Today is my 3 year cancerversary

Momof2plusteentwins Member Posts: 509 Member

I was diagnosed 3 years ago today stage IV Rectal cancer.  I never thought I would still be alive.  My twin boys were 14 and now they are 17 and graduating high school next month and starting college in a June.  I have twin grand babies girls that are 10 months old and never thought I see grandchildren.  I am happy to be NED but still think of cancer every day.  A lot of the people that were on here 3 years ago are gone.  It's so hard to not feel guilty and think why them and not me.  I still read here everyday and hope we can all get the best trestment and best outcome.



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Congratulations on so many fronts.


    Seeing your twins graduate. 

    Being a Grandparent.

    What wonderful blessings, albeit having travelled a rough road these past few years. 

    Here's to many, many more. How about seeing those twin grandchildren graduate, eh. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • jen2012
    jen2012 Member Posts: 1,607 Member
    Congrats Sandy!  I'm so happy

    Congrats Sandy!  I'm so happy you are doing well and seeing all of these milestones reached!  

    try to push any guilty feelings far from your mind.  It's not like you are taking someone else's survival away by surviving yourself.  I think it's safe to say that anyone that has passed from this disease would cheer on any survivors.  Relax and enjoy life!  

    Wishing you many more healthy years.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Wonderful news and thanking you for sharing that.  Wow twins in the family twice - you are three times blessed as two sets of twins plus being NED - you are truly fortunate.


  • sflgirl
    sflgirl Member Posts: 220 Member
    Good News

    Thanks for sharing, gives hope to those of us on the beginning of the journey.

    There is no guilt in surviving, only joy.



  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    That is Wonderful

    Great news indeed across the board.  No need for guilt, just enjoy and celebrate it all.  

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Congratulations in being NED.

    Congratulations in being NED.

  • fedester
    fedester Member Posts: 753 Member


    Many more anniversaries.


  • marbleotis
    marbleotis Member Posts: 720 Member
    Totally Wonderful

    I am so happy for you!!!

    Enjoy every minute of the joy!

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    Go Sandy, go Sandy.  I don't

    Go Sandy, go Sandy.  I don't think of cancer every day anymore and I sincerely wish that on you this year.  It's the best feeling in the world.