New here, nervous,scared, have colon cancer

martid Member Posts: 1

Just saying hi to the others here. Im new to a lot of this. Just had my resection surgery about 14 days ago. Feeling better than I was and thats a plus. But I still have a ways to go,chemo and all that. Trying to take it one day at a time. Its comforting to feel not so alone, but then again, its sad to think others are going thru this as well.


  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member

    Sorry you are here for obvious reasons, but it is a good place to be.  I am about 6 weeks ahead of you, give or take.  Though it is not a walk in the park, the fear and anxious feelings (for the most part) is the real tough part.  My surgery is a memory already and working through the chemo.

    Hang in there.

  • Cazz
    Cazz Member Posts: 106

    Sorry that you have reason to be here, but glad you found the forum as there are many kind and caring people who will only be too happy to answer your questions, give encouragement and tell tales of hope and survival.  I actually belong on the anal cancer forum, but find that our treatment and goals are often the same and its great to have somewhere to go where you can get answers and opinions from others who are ahead of you on your journey against this horrible disease.  Its also nice to have people cheering for you when you reach a milestone on the way to the elimination of it.  I wish you all the best, am glad you are already feeling a bit better and don't worry, sometimes the chemo can be bad, but it's over soon enough and the effects wear off pretty quickly.


  • harleywiz
    harleywiz Member Posts: 50 Member
    dont be scared

    I always say cancers not so bad afther the chemo, tests,surgys, ect I'm stage 4 its been 2 years and am now starting my second round of chemo and hopeing for a cure but im not going to let it get me down and nither should you enjoy life take the good with the bad and and just keep telling your self chemo not so bad im on round 3 of 12 for the second time seems about the same sick 4-5 days feel ok for 7 and then more chemo yeha. You will meet a lot of great people and some depressed people try not to let them get you down stay postive there are people on here that have been around a long time. and your one of them just keep telling your self i told my doctor the first day that i was cancencer survibor (sorry cant spell well) and every visit i remind him im still here im just tired of people that say it wont cure you but ill cure my self some how again stay postive enjoy life (and dont forget medical pot ) :)

  • TheLadySkye
    TheLadySkye Member Posts: 203 Member
    It's a long journey, and it's

    It's a long journey, and it's one made infinitely more bearable in the comforts of friends and a supportive group who "gets it."  While I'm sorry life has necessitated you seeking such a place, please know you have found a warm, knowledgeable, amazing group of folks to help get you through the days.  Information and support are critical, and I have found this forum to be an invaluable source of both.

    You are very much in my thoughts and prayers.

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,290 Member
    I'm not new here, but I just

    I'm not new here, but I just decided to talk, so bear with me. This is a great place to hear from people who have what you have, have gone through much more, and survived with humor and heart intact.  It's a tough road your on, but you'll toughen as well, and come through a mentally stronger person. In the mean time, focus and live in the moment, find something good in today, If you can't relax and nothing else helps, have Xanax prescribed, it does take the anxiety away for a bit, you just have to use it occasionally, like at scans and doctor appoinments. Walking also takes the concern away, so do plenty of that. Fear is your enemy, it steal people's joy and health, so turn it into something useful, like energy to get stuff done. Hang tough and hold on to hope and those that care about you. Dave

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    Hi Martid, chemos so much

    Hi Martid, chemos so much fun! Okay I'm making that up. Just hang in there and do your best each day. It's hard but once you're started you'll feel a sense of relief that you are doing something about it. Your body will get a break from the nervousness. Make sure you do prevention. Put the creams on hands and feet daily. Sleep. Treat yourself well. It makes a difference.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Welcome and you will never be alone here.  When you get a chance, please let us know more about your diagnosis and future treatment.  Glad the surgery is behind you and hope you continue to heal with a speedy outcome.  Never feel that any questions is out of the realm here because there are a lot of disscusions about everything.  Hope you are feeling better soon.


  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    Hey Martid!.

    welcome from California! I'm two years out from where you are thriving and happy. Yes! I'm happy! You can do this, there'll be times you will probably cry your eyes out but that's ok, get it out. We're in this crazy little club but we support and pull for each other and we get through it one step at a time. Plenty of practical advice here plus old timers. Stay positive, attitude is key to our healing and our quality of life, you're not alone!


  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    I am sorry you have to be

    I am sorry you have to be here, but welcome, you found a great community for support,infotmation, or if you just want to vent.

  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member

    Don't be afraid!!You will get through this just as many of us have done.   One day you will be NED(no evedence of disease) and telling newbies that they too can make it.  Good Luck!

