Does anyone feel pain in areas where the Cancer is?

kipper1219 Member Posts: 27
edited March 2015 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Sometimes out of the blue when a brief twitch of pain appears. It isn't a  constant pain. But it can appear in my liver area(I just found out I had a nodule on it) or on my stomach area. It's almost like a fluttering. Thoughts?


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Mine was rectal and yes mine was felt big time, but can't comment on where your area of concern is.  I'm thinking that someone on here will comment on this part.  Not all cancers can be felt, hence the reason why it spreads before most people notice it.  Hope that someone chimes in to help answer your question.


  • Steve444
    Steve444 Member Posts: 105 Member
    Pain twitch/throb

    I also feel pain here and there.  In my rectum I almost daily feel a sudden onset of throbbing pain.  It doesn't last very long, but is a nice reminder.  When my liver was impacted with several large tumors I had quite a bit of pain.  It started with fluttering pain and over time hurt with every breath.  Eventually I could only take very shallow breaths without intense pain.  I went to the ER and they prescribed pain meds, said my organs were swollen due to the cancer, causing pressure and pain.  Chemo shrunk every thing down within months and the abdominal and side pain went away.  I hope your pain subsides soon.

  • kipper1219
    kipper1219 Member Posts: 27
    Steve444 said:

    Pain twitch/throb

    I also feel pain here and there.  In my rectum I almost daily feel a sudden onset of throbbing pain.  It doesn't last very long, but is a nice reminder.  When my liver was impacted with several large tumors I had quite a bit of pain.  It started with fluttering pain and over time hurt with every breath.  Eventually I could only take very shallow breaths without intense pain.  I went to the ER and they prescribed pain meds, said my organs were swollen due to the cancer, causing pressure and pain.  Chemo shrunk every thing down within months and the abdominal and side pain went away.  I hope your pain subsides soon.

    Thanks guys! I'm not crazy

    Thanks guys! I'm not crazy then!

  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    I Did

    My first scan that started this for my was for something else and it showed some stones and "something over there which should be checked out."  Within two hours of seeing the words stone, I had incredible pain that lasted two weeks.  (My wife said I had mentioned some minor discomfort off and on before)  About three weeks later it stopped, right before my next series of scans.  First scan (bone) was fine then the abdoman elictied a call within 3 hours of me walking out, which I knew was a bd sign.  Before the doctor got into details, I said "Lower right quadrent," because that was where the pain was.  Not sure what triggered the pain following the first test, but it was so bad that I would have gone for medical attention except for the fact that (a) I thought it was probbly stones and (b) knew I had scans and follow up appointments.

  • kipper1219
    kipper1219 Member Posts: 27
    NewHere said:

    I Did

    My first scan that started this for my was for something else and it showed some stones and "something over there which should be checked out."  Within two hours of seeing the words stone, I had incredible pain that lasted two weeks.  (My wife said I had mentioned some minor discomfort off and on before)  About three weeks later it stopped, right before my next series of scans.  First scan (bone) was fine then the abdoman elictied a call within 3 hours of me walking out, which I knew was a bd sign.  Before the doctor got into details, I said "Lower right quadrent," because that was where the pain was.  Not sure what triggered the pain following the first test, but it was so bad that I would have gone for medical attention except for the fact that (a) I thought it was probbly stones and (b) knew I had scans and follow up appointments.

    What ended up giving me

    What ended up giving me cancer is undiagnosed Chrohns  disease. (I believe) but I didn't have the typical signs of the diease. But I'm unsure what my pain is actually associated with. I believe it's the Cancer. 

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    I get pain

    Yeah, I get pains, but mostly when I'm thinking about the Cancer. When I am busy and keep my mind busy, I don't feel the pain, which tells me that its mostly in my head. 

    After my resection and before choemo, I could feel a ball in my rectum. I was convinced that it was a tumour, but it wasn't; probably just a little irratation that my mind made worse. 

    I can feel my charcoal liver tumour though. It is still in there, having been ablated/fried. If I do anything strenuous, I can feel the it. It scared me allot at first, and I was sure the Cancer was back, until my nurse friend told me that it was normal. 

    With any kind of concern, you should definitely speak to your Oncologist about this. Even if every member on this forum told you that it all sounds normal, you should still speak to a professional. 

    Good luck!

