Cold all the time

Ok... here goes from someone fairly new on here.


Mid 50's male (whos brain still tries to tell him he is in his mid 20's) that is 8 months out from treatment for Tonsil Cancer (caused by HPV)

Treatment was chemo (first 2 treatments with Cisplatin and last with Carboplatin as the Cisplatin was distroying my hearing and kidneys) and 36 radiation treatments.


I have had nost of the same after effects to a greater or lesser degree and everyone else on here but I have not seen anyone mention being cold all the time. Or is this something that goes away with time? I use to be my own private furnace and even in the niddle of winter hee would be in short sleeve shirts (lives in Canada). Now I seem to need thermal pants and several shirts and sweaters (expensive when you have to replace cloths due to weight loss).

Any thoughts or input on the matter would be appreciated.





  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I'm still cold....

    and I'm 2 1/2 years out of treatment.  I will say, tho....that I'm not as cold as I was the first year (I was wearing sweatshirts in July :) ).  Have you had your thyroid checked since finishing treatment?  Hypothyroid will make things chillier....and it seems most of us who have had rads to the neck area eventually lose the thryroid.'re skinnier.....that seems to play a part in being cold, too. 

    I'm in NW it will be 50 degrees, but my wardrobe for outside is the same as when it was -20... a long sleeved tee shirt under two wool sweaters....of course a down coat and a hat and mittens....My husband pokes fun at me, but I don't care....I'm comfortable!


  • Super-b
    Super-b Member Posts: 26

    I'm still cold....

    and I'm 2 1/2 years out of treatment.  I will say, tho....that I'm not as cold as I was the first year (I was wearing sweatshirts in July :) ).  Have you had your thyroid checked since finishing treatment?  Hypothyroid will make things chillier....and it seems most of us who have had rads to the neck area eventually lose the thryroid.'re skinnier.....that seems to play a part in being cold, too. 

    I'm in NW it will be 50 degrees, but my wardrobe for outside is the same as when it was -20... a long sleeved tee shirt under two wool sweaters....of course a down coat and a hat and mittens....My husband pokes fun at me, but I don't care....I'm comfortable!


    Polar Fleece

    Polar fleese has become my go to clothing of choice LOL. My wife pines for the old me as I was her personal fernace all winther too!

    I did loose close to 100lb (back to highschool weight) but even back  then I "ran hot". So this is very unfamiliar to me being cold.


    I have yet to have any tests done post treatment other than having my Oncolagist poik my neck and look down my throat. Waiting for me to heal befor scanning me again so they do not get any false readings. Next apt is in a few weeks so I will push for the scan then. Have not spoken to my GP since all this started as I had to get nasty with him to get the referal to the ENT from him. According to him there was nothing really wrong with me other than a sore throat and touch of tonsillitis. So trying to find a new GP that is not an arrogant a$$ (they are few and far between).

    I will also push for the thryroid test too as that is not something that I had thought of but makes sense.

    I think I get more info from this board than I have from my Dr.'s. THANKS!


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Super-b said:

    Polar Fleece

    Polar fleese has become my go to clothing of choice LOL. My wife pines for the old me as I was her personal fernace all winther too!

    I did loose close to 100lb (back to highschool weight) but even back  then I "ran hot". So this is very unfamiliar to me being cold.


    I have yet to have any tests done post treatment other than having my Oncolagist poik my neck and look down my throat. Waiting for me to heal befor scanning me again so they do not get any false readings. Next apt is in a few weeks so I will push for the scan then. Have not spoken to my GP since all this started as I had to get nasty with him to get the referal to the ENT from him. According to him there was nothing really wrong with me other than a sore throat and touch of tonsillitis. So trying to find a new GP that is not an arrogant a$$ (they are few and far between).

    I will also push for the thryroid test too as that is not something that I had thought of but makes sense.

    I think I get more info from this board than I have from my Dr.'s. THANKS!


    Are you still checking in

    with your Oncologist?  They do blood work on me every 5 months or so, and one of the tests is for thyroid.  If there is an urgent care around close, you could walk in and ask for a that includes thyroid.  I'd been on thryoid replacement meds for 5 months by the time I was 8 months out of threatment, so it would not surprise me that you're in need some help in that department.  You don't want to go too long without it, it doesn't just control weight and controls a lot of things in the body.


    PS....I started taking Iron supplements too (25 mg's).....they helped in the cold department too....

  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member

    Cold to the bone.  It did get better but there was a time that I had fleece vest, turtle neck, long underwear, earmuffs and gloves under my winter jacket.  It has gotten better but still run on the cold side.  No thyroid problem here.  I live in California, if I was cold here I can't imagine what it was like where it is extremely cold outside.

  • corleone
    corleone Member Posts: 312 Member
    I experienced that cold

    I experienced that cold during and shortly after radiation treatment, probably caused by insufficient caloric intake. As others said, later after the treatment (months, even years) the hypo functional thyroid could be the culprit. 

