that moment, I felt I had lost my way. I had lost my inspiration as well. Hope had packed a suitcase and was heading out the door. I was left feeling emotionally bankrupt and destitute.

    I was nearly a beaten man, swaying back and forth, grasping at phantom ropes in an imaginary boxing ring to steady myself. I lay there contemplat­ing why I was fighting so hard and for what anymore. I began to question whether I had the right stuff to make it to the final round of this second title-defense match against cancer. All great fighters have to lay down the gloves at some point. Maybe it was time for cancer to retire me.

    Then it came to me: Big Billy, what he stood for and represented for me, and what he might represent for other cancer fighters who felt their strength waning and their mental resolve begin­ning to weaken. Big Billy would bear the markings of one tough, cancer-fighting dude. He would be the antithesis of my normally meek outward appear­ance, but on the inside, he would carry my ideals and my values.

    Big Billy became my alter ego in the cancer world, the muscle behind my hustle. He was born from a figment of my imagination on a cold winter night, and he crystallized into the em­bodiment of a mentality that I wanted to represent. More importantly, he became the person I wanted to feel like on the inside: one of the baddest cancer fighters there ever was.

    Big Billy and I developed a symbi­otic relationship; each of us could stand on his own merit, independent of one another. But in combination, we were an unstoppable force in the cancer uni­verse, a dynamic duo bent on knocking out cancer and emerging as victors.

    I harnessed this image of the fight­ing nature that we all carry with us into our cancer battles, and manifested that image through a persona that was tan­gible and readily identifiable, and that could represent us all.

    In essence, Big Billy personifies our fighting side. He lives in me, and he lives in you, too. Keep fighting. You can do it. You’ve got Big Billy in your corner.


    ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

    Craig Harrison is a four-time colorectal cancer survivor living in Arlington, TX.

    This article was published in Coping® with Cancer magazine, September/October 201


  • jen2012
    jen2012 Member Posts: 1,607 Member
    And don't forget Big Billy

    And don't forget Big Billy live!

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    jen2012 said:

    And don't forget Big Billy

    And don't forget Big Billy live!

    Thanks Jen. That's awesome. I

    Thanks Jen. That's awesome. I never saw that video of Craig (Big Billy).

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    jen2012 said:

    And don't forget Big Billy

    And don't forget Big Billy live!

    I love that!

    Craig was such an interesting person.  The world is not quite as bright without him in it.

  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    Please rest in peace, my dear

    Please rest in peace, my dear friend. You will live forever in my heart.

  • ellamenno
    ellamenno Member Posts: 142 Member

    Please rest in peace, my dear

    Please rest in peace, my dear friend. You will live forever in my heart.

    Our Lion

    Remember when he tried out for a spot on Dr. Phil...


  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    jen2012 said:

    Good idea Big Billy's

    Good idea


    The Legend of Big Billy

    by Craig Harrison

    Inspiration image

    Craig Harrison as Big Billy

    It was late in the winter of 2010, and the nights were long and dark. I lay in bed motionless hour after hour, listening to the wall clock mock me with its relentless chiming that marked each passage of time – a haunting melody that became the subtle, audible reminder of yet another sleepless 60 minutes I would never get back.

    It must have been somewhere between three and four in the early morning – that thin layer of time that separates the night from the dawn. It’s affectionately known as “the witching hour” for many a cancer survivor in the throes of treatment. It’s often a time when we find ourselves alone, with nothing but our thoughts to keep us company. It can be a time of deep despair and haunted visions. Or it can be a time of enlightenment, where cer­tain truths finally align themselves in the perfect order, at last revealing that which you’ve been hunting for those many long, soul-searching nights.

    Big Billy would bear the markings of one tough,

    cancer-fighting dude.

    This particular night, there was a stillness and a calmness in the air. It was so eerily quiet I could hear my thoughts rattling around in my skull like a game of Ping-Pong gone mad. I was tired, I felt defeated, and at that moment, I felt I had lost my way. I had lost my inspiration as well. Hope had packed a suitcase and was heading out the door. I was left feeling emotionally bankrupt and destitute.

    I was nearly a beaten man, swaying back and forth, grasping at phantom ropes in an imaginary boxing ring to steady myself. I lay there contemplat­ing why I was fighting so hard and for what anymore. I began to question whether I had the right stuff to make it to the final round of this second title-defense match against cancer. All great fighters have to lay down the gloves at some point. Maybe it was time for cancer to retire me.

    Then it came to me: Big Billy, what he stood for and represented for me, and what he might represent for other cancer fighters who felt their strength waning and their mental resolve begin­ning to weaken. Big Billy would bear the markings of one tough, cancer-fighting dude. He would be the antithesis of my normally meek outward appear­ance, but on the inside, he would carry my ideals and my values.

    Big Billy became my alter ego in the cancer world, the muscle behind my hustle. He was born from a figment of my imagination on a cold winter night, and he crystallized into the em­bodiment of a mentality that I wanted to represent. More importantly, he became the person I wanted to feel like on the inside: one of the baddest cancer fighters there ever was.

    Big Billy and I developed a symbi­otic relationship; each of us could stand on his own merit, independent of one another. But in combination, we were an unstoppable force in the cancer uni­verse, a dynamic duo bent on knocking out cancer and emerging as victors.

    I harnessed this image of the fight­ing nature that we all carry with us into our cancer battles, and manifested that image through a persona that was tan­gible and readily identifiable, and that could represent us all.

    In essence, Big Billy personifies our fighting side. He lives in me, and he lives in you, too. Keep fighting. You can do it. You’ve got Big Billy in your corner.


    ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

    Craig Harrison is a four-time colorectal cancer survivor living in Arlington, TX.

    This article was published in Coping® with Cancer magazine, September/October 201


    I'll keep

    fighting in his honor and that of Big Billy's too. Thank you Craig for the inspiration.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Loving the videos

    Craig aint in no Folsom (Cancer) prison now. Run free, Craig, run free. 

    Love the air guitar moments.

    Really wonderful to 'see' him. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Loving the videos

    Craig aint in no Folsom (Cancer) prison now. Run free, Craig, run free. 

    Love the air guitar moments.

    Really wonderful to 'see' him. 

    Sue - Trubrit

    the Lion

    May he be in heaven forever!!

  • Momof2plusteentwins
    Momof2plusteentwins Member Posts: 509 Member
    This is a hard loss

    I think sometimes we think some will never leave us, Craig is one of those people.  I didn't think he would go, this is definitely a hard one.  He will be missed.


  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member

    We all had such admiration and love for Criag! He will be missed!

    Thanks for posting the videos. It's nice putting a face to the name.


  • traci43
    traci43 Member Posts: 773 Member
    Thanks for the rememberences

    To all who posted, thank you for the reminders of how wonderful Craig was.  I loved his long, thoughtful posts, they really helped me in my journey.  the videos were really great, love the Johnny Cash cover.  If Kim still has his writings, it would be awesome to self-publish his book "The Lion's Roar".  I'd buy it!