1st annual checkup

Been feeling a lot of fatigue lately. I had my first post Rituxan 1 yr checkup with mixed results. Blood work was normal. Dr. Ordered a biopsy on my strange small, hard neck lump just to rule out cancer. He also found very small nodes in my armpits and groin. If neck biopsy is clean, which is what he expects based on its characteristics, I will be going back in Sept for a PET and take it from there. In any case it looks like there is some chemo in my not so distant future. I still plan a trip to Alaska next month and summer on the mountain regardless of biopsy results. The summer is mine! I may need to stop and sit down along the way, but I will get there!

For what its worth, median time to relapse after 24 month Rituxan maintenance is 13.8 months.

Refuse to follow!


  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    Sounds like a plan GKH,

    Sounds like a plan GKH,

    I feel the same way...I'm not going to let cancer rule my life anymore! I have a lot of plans and just like you, I will do them even if I have to stop to catch my breath lol! Take care and hopefully you can take pictures. (((Hugs)))



  • Rocquie
    Rocquie Member Posts: 869 Member

    It sounds like you have a fantastic summer planned. I sure know the feelings of fatigue but I also try not to let it stop me from moving forward--even if at a slower pace. 

    Good news on the blood work and best of luck on the outcome of the neck biopsy. I hope you will let us know?




  • Sounds like a plan GKH,

    Sounds like a plan GKH,

    I feel the same way...I'm not going to let cancer rule my life anymore! I have a lot of plans and just like you, I will do them even if I have to stop to catch my breath lol! Take care and hopefully you can take pictures. (((Hugs)))




    thank you. I will post from time to time. Docs biggest concern for me is new nodes in the retroperitonium which can only be seen by a scan. The nodes in my groin and armpits are new And could be a sign of something even larger going on inside me.

    Love your new picture! I am reluctant to post pictures of myself on here for entirely non-medical reasons but I will be happy to send some Alaska pics by PM when I get back.


    best wishes.

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member


  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    Rocquie said:


    It sounds like you have a fantastic summer planned. I sure know the feelings of fatigue but I also try not to let it stop me from moving forward--even if at a slower pace. 

    Good news on the blood work and best of luck on the outcome of the neck biopsy. I hope you will let us know?





    Boy do you have a good attitude.  Sounds like a jam packed summer. Enjoy, and hoping your fall and winter etc. etc. are as good Cool.
