5 Years

Chickadee1955 Member Posts: 356 Member

Hello to All,


I haven't posted in a very long time; I do check in every once in awhile. I am sorry to see that some of the warriors that were on the 

site the last time I checked in are no longer with us.  Cypress Cynthia was an inspiration.  I looked for her name when I logged on and

found that she has passed.  


I was diagnosed 5 years ago with Stage 1, invasive ductal carcinoma.  I had bilateral mastectomy, then had 4 rounds of chemotherapy.

I took Tamoxifen for 4 years, after which I decided to discontinue due to side effects last June.

I saw my surgeon  and my oncologist last week for my regular follow-up visits.  All is clear!  I do not have to return to the surgeon at

all, and I will now only need to see my oncologist annually.  I am so very thankful that I have had the wonderful care and support I have

received.  My oncologist tells me that my chances of a recurrence are 0-3%.  I wondered whether this news would be encouraging or

not, but I decided to err on the side of encouragement.  


There are no guarantees, but sometimes taking the most aggressive approach is the right decision.  I didn't have to have bilateral mastectomies or

chemotherapy based strictly on my numbers, but FOR ME, it was the right decision.  I am very happy I made the decisions I did 5 years ago, and 

while I did second guess myself more than once, I know I did the right thing for me.


My prayers and best wishes go out to each of you in whatever stage of the battle you are engaged.  This is a frightening and enlightening journey that

each of us must take individually, but not alone.


I hope each of you find yourself where I find myself today; happy, healthy and blessed.




  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294

    Great milestone!. Thank you for sharing your good news!

    I am sure evryone here appriciate your encouragement. Keep on going and more healthy years to come 

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member


    Great milestone!. Thank you for sharing your good news!

    I am sure evryone here appriciate your encouragement. Keep on going and more healthy years to come 

    Hi and congratulations!

    I was just thinking about you yesterday!  This is the outcome we all hope to have, and I'm right behind you, girlfriend.  I have less than a year remaining on Tamoxifen (at least by my reckoning) and see my onc on the 16th.  Probably 2 more 6 month visits with her, then yearly.   On the 21st I see my gyn-oncologist and I'm thinking that will be the last time I have to see him! 

    So happy for you.



  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    woot woot

    woot woot

  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462

    I'm not here much either, but glad I checked in and saw your post.  5 years here too.  Unfortunately, there are quite a few 2010 members, although many don't check in often.  Glad to hear from you.





  • mollyz
    mollyz Member Posts: 756 Member
    Jean 0609 said:


    I'm not here much either, but glad I checked in and saw your post.  5 years here too.  Unfortunately, there are quite a few 2010 members, although many don't check in often.  Glad to hear from you.





    checking in

    Hi everyone, i too don't get on very often ,It'll be  five years coming in May for me too, but then it's testing time, ct-scan April 28,Mri in May, Chickadee your news is great,very encouraging .when CC pasted that kind of hit me hard and i backed away from the discussion boards but i think of you all often well all the time because you all have the same feelings i have, want to be happy but in the back 0f our minds that thought is their(it coming back).but im just blessed to be here today.im going to try and come on more often,i know it's a lot of newbies on here now. cyber hugs to you all..MollyZ

  • GlowMore
    GlowMore Member Posts: 789 Member
    mollyz said:

    checking in

    Hi everyone, i too don't get on very often ,It'll be  five years coming in May for me too, but then it's testing time, ct-scan April 28,Mri in May, Chickadee your news is great,very encouraging .when CC pasted that kind of hit me hard and i backed away from the discussion boards but i think of you all often well all the time because you all have the same feelings i have, want to be happy but in the back 0f our minds that thought is their(it coming back).but im just blessed to be here today.im going to try and come on more often,i know it's a lot of newbies on here now. cyber hugs to you all..MollyZ

    Thanks MollyZ

    Needed that HUG  Molly.........thanks a million   Smile    Please keep posting because like you say...the Newbies ....AND the Oldies....need to hear your feelings and your story.

    I love your Ear Rings....   Smiles , Glo 

  • mollyz
    mollyz Member Posts: 756 Member
    GlowMore said:

    Thanks MollyZ

    Needed that HUG  Molly.........thanks a million   Smile    Please keep posting because like you say...the Newbies ....AND the Oldies....need to hear your feelings and your story.

    I love your Ear Rings....   Smiles , Glo 



  • mjjones453
    mjjones453 Member Posts: 155
    mollyz said:



    Five Years

    I reached my five years in February! I was taken off of Tamoxifen and pu on Anastrozole. I have tolerated both pretty well? I also was early stage but had a lumpectomy with Radiation. I also don't post often, but am glad for the encouragement that we get from each other. Happy spring!

  • crselby
    crselby Member Posts: 441 Member
    Your choices

    I love that you are still happy with your choices 5 years later!  I tip my hat to you for achieving the 5 year mark with confidence.  May all the future benchmarks be happy ones!  Thanks for sharing!


  • GlowMore
    GlowMore Member Posts: 789 Member
    Hey Chick*

    Hey Chickadee....I got so carried away by Molly sending us Hugs I forgot to tell you  WOO HOO for the 5 years Girl**

    Stay well....Prayers for continued Healing and Happiness **  Glo

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    GlowMore said:

    Hey Chick*

    Hey Chickadee....I got so carried away by Molly sending us Hugs I forgot to tell you  WOO HOO for the 5 years Girl**

    Stay well....Prayers for continued Healing and Happiness **  Glo

    YIPEE ... Congratulations!!

    Doing my Hap Hap Happy Dance for you!  --  Job well done.    Wonderful post,  thank you.


    Strength, Courage and HOPE for a Cure.

    Vicki Sam