How's Craig?



  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member
    Sending love

    Dear Craig,

    Sending love and appreciation for all you have given us over the years.  You've made each of our journeys through this cancer a little bit easier with your warmth, insight, compassion, support.  We are all gathered around you to share our strength with you and wish you peace.


  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    Thank you NewHere

    thanks four support whilir I've been ill appreciated it...


    My thoughts and prayers are with you.  Your words and kindess have meant a lot to me and countless others.

    I draw strength from them throughtout my day.



  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    You are so very important to us, dear friend.

    Your wise words have had such a big impact on many people here, and you are always so willing to share your time and knowledge with us.

    We love you.

  • chp
    chp Member Posts: 29
    abrub said:

    Sending love

    Dear Craig,

    Sending love and appreciation for all you have given us over the years.  You've made each of our journeys through this cancer a little bit easier with your warmth, insight, compassion, support.  We are all gathered around you to share our strength with you and wish you peace.


    Dear Craig,

    I rarely post on here, but check in every day to read everyone's posts.  I felt I must comment today. Over the last 2 yrs, I have enjoyed reading you're very interesting, entertaining and thought provoking comments.  Thank you for all you've contributed to this forum.  My thoughts are with you, sending you much love and peace.


  • Trapbear
    Trapbear Member Posts: 108 Member

    You are so very important to us, dear friend.

    Your wise words have had such a big impact on many people here, and you are always so willing to share your time and knowledge with us.

    We love you.

    Dear Craig,
    I am so sorry to

    Dear Craig,

    I am so sorry to hear about your situation. Your words have inspired me over the years and helped me deal with my dear husband's disease.  You will be in my thoughts and I hope your days are peaceful and free of pain.  Gentle hugs,


  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member

    You are so very important to us, dear friend.

    Your wise words have had such a big impact on many people here, and you are always so willing to share your time and knowledge with us.

    We love you.

    Dearest Craig

    You have been, are and always will be in the hearts of all those you have touched with your humor, openess and love.

    I truely believe that those we have loved and passed before us, wait to welcome us to the light and bring our suffering to an end.

    You have been a valient warrior. 

    May the love of the many warm your heart and bring you peace.

    Love today and all the tomorrows,

    Marie who loves kitties

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    My most sincere prayers...

    are with you and your family. 

    My heart is aching with pain, and I can't find the keys through my tears. 

    You knwo we want you to rally, but we also don't want you to suffer. 


    Sue - Trubrit

  • Joy1216
    Joy1216 Member Posts: 290 Member
    So many memories

     Craig, you have been the heart and soul of this board for so long. You are a trailblazer and set such high goals for the rest of us to achieve. I still have my Santa Craig CD and will think of you every Christmas as I play it. I pray that you are not in pain and I know you soon will be seeing so many friends from the board in heaven.


  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    My heart is heavy...

    You have been such an inspiration to all of us.  There were times when I thought my brother had no hope, but I'd read your words of wisdom and it would encourage me to keep positive. I know I haven't been on the board as long as many on here, but you have made such a great impact on all our lives. I wish you peace and I wish for you to be pain-free.

    Lots of love, hugs and positive thoughts being sent your way.


    PS Thank you for being our friend! Smile

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    Joy1216 said:

    So many memories

     Craig, you have been the heart and soul of this board for so long. You are a trailblazer and set such high goals for the rest of us to achieve. I still have my Santa Craig CD and will think of you every Christmas as I play it. I pray that you are not in pain and I know you soon will be seeing so many friends from the board in heaven.



    I don't know you as well as the others but I'm reading these comments and the tears are starting to flow. That's big cuz I've always been the tough guy that can handle anything. Much respect to a fellow fighter. You know that thing you've always wanted to say? Just say it now. Get the pain under control, I'm sorry but F$&ck the tweeking with the dial, make it happen ASAP. Just know I can sense you're giving way will serve you well in whatever is to come. Now prove all these comments wrong and live another 20 years, that would be epic, in true Craig style...


  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member

    My heart is heavy...

    You have been such an inspiration to all of us.  There were times when I thought my brother had no hope, but I'd read your words of wisdom and it would encourage me to keep positive. I know I haven't been on the board as long as many on here, but you have made such a great impact on all our lives. I wish you peace and I wish for you to be pain-free.

    Lots of love, hugs and positive thoughts being sent your way.


    PS Thank you for being our friend! Smile

    My Texas Son

    There are simply no words to express my sadness. You are and will always remain in my heart. I will never forget your kindness, love and wisdom.

    If you must leave us, please know that you will soon be among old friends. Just keep an eye out for the Cherokee-Irishman and his beautiful little cowgirl.