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    corleone said:

    I experienced that cold

    I experienced that cold during and shortly after radiation treatment, probably caused by insufficient caloric intake. As others said, later after the treatment (months, even years) the hypo functional thyroid could be the culprit. 


    I am still cold 3 years out. I attribute it to all the weight loss but that is just my assumption. 

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    On a different way of looking at it.

    Weight loss can be a contributing factor, as what you have gone through. Now for a different way to look at it. Your circulation has gotten worse and you might try this. Braggs Raw apple cider vinegar, it is unpasteurized, and raw. You can get at health food stores or direct from Braggs. You take one tablespoon and drink water, you can mix it with water but I would rather just get i down. Then I take a drink of Pepsi. I think you take your first breath through the nose because if you go through your mouth it sorta takes your breath away for a few seconds. The only side effect are; Vinegar will lower your blood pressure some, so if you have low BD take some salt or a few potato chips and that will compensate. Second and not trying to be funny but you will smell like a salad for a while. It will clean your system out and help your kidneys, Liver and increase circulation including you feet will be warmer. When I was loading refrigerated trucks in the winter [our clod box was 34 degrees all year] it helped my feet stay warm and my overall circulation. My wife’s feet got so cold she had to have socks when she went to bed her feet were so cold. Now she doesn’t. Something natural to try and it can’t hurt you in any way. It works also to lower high BP as well.

    Just my thoughts, hope it helps.



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Bill how long have you thought you were a furnace?


    Pull your hoody up, you look cold.

    You found us out, we are a cold bunch.  Next time I see someone who smells like salad I am going to say “Braggs Raw apple cider vinegar, are you warm”.

    You best find a doc who believes in blood tests or I hear Cabela’s has some good cold weather duds and buy some of those “no stink” underwear,

    Now I’ve got to go and see if Phrannie will loan me Lola and Bev some ear muffs.

    Stay warm,


  • Super-b
    Super-b Member Posts: 26
    wmc said:

    On a different way of looking at it.

    Weight loss can be a contributing factor, as what you have gone through. Now for a different way to look at it. Your circulation has gotten worse and you might try this. Braggs Raw apple cider vinegar, it is unpasteurized, and raw. You can get at health food stores or direct from Braggs. You take one tablespoon and drink water, you can mix it with water but I would rather just get i down. Then I take a drink of Pepsi. I think you take your first breath through the nose because if you go through your mouth it sorta takes your breath away for a few seconds. The only side effect are; Vinegar will lower your blood pressure some, so if you have low BD take some salt or a few potato chips and that will compensate. Second and not trying to be funny but you will smell like a salad for a while. It will clean your system out and help your kidneys, Liver and increase circulation including you feet will be warmer. When I was loading refrigerated trucks in the winter [our clod box was 34 degrees all year] it helped my feet stay warm and my overall circulation. My wife’s feet got so cold she had to have socks when she went to bed her feet were so cold. Now she doesn’t. Something natural to try and it can’t hurt you in any way. It works also to lower high BP as well.

    Just my thoughts, hope it helps.



    Apple cider vinegar

    Hi Bill

    It is funny but I had just read an artical on the health benefits of taking raw Apple Cider Vinegar a couple of days ago on Facebook. Not to be a cycical or anything but if it is on the internet it must be true LOL

    Good to hear from a first hand sorce that alot of what I read is true. Will it make my hear grow back?

     I have a good Health Food Store near by so I will check that out.

    Thanks for the info. I am going to give this a try


  • Super-b
    Super-b Member Posts: 26
    CivilMatt said:

    Bill how long have you thought you were a furnace?


    Pull your hoody up, you look cold.

    You found us out, we are a cold bunch.  Next time I see someone who smells like salad I am going to say “Braggs Raw apple cider vinegar, are you warm”.

    You best find a doc who believes in blood tests or I hear Cabela’s has some good cold weather duds and buy some of those “no stink” underwear,

    Now I’ve got to go and see if Phrannie will loan me Lola and Bev some ear muffs.

    Stay warm,


    Hi Matt
    Thanks for the

    Hi Matt

    Thanks for the reply

    Yup...looking for a new Dr., not an easy task around here.

    I find Bass Pro has better deals than Cabela"s for thermal or flanel cloths and a better selection in styles :)

    I have yet to finde polar fleece undies though....maybe I should look for fur lined.... perhaps that is a topic for a diffrent fourm



  • Sailor123
    Sailor123 Member Posts: 97
    Hi Super B:
    I was definately

    Hi Super B:

    I was definately FREEZING for eight months or so.  Now i'm 10 months out and though I don't feel like i'm freezing all the time I do wear layers.  It gets better and better with time, but I still haven't returned to a normal temp, though i'm no longer uncomfortable.  I'm sure the warm summer ahead will help warm our bones.

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Super-b said:

    Apple cider vinegar

    Hi Bill

    It is funny but I had just read an artical on the health benefits of taking raw Apple Cider Vinegar a couple of days ago on Facebook. Not to be a cycical or anything but if it is on the internet it must be true LOL

    Good to hear from a first hand sorce that alot of what I read is true. Will it make my hear grow back?