    Sue - Trubrit

  • kipper1219
    kipper1219 Member Posts: 27
    Trubrit said:

    I get pain

    Yeah, I get pains, but mostly when I'm thinking about the Cancer. When I am busy and keep my mind busy, I don't feel the pain, which tells me that its mostly in my head. 

    After my resection and before choemo, I could feel a ball in my rectum. I was convinced that it was a tumour, but it wasn't; probably just a little irratation that my mind made worse. 

    I can feel my charcoal liver tumour though. It is still in there, having been ablated/fried. If I do anything strenuous, I can feel the it. It scared me allot at first, and I was sure the Cancer was back, until my nurse friend told me that it was normal. 

    With any kind of concern, you should definitely speak to your Oncologist about this. Even if every member on this forum told you that it all sounds normal, you should still speak to a professional. 

    Good luck!

    Sue - Trubrit

    I have a whole week of

    I have a whole week of getting poked and prodded coming up. Last Sunday I had a sharp pain to the right of my belly button.  On a scale of 1-10 with 10 really hurting, it was a 7 or 8. It kept me up half the night. the next morning the pain was gone, but it was very tender in that area. I had a dr spot with my cancer dr the next morning. I told him and he did nothing. I feel like I'm in the dark here. 

  • lilacbrroller
    lilacbrroller Member Posts: 412 Member

    I have a whole week of

    I have a whole week of getting poked and prodded coming up. Last Sunday I had a sharp pain to the right of my belly button.  On a scale of 1-10 with 10 really hurting, it was a 7 or 8. It kept me up half the night. the next morning the pain was gone, but it was very tender in that area. I had a dr spot with my cancer dr the next morning. I told him and he did nothing. I feel like I'm in the dark here. 


    Hi - welcome to the board! &nbsp;I usually say hello when people introduce themselves for the first time, but I was busy this week. &nbsp;I'm glad you rotated your photo!</p>

    <p>re: pain. I do sometimes. I have this recurring pain in my right side, just below the ribcage. I figure it's my liver. It doesn't hurt all the time but sometimes it flares up. &nbsp;I have painkillers which I can take if I need to. I don't just because PKs cause certain inconvenient side effects. &nbsp;Sometimes the pain feels like PMS cramps. Very rarely do I have it at the tumor site, but sometimes it's a little uncomfortable. &nbsp;I think I always have some pain, but I just live with it. And if it gets REALLY bad, I will pop pills. In the past six months, I think I've only taken painkillers for, like, two days.&nbsp;</p>

    <p>By the way I'm glad you're going to cancer treatment center of America. I've heard different things about it. Some people have had great experiences, others not so much. But I hope they do good things for you. You might want to google a treatment called HIPEC, which is used for peritoneal mets. CTCA does offer it - a link popped up when I googled the treatment.&nbsp;</p>

    <p>cheers and I hope you feel better</p>


  • kipper1219
    kipper1219 Member Posts: 27


    Hi - welcome to the board! &nbsp;I usually say hello when people introduce themselves for the first time, but I was busy this week. &nbsp;I'm glad you rotated your photo!</p>

    <p>re: pain. I do sometimes. I have this recurring pain in my right side, just below the ribcage. I figure it's my liver. It doesn't hurt all the time but sometimes it flares up. &nbsp;I have painkillers which I can take if I need to. I don't just because PKs cause certain inconvenient side effects. &nbsp;Sometimes the pain feels like PMS cramps. Very rarely do I have it at the tumor site, but sometimes it's a little uncomfortable. &nbsp;I think I always have some pain, but I just live with it. And if it gets REALLY bad, I will pop pills. In the past six months, I think I've only taken painkillers for, like, two days.&nbsp;</p>

    <p>By the way I'm glad you're going to cancer treatment center of America. I've heard different things about it. Some people have had great experiences, others not so much. But I hope they do good things for you. You might want to google a treatment called HIPEC, which is used for peritoneal mets. CTCA does offer it - a link popped up when I googled the treatment.&nbsp;</p>

    <p>cheers and I hope you feel better</p>



    i will be tickled with any help they can give. My dr. Said 2-3 years. No  surgerie, and no other procedures. I will be on chemo the rest of my life. Oh and eat what you want. that pretty much slammed the door shut on me. My picture was correct when I posted it. I tried to rotate it. Then it was croked again. So I had to walk away and try later. 