    Much Love,

    "Mama" Wolfen

  • HollyID
    HollyID Member Posts: 946 Member
    Craig, my friend...

     Craig, I've "known" you for so long and you were the light I would seek out when I needed some common sense. 

    You, friend, will never be forgotten. I love you and I'm glad I can truly call you friend.  I've been fortunate that I've gotten to know Kim a bit as well.  

    It's hard to see through the tears, but know that you have been a great cheerleader for us. You've been a voice of reason and advice and have helped countless people through their cancer journey. Your gift of strength and courage is clear. You are a true warrior and you've been a pioneer for all of us survivors. In short, you are AWESOME!

    I hope you're feeling the love that we're giving. Stay strong, brother. You're in my thoughts and prayers along with Kim and family. You're always going to have a special place in my heart.

    Many virtual Hugs and Love from me. 


  • Daisy13
    Daisy13 Member Posts: 43 Member
    Great peace awaits you ...

    and light and love and kindness will be yours.  Breathe easy.  Do not fear.  You are strongly loved here and you have done wonderful things to encourage and support many on this board.  You have been a trailblazer in your surgeries and treatments, you have shared and published your experiences to help others.  You are a good man and will always remain in every heart that knows you. Your great love of Kim will sustain her and ... yes, great peace awaits you ... free of pain and filled with love and light.

    Peace Craig.

  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Love you, Craig!

    As much as I want to keep you here with us for a LONG time to come, I also don't want you to be in so much pain. Praying for you and Kim and hope you get some relief so your days with her can be better than they have been lately.


    You are so much a part of this group, and I love all the support you have been to everyone through the years. 


    Love you LOTS!!!




  • Luv2lunch
    Luv2lunch Member Posts: 270
    Craig, the Lion

    I don't really know what to say right now. My heart hurts. You have always, always been here for me and Mom. We will be praying for you and Kim. You were one of the first to help "walk" us through this scary thing called cancer. And we weren't as scared after you wrote and told us to hang on, things would get better. And you were right.

    I wish I had the right words to say to you now. You would know what to say but I don't. Just know how much you mean to us and we love you so. I hope your pain will be gone soon. Selfishly I hope you will get better and come back and write to us again.

    Take care dear friend.

    Love, your cheerleaders, Linda and Miss Ellie

  • Lorikat
    Lorikat Member Posts: 681 Member
    Craig..  prayers for now and

    Craig..  prayers for now and forever.  I have my copy of the magazine with youre article in it.  What an accomplishment!  Thank you for being you...  Lori..


  • hippiechicks
    hippiechicks Member Posts: 509 Member
    Dear Craig .. you have been a

    Dear Craig .. you have been a becon of light for me through this journey.  Your wisdom and insight, sense of humor and courage.  I keep your autographed copy of Coping so generousely sent in a very special place away from harm.  I cherish it as it serves not only as a good read, but as an inspiration for success from you which gives me strength on those hard days. You have done such good here on CSN for so many people.  

    So many of us here wish we could just have eased your pain over this past year.  Your courage and fight has been just relentless.  I have cried for your pain and laughed with your humor.  I wish today to tell you just how much I have appreciated all you have done and will continue to do.  

    Rest dear Craig.  Fly with angels and meet our past friends.  Even if your vessel is no longer willing to work ... your spirit will always be here with us all.  

    (((Huggs))) to you. Peace to you ... let go of the pain .... 

  • traci43
    traci43 Member Posts: 773 Member
    praying for you

    Craig - My thoughts are with you now.  I just saw your Big Billy article today and it made me smile.  I sure wish he had been able to help you.  You have fought valiently my friend and have taken more than many of us could endure.  YOu've been a positive voice on this board helping us to the the positive side of things and also the humorous side.  You will be sorely missed.  Peace be with you.  Your friend, Traci

  • Semira
    Semira Member Posts: 381 Member
    traci43 said:

    praying for you

    Craig - My thoughts are with you now.  I just saw your Big Billy article today and it made me smile.  I sure wish he had been able to help you.  You have fought valiently my friend and have taken more than many of us could endure.  YOu've been a positive voice on this board helping us to the the positive side of things and also the humorous side.  You will be sorely missed.  Peace be with you.  Your friend, Traci

    my dear lion

    I'm not as good in words as you always were and so I cannot express my thanks for your help and your wisdom in the way I would like to. So I just send you a tender hug (we germans do a lot of hugging). I will never forget you and each lion I see will remind me of you.

    Love you


  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member

    What a pleasure it has been knowing you.  Sorry you never got that vacation to Disney' Your future is HEAVEN which will eliminate all pain and give you happiness forever.