New Diagnosis from MD Anderson

traceyd1 Member Posts: 79 Member
edited March 2015 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Well, Jim and I got some unexpected news when we went to MD Anderson last week.  They obtained all slides from 2011 and 2012 and analyzed them in the sarcoma lab.  They have re-classified his cancer to an osteosarcoma of the jaw that has metastisized to the lungs.  Good news is that the treatment for this in the jaw is radiation and surgery, which was what was done.  The not so good news is that now my husband has to have chemo and then more surgery.  This was unexpected.  He is to have another PET (MD Anderson didn't have any trouble getting this approved, surprisingly) on Wed. the 8th, Tumor board meets on the 9th, and we will have a game plan on the 10th.  The oncologist feels that he has micrometastisis, which is why the spots keep popping up, and the chemo will hopefully prevent/take care of more of these.  I kind of feel like the wind has been knocked out of me and can't imagine what Jim is feeling.  He is staying strong and positive, as usual, so I'm gonna take my cues from him and do the same.  Hopefully we will be able to have the first couple of treatments at MD Anderson, and the rest here in Baton Rouge.


Thanks for the continued prayers and God Bless you all.



  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Sorry to hear they have re-classified his cancer to an osteosarm

    Now more chemo and surgery too. We will keep you both in our thoughts and prayers. 

  • HobbsDoggy
    HobbsDoggy Member Posts: 276
    Tough News

    To say that was a shock must be a great understatment for you guys.  I am very impressed that he keeps a positive attitude, which I am convinced goes a long way giving you a good shot at beating or knocking back the desease.  I am a wimp and always take things badly.  You guys give me a fantastic role model to follow and that is sure is a wonderful gift that you give.  Will be thinking about you and wishing you the best.  Wonderful that you are at MDAnderson, one of if not the best in the U.S.

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Tough News

    To say that was a shock must be a great understatment for you guys.  I am very impressed that he keeps a positive attitude, which I am convinced goes a long way giving you a good shot at beating or knocking back the desease.  I am a wimp and always take things badly.  You guys give me a fantastic role model to follow and that is sure is a wonderful gift that you give.  Will be thinking about you and wishing you the best.  Wonderful that you are at MDAnderson, one of if not the best in the U.S.


    My original cancer was SCC of left jaw. I had surgery, radiaition and chemo. Two recurrances treated with SBRT radiation at Mayo then Chemo arranged by Mayo for me to have in STL where I live.  Mayo and MDAnderson consulted on my treatment plan when it came back after I consulted both for options. My original doctors in STL  dropped me like a hot potatoe because it was wrapped around my carotid artery. I just got scanned at Mayo today and all good. I haven't had any activity in lungs. Sorry to hear that your husband has. Since you mentioned splitting tx between MDA and Baton Rouge, I wanted to respond and say that I have had split tx and it has worked out. Your husband is in great hands with MDA and I'm sure they will work with your local doctors too. Your husband's positive attitude will take him far!

  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member
    There are so many new

    There are so many new treatments and MD Anderson seems to have them all. You are in a good facility and have a great attitude. You'll be in lots of prayers too!

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Tracey


    I been to MD Anderson in Houston and they are wonderful people and all pulling in the same direction for you. My doctor was the chief surgeon Dr Hanna and he had a great team with him. I know it all sounds bad right now having to go through this again, but at least you have the best working with you.

    Tim Hondo

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    hi, tracey, i'm sorry for the

    hi, tracey, i'm sorry for the not so good report.  its never what we want to hear.  i am praying for you and your hubby.  take it one day at a time and try to stay positive, you will get through this.  we will be here for you both.

    God bless you,