     I have a good Health Food Store near by so I will check that out.

    Thanks for the info. I am going to give this a try


    My Mother-in-law went to her Dr.

    My mother-in-law went to her Dr and asked why he never mentioned drinking Raw Apple cider vinigar to me, she was just told by her daughter. He reached behind his desk and took a book off his bookshelf and said you mean this? If I told you to go home and drink a tablespoon you would first get mad and second not do it. You came in looking for a Rx for a pill to take, and you would have stopped coming for help on your critrical condition. Yes you should take it and it will really help you, and you can also stop taking the lase Rx I gave you if you take this everyday...... She did and got much better.

    Sorry it won't help with hair, even if you rub it on. 


  • ErthWlkr
    ErthWlkr Member Posts: 60
    Freeze out...

    Hey Super-B:

    There was a time in our house when we would fight over the thermostat settings - my wife would complain she was cold and I would complain I was hot. After treatment we switched roles.

    I remember my first summer after treatment - I ended treatment in November - I was out on the deck laying out in the direct noontime sun with no shirt. My skin felt warm - but my core still felt cold!

    Aside from hypothyroid - which you should have checked - I have another theory:

    You didn't mention if you lost weight. I lost about 45 pounds. But you don't just lose fat - you lose muscle and muscle is what generates heat. Then that heat is circulated by the blood throughout the body. Think about shivering when you get cold. That's basically a physiological response to generate heat by activating the muscles.

    As you move thru recovery, you'll begin to warm up. Add some excercise your regimen, and you'll see your body temp rise along with it. So the core temp has as much to do with your general fitness level as it does with other possible physical changes.

    Best advice - dress warm. Wear sweaters even while others are taking theirs off. Take some nice hot showers and put on a thick robe afterwards.

    One other thing - get a dog. They're incredibly efficient radiators - and lots of fun to hang around with. :)

    - Jeff


  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member

    Cold? I am fine at 74 degrees. Precisely. Otherwise it's the Goldilocks syndrome - too hot or too cold. I second the suggestion about getting a dog. We have two and they're like little heating pads!

  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    Like others have stated, may have alot to do with weight loss. I am still working at gaining my 92 back but I still get cold more so than I did before treatment, especially my neck. My wife wanted to buy me a scarf but I had to play the tough guy roll and tell her Teamsters don't wear scarfs. I use to keep the heat at about 67 to 68 but now 70 seems to cold. However, I happen to get quite heated when I get the oil bill.

    Stay warm


  • ratface
    ratface Member Posts: 1,337 Member
    Duggie88 said:


    Like others have stated, may have alot to do with weight loss. I am still working at gaining my 92 back but I still get cold more so than I did before treatment, especially my neck. My wife wanted to buy me a scarf but I had to play the tough guy roll and tell her Teamsters don't wear scarfs. I use to keep the heat at about 67 to 68 but now 70 seems to cold. However, I happen to get quite heated when I get the oil bill.

    Stay warm


    Freezing My Arse off now

    Bill , please get your thyroid checked as no doubt you need some medication to get that body thermostat to function again. You don't want to ignore this as the thyroid also regulates heartbeat. I'm five years out and am sitting here in a heavy sweatshirt, albeit I'm in Chicago. I went out and bought little electric heaters for every room in my house because the furnace wasn't enough. I did lose about 50 pounds in treatment but I have since gained most of that back. makes no difference, still freezing. Most notably my body temperature is almost two degrees below what it was prior to treatment and I now run at a steady 97 degrees. I take synthroid for my thyroid every day but still run cold. I was much like you prior to treatment, always overheating, but not anymore. Perfectly normal side effect, don't sweat it, haha!

  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    ratface said:

    Freezing My Arse off now

    Bill , please get your thyroid checked as no doubt you need some medication to get that body thermostat to function again. You don't want to ignore this as the thyroid also regulates heartbeat. I'm five years out and am sitting here in a heavy sweatshirt, albeit I'm in Chicago. I went out and bought little electric heaters for every room in my house because the furnace wasn't enough. I did lose about 50 pounds in treatment but I have since gained most of that back. makes no difference, still freezing. Most notably my body temperature is almost two degrees below what it was prior to treatment and I now run at a steady 97 degrees. I take synthroid for my thyroid every day but still run cold. I was much like you prior to treatment, always overheating, but not anymore. Perfectly normal side effect, don't sweat it, haha!


    Rick said like a brit You usually say **** over there. My temp normal since getting weight back. But we did have hailstone s yesterday, iced up car this morning and sunshine this afternoon!

  • HobbsDoggy
    HobbsDoggy Member Posts: 276
    Chills More than Cold

    I have chills a lot of the time.  Not exactly cold, but sort of a weak feeling and mild, but farily persistant chills.  Doctors seem to just ignore this and don't have an answer, at least mine don't.  We are more likely go get infections, so that is always a threat.

  • Super-b
    Super-b Member Posts: 26
    Here we go...

    Ok... have been using the Apple Cider Vinigar