Afraid I have colon cancer

cati0314 Member Posts: 203

Hi, my name is Sharon and I have always posted in the breast cancer group.  I am close to 5 year survivor.  I have always had an intolerance for fats but for the last few months have severe diarhhea and more recently have gas, bloating, feeling that my bowels don't empty.  I took some Immodium Plus and the symptoms went away after a day but I have been seeing a gastroenterologist and advised him that the diarhhea has not gone away after some changes in my diet.  He wants to do a colonoscopy this coming Thursday.  Sometimes reading the internet is not the best thing for you.  My symptoms are those of colon cancer as well as IBS and some other things.  I am writing for support as I have been depressed and have panic attacks since the breast cancer.  My last colonoscopy was 4 1/2 yrs ago.  I am also BRCA1 positive.  Thanks for listening.  Sharon


  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    Try Not To Worry Too Much

    I am somewhat new on this trip, had the surgery beginning Feb and my second chemo sesssion is in a couple of days.  There can be various reasons, as you noted, for what you are going through.  I was pretty much had no symptoms.  What you have described is something that a few of my family members have all the time, they have sensisitive stomachs.  They are all fine, but for stomach issues which are not cancer.  It comes and goes for them.  There may have been something in the last few months, food allergy developing or the rest.

    Try not to get too nervous about this.  That being said, under the worse case scenario, try not to worry in that event either.  There was a warning scan for me in December and then a series of steps.  During each step there was always a hedge on the bet where it may not have been cancer for me.  But I prepared myself more for possible bad news so as not too be too taken aback.   Though it is not something that is easy to deal with, my concerns/fears/anxiousness was/is worse than the actual process so far.  Not saying it was (or is) a walk in the park, but the surgery and chemo so far has been not even remotely as horrific i would have thought.  The people in this forum have been great in terms of knowledge and experience.  There is no doubt in my mind that the advice I got on the board when I first got here helped me get out of the hopsital quicker than I would have otherwise. 

    Anyway, hoping the colonoscopy goes well for you and comes back all clear. 


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    welcome to the forum, Sharon

    and I am truly sorry that you are at this awful stage of fretting.  You've travelled the Cancer road, and know the fears that go with it, so I sincerely pray that you are just expreiencing some adverse reaction to life, and not anything worse. I think you've done enough, with your Breast Cancer. 

    But NewHere is right, it doesn't hurt to get your mind ready for the bad news while hoping and praying for the good. 

    There are many here, including myself, who are doing quite well rolling along the Cancer road, and if it turns out that you do have it, then you can come and roll along with us. We're a great bunch of people; you'll find lots of love and support. 

    Please let us know what the outcome is, good or not so good. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    Welcome and I'll be

    thinking of you this Thursday. A wise man once said 'worry is an abuse of the imagination.'  Try not to needlessly cause yourself anxiety, I know it's very difficult. Colon cancer is very slow to develop, they often let people go 10 years between scans. It's been less than 5 since your last one. Your symptoms don't seem that bad, if you have anything I bet it will be very treatable. Good luck and best wishes, fingers crossed you'll be fine.


  • cati0314
    cati0314 Member Posts: 203
    Thank you for your support!

    I'd like to thank all of you for your thoughtful messages.  It takes time to write and support someone.  I've been doing it for almost 5 years.  My breast cancer was advanced local at 6.2 cm.  Huge monster.  Neo adjuvent chemo, bilateral and hysterectomy due to BRCA1.  T3, N0, M0.  That is why I live my life in fear.  Maybe someday I'll be better able to handle these kinds of things.  Just had a scare of a tumor in my left reconstructed breast, close to chest wall.  It turned out to be fatty tissue escaping from the reconstruction.  DIEP flap reconstruction.  Boy, this changes your life forever.  Thank you all again.  It means the world to me to hear from you all!  Sharon

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Welcome to yet another board here.  I'm now on three due to hubby and brother and this surely isn't the place you want to have to be there especially more than one - yikes.  Congratulations on almost 5 years on being a survivor and my journey was just the opposite last month when I'd been in for further testing on breast because of concerns that turned out to be not cancer.  Our mind always races when we get a change or ache or pain.  It's a terrible feeling to live with and for some, it will continue for the rest of their life.  That part of the disease is the worst part - the fear.  As we age our bodies tend to go through many changes and tolerating foods or allergic reactions to foods (which we are never aware of) can change our bowel changes.  Don't fear a colonoscopy but set your mind that this will give you the reassurance you need that you will be fine and this will give you confirmation that it's not cancer.  It could be IBS, or worse chrons disease or diverticulitis which can cause the same symptoms, but they can be treated if you know that you have it.  Best of luck on the scope and please let us know by a follow up on this board what the outcome is. 

  • Dyanclark
    Dyanclark Member Posts: 296
    Colon Cancer

    Could be your are under a lot of stress.  Think positive

  • Dyanclark
    Dyanclark Member Posts: 296
    Colon cancer

    I can only say my husband has been fighting colon cancer for 7 years.  As far as I know diareahhrea is not a sympton of Colon Cancer.  Since you are positive for Braca, I am sure you are worried.  Hope the Colonoscopy is clear.

    Hugs, George & Diane


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Dyanclark said:

    Colon Cancer

    Could be your are under a lot of stress.  Think positive

    Every time I've had to tell a

    Every time I've had to tell a medical professional about what my symptoms were they ask if I didn't notice blood in my stool. I've had IBS my whole adult life so blood wasn't unusual at all. I never felt any pain, either. My tumour was the size of a large chicken egg, quite close to the rectum, and I had no idea it was there. I didn't even feel bad.

  • cati0314
    cati0314 Member Posts: 203
    It is not cancer!

    So happy to report that my colonoscopy did not show cancer.  The doctor said I have diverticulosis and he removed 3 polyps.  He's testing for celiac disease.  He wants to get tothe bottom of the diararehha. Thank you all for your support.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    cati0314 said:

    It is not cancer!

    So happy to report that my colonoscopy did not show cancer.  The doctor said I have diverticulosis and he removed 3 polyps.  He's testing for celiac disease.  He wants to get tothe bottom of the diararehha. Thank you all for your support.

    So happy for you

    This is good news indeed. 

    Of course, you are still suffering, and I hope that will end for you soon, and the Doctor's can figure out what is turly going on, but no Cancer, that is just FANTASTIC!

    Sue - Trubrit

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    cati0314 said:

    It is not cancer!

    So happy to report that my colonoscopy did not show cancer.  The doctor said I have diverticulosis and he removed 3 polyps.  He's testing for celiac disease.  He wants to get tothe bottom of the diararehha. Thank you all for your support.


    Told you so. : )


  • cati0314
    cati0314 Member Posts: 203
    Easyflip said:


    Told you so. : )


    Yes, you did!

    LOL!  You were indeed right.  Still don't know what the gastro distress is but so very good to know its not cancer!  Smile

  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    cati0314 said:

    It is not cancer!

    So happy to report that my colonoscopy did not show cancer.  The doctor said I have diverticulosis and he removed 3 polyps.  He's testing for celiac disease.  He wants to get tothe bottom of the diararehha. Thank you all for your support.


    Good news indeed.  Glad it turned out well and they get you an answer for the issue.