i am new normal are you?



  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    knock, knock


    You know I went through a time when I was as I say “H&N emotional”; grateful to be alive and scared to death to have cancer.  It is a cruel mental and physical adventure, it is nice to hang on to a little happiness and humor.

    By the way, what are you doing in your Avatar, cancer paper work, scrap booking, taxes?  You are literally up to your neck in it.

    Carry on,



    It is an "adventure" all right, just like a car accident is an "experience". I'll have to upload a picture of the new me. That was Teacher Me correcting papers. 

  • KB56
    KB56 Member Posts: 318 Member
    3 years

    Matt, 3 years is huge!  Congratulation big guy!   Keep dishing out great advice futon that comfortable looking patio you have

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    Congrats... Abi-Normal

    Six years and counting....

    You have learned the ways of the force well young Luke..., ummm I mean Matt.. 

    I'm sure that Matt would agree with Matt...




    Dear JG,

    I am ecstatic that the “Force” worked overtime in healing you and brought me into the H&N alliance….who is this John who goes by Skiffin 16, what the heck is neck burn, thrush or forgetting how to swallow? All those “cancer things” which were going on around me I had to learn.  Having cancer isn’t rocket science, but it pays to listen and get educated.  You guys are the best.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    KTeacher said:


    For me normal is a setting on the dryer!  3 years, that's great.  This side of the journey it doesn't seem like 3 years since your first post.  Like the others, I enjoy your humor.  Keep on keeping on.

    yes each of us are normal


    Sweet Bev,

    To me, normal is the hand I was dealt, some parts I like other parts I don’t.  Meeting you 3 years ago and again a 3 weeks ago were both good parts.

    As for dryers, ours has a buzzer that lets me know when the clothes are ready.  The buzzer is so loud I about wet myself, now that’s not normal.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    hwt said:

    Great news!

    Yet another milestone and reason to celebrate! Congratulations Matt

    news 3 years in the making



    You send me to the beach every time I see you post. Was it a nice day, did you have fun?

    My Avatar is in my back yard where I sit and roast hot dogs and marshmallows.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    josh r. said:

    Hard earned NED

    Hi Matt,

    I am so happy for you and yours and that you have shared so much with us,your "brothers and sisters". Your insightful and directness with humor is truly appreciated. All the best, josh r.



    I always meant to thank you for the H&N insight you gave me.  I know my posts got better (for me).


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member

    Matt, sorry to be a day late

    Matt, sorry to be a day late but this news made my day!!  you could play in the world series with a batting average like that one!!!  Here's to NED!!


    late? not really



    It was almost midnight when I posted.   I think there were 3 CSN members on line.  Taking a line out of the article you posted a link to.  I was Cut, Poisoned and Burned to becoming NED.

    How you like them apples?


  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member
    Matt my friend


    Lets break this down

    NEW     I am to darn old to be new but every day is a new day and I will live my life as such. I once told a telemarketer selling burial plots that I didn't need one because I wasn't going to die. He told me everybody dies. I told him he was wrong in that I wasn't everybody I was me. I like to see how long it takes them to hang up on me.

    NORMAL        See above I ain't normal and I prove it everyday. The best part of this is I enjoy not being normal. In my line of work if your normal you become to predictable. After all what normal person is up before 5 without an alarm to go to work by 8?

    As for 3 years post, I am ahead of you by 7 days and 2 years. (normal people would say 1 week and 2 years) I'm blazin the trail in front of ya.

    All Kidding Aside (just for a few minutes)

    Your the one who deserves all the THANKS. I watch you help so many newbies as they start their journey and if this site were to hand out a medal of honor you would be at the top of that list. We all have a uniqueness about us but yours shines. Congradulations Matt, if it wasn't for the fact I just drank coffee I'd slide down a milksahke in your honor. Matter of fact I'll have one for lunch today just two days late in celebrating your 3 years.

    Enjoy the day.................I do.............every one of them


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Hondo said:

    Hi Matt


    Wow 3 down and counting; hope and pray you get 30 to 40 more of the same.



    3 all the way down


    In 30 to 40 years my taste buds and saliva should be all back.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    KB56 said:

    3 years

    Matt, 3 years is huge!  Congratulation big guy!   Keep dishing out great advice futon that comfortable looking patio you have

    I sea you


    The “relaxing” patio season is upon us.  You don’t look to be feeling any pain.

