Wish us Luck!

traceyd1 Member Posts: 79 Member

Jim left this afternoon to drive to MD Anderson in Houston.  He is scheduled for scans Wednesday and Thursday.  I'm going to fly to Houston Thursday evening so I can go with him to meet with the doctors.  The Tumor Board meets Thursday, so hopefully, we will learn the results and have a gameplan when we come home Friday afternoon.  From all his lab reports, it looks like his cancer is Stage III, since it has mets to lungs and was high grade.

Please pray for safe travels and good news!


God Bless!



  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Thoughts and prayers go with you....

    Thoughts and prayers go with you both. Hope the tumor board comes up with a great plain to beat this.


  • HobbsDoggy
    HobbsDoggy Member Posts: 276
    Hope is Always With Us

    No expert, but stage III sure sounds better than stage VI which is what I had, and the correct word, at least so far is had.  You guys are in good hand there and I am sure the plan will be the best it can be.  Any time the beast spreads it has to be very frightening and panic and fear seem very reasonble, but also hope and confidence in what the doctors can do today.  Will be thinking of you and paying for good, no great news!

  • josh r.
    josh r. Member Posts: 264 Member
    Good thoughts on the way

    Prayers and best wishes to you and Jim. josh r.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Good Luck


    MD Anderson, the best for the best!


  • traceyd1
    traceyd1 Member Posts: 79 Member
    Well, insurance strikes

    Well, insurance strikes again.  Jim got almost half way to Houston, and MD Anderson called and said that they don't have approval for the PET scan Yell.  So, they told him to come anyway while they try to work on it.  They cancelled his CT for Thursday, because they think the denial may be because he was scheduled for both.  UGH!  I could just scream!  So, basically he's over there for a couple of days twiddling his thumbs.  I am still going to fly over Thursday night for his dr's appts. on Friday.  So frustrating!

  • avisemi
    avisemi Member Posts: 172
    Hope all goes well! You will

    Hope all goes well! You will be in my prayers.

    Oh, insurances. They can be so horrible. everytime they frustrated me I reminded myself that at least we have it. Imagine having to go through all this without insurance. Anyway, I'll pray for favor on that front and for guidance and wisdome for the doctors.

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    avisemi said:

    Hope all goes well! You will

    Hope all goes well! You will be in my prayers.

    Oh, insurances. They can be so horrible. everytime they frustrated me I reminded myself that at least we have it. Imagine having to go through all this without insurance. Anyway, I'll pray for favor on that front and for guidance and wisdome for the doctors.


    Sorry for the issue with insurance at the last minute. I just went through same with BCBS for. PET at Mayo which is also a distance from my home. The doctor even personally called them.  You just don't need to be fighting a battle with the insurance company on top of everything else right now. Hope they find a resolution quickly. Prayers for safe travels. Your husband is in good hands at MDA.

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    traceyd1 said:

    Well, insurance strikes

    Well, insurance strikes again.  Jim got almost half way to Houston, and MD Anderson called and said that they don't have approval for the PET scan Yell.  So, they told him to come anyway while they try to work on it.  They cancelled his CT for Thursday, because they think the denial may be because he was scheduled for both.  UGH!  I could just scream!  So, basically he's over there for a couple of days twiddling his thumbs.  I am still going to fly over Thursday night for his dr's appts. on Friday.  So frustrating!

    tracey, i'm sorry you must

    tracey, i'm sorry you must deal with ins issues when so much is already going on.  I pray they get it worked out and he can get everything taken care of this trip.  sending prayers for both of you. 

    God bless you,