  • MAliceR
    MAliceR Member Posts: 98
    I say welcome with mixed emotion

    Welcome, I as others have said, am sorry you have had to join the club, but glad you found your way here. I am pretty new here myself. I was originally diagnosed nearly 4 years ago, but just found my way here a couple months ago. I have found the support to be a real blessing when I just need to talk and the people here listen and understand. 

    I know it is scary. It is OK to be nervous and afraid, but don't let it isolate you and make you feel alone. Do you have a good medical support system you feel comfortable with? It is important to trust in your Dr and medical team. They should work with you not at you. 

    Hopefully you have a family and friend support system as well, but while they will try to do everything you need, they are hurting by your diagnosis too, and often feel overwhelmed or worried they can't help you enough. Coming here helps and if you find yourself needing more support, ask your Dr for a referral to a counselor who specializes in cancer. I have found it really helps.

    Be good to yourself. You will have good days and not so good days. When those good days happen, embrace them and enjoy them. They will help you get through the not so good days. During my chemo rotation, on the no chemo days,  I had massages, facials, took short day trips to museums, spent time with friends and started taking a knitting class. I worked really hard to do something for me whenever I could. It really helped. I also had regular acupuncture for the neuropathy in my hands and feet and it really helped. 

    Feel free to ask if you ever have questions or just want to talk. Some of us experienced cancer fighters, are still struggling ourselves, but we understand the need to have someone who really understands. 

    You can do this!  


  • carrieh
    carrieh Member Posts: 146 Member
    MAliceR said:

    I say welcome with mixed emotion

    Welcome, I as others have said, am sorry you have had to join the club, but glad you found your way here. I am pretty new here myself. I was originally diagnosed nearly 4 years ago, but just found my way here a couple months ago. I have found the support to be a real blessing when I just need to talk and the people here listen and understand. 

    I know it is scary. It is OK to be nervous and afraid, but don't let it isolate you and make you feel alone. Do you have a good medical support system you feel comfortable with? It is important to trust in your Dr and medical team. They should work with you not at you. 

    Hopefully you have a family and friend support system as well, but while they will try to do everything you need, they are hurting by your diagnosis too, and often feel overwhelmed or worried they can't help you enough. Coming here helps and if you find yourself needing more support, ask your Dr for a referral to a counselor who specializes in cancer. I have found it really helps.

    Be good to yourself. You will have good days and not so good days. When those good days happen, embrace them and enjoy them. They will help you get through the not so good days. During my chemo rotation, on the no chemo days,  I had massages, facials, took short day trips to museums, spent time with friends and started taking a knitting class. I worked really hard to do something for me whenever I could. It really helped. I also had regular acupuncture for the neuropathy in my hands and feet and it really helped. 

    Feel free to ask if you ever have questions or just want to talk. Some of us experienced cancer fighters, are still struggling ourselves, but we understand the need to have someone who really understands. 

    You can do this!  


    Just wanted to say hello and

    Just wanted to say hello and glad you've found this network. Always reach out if you have a question, feel afraid, have good news..or just need to vent. 



  • hippiechicks
    hippiechicks Member Posts: 509 Member
    Welcome to the forum Martid.

    Welcome to the forum Martid.  You will likely find lots of very, very informative insightful people here to help you through this journey.  It is a life changing experience for sure.  It is hard to find people to understand how you feel and what you are going through.  Here you will.  

    I would like to hear your story of dx and tx.  Depending on your staging and some other factors, chemo and/or radiation is usually the next step around 6 weeks from surgery.  There are so many people here willing to help you through the tricky side affects and "weird" things that happen along the way that oncologists often don't let us know or acknowledge. I found that when I experienced things and brought then to the doctors attention, I would get a very confused look and sorta brush it off as it was not life threatening.  But, I felt scared. It was here that I was able to find that I was not alone in feeling ANY of those "wierd" things.  What happen to one may not happen to everyone, but certainly some of us.  Chemo/radiation affects everyone differently and here you will surly find comfort and support.  R

    I also found doing small things for myself as often as I could really helped.  One rule I followed after reading here, was for every test, treatment, or even just appointment, I deserve a little treat.  That may be as simple as a coffee or coolatta on the drive home ... or an ice cream with a friend ... but something.  It has really helped me remember to put me and my needs first.  Also, accupuncture was a huge help during tx.  Helped with relaxation, healing, nausea, pain and inner peace.  

    Hope to see you here more!! Rest and heal ... best wishes to you.