    Live on,


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Duggie88 said:

    Matt my friend


    Lets break this down

    NEW     I am to darn old to be new but every day is a new day and I will live my life as such. I once told a telemarketer selling burial plots that I didn't need one because I wasn't going to die. He told me everybody dies. I told him he was wrong in that I wasn't everybody I was me. I like to see how long it takes them to hang up on me.

    NORMAL        See above I ain't normal and I prove it everyday. The best part of this is I enjoy not being normal. In my line of work if your normal you become to predictable. After all what normal person is up before 5 without an alarm to go to work by 8?

    As for 3 years post, I am ahead of you by 7 days and 2 years. (normal people would say 1 week and 2 years) I'm blazin the trail in front of ya.

    All Kidding Aside (just for a few minutes)

    Your the one who deserves all the THANKS. I watch you help so many newbies as they start their journey and if this site were to hand out a medal of honor you would be at the top of that list. We all have a uniqueness about us but yours shines. Congradulations Matt, if it wasn't for the fact I just drank coffee I'd slide down a milksahke in your honor. Matter of fact I'll have one for lunch today just two days late in celebrating your 3 years.

    Enjoy the day.................I do.............every one of them


    back at you


    You should just show that burial plots guy and hang around forever.

    You are a little predictable; I guessed you would be wearing a red shirt and at 5am.

    You are also taller than me by 7 days and 2 years.

    Finally, I am just a small piece of the H&N million piece puzzle, you are a piece too (a funny piece).


    Union Joke

    We're overpaying him but he's worth it.



  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    And may you continue to hit

    And may you continue to hit it out of the park.


  • Goyca
    Goyca Member Posts: 220
    Matt happy 3rd anniversary of

    Matt happy 3rd anniversary of NED :)

    I'm grateful I have known u for how much u inspired and supported me during my battle.


    cheers :)

  • avisemi
    avisemi Member Posts: 172
    Congrats Matt!!!! :):) and

    Congrats Matt!!!! :):) and thank you for all the support you give me and many others :)

  • Bunnymom
    Bunnymom Member Posts: 212 Member


    Beautiful inspiration and hope. Happy anniversary! So very happy to hear the news!


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    jim and i said:

    And may you continue to hit

    And may you continue to hit it out of the park.


    in the line up


    I will keep swinging for the fences, but I sure could use some easy pitches.



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Goyca said:

    Matt happy 3rd anniversary of

    Matt happy 3rd anniversary of NED :)

    I'm grateful I have known u for how much u inspired and supported me during my battle.


    cheers :)



    There were friends here to dress my wounds.  I am just glad I could help.

    Keep getting better,



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    avisemi said:

    Congrats Matt!!!! :):) and

    Congrats Matt!!!! :):) and thank you for all the support you give me and many others :)

    help me help you


    May I use you on my resume?



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Bunnymom said:



    Beautiful inspiration and hope. Happy anniversary! So very happy to hear the news!


    thank you

    Mary alias Bunnymom,

    I just ate some Hot Tamales (candy) and I am looking for my glass of water.

    My mouth is smoking with inspiration and hope.  There’s my water, gotta go.


  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    I can't call the burail plot guy back he hung up on me and this was before caller ID.

    Funny you should mention union joke because I kinda fought my battle living by one. About 20 years ago the owner of a company I was working for was in an room beside the drivers room where we use to take breaks throughout the day. He always used intimidation to get his point across and I think he always looked at me as a challenge. I came into the room waved Hi as he watched through the glass and sat down, 5 minutes later he came storming out of the room yelling how long are you going to sit there go out a get in your truck and make me some money. I calmly sat there and reponded I'm a Teamster and I still have 20 minutes left on my 10 minute break. He got so furious the Human Resource Manager had to come out and force him back into the room, she later pleaded with me to never piss him off like that again.

    When I started my battle  with cancer and quite a few times during one of the  things that drove me was F..K cancer I still have 20 minutes left on my 10 minute break.

    As you know to fight this beast it takes dedication and you have to reach down and pull out inner strength you never dreamt you had. Matt you and others on this great site have a unique ability to give the fighters and their caregivers afterall they are fighters by association, that little push forward towards the finish line that can seem far off in the distance.

    By the way the President of that company I worked for, his wife fired him for sleeping where he wasn't supposed to. I look forward to seeing him in the street someday so I can tell him it's a shame he wasn't a Teamster, I could have fought for his job back.

    Time to live out my next interesting day........I look forward to every one of them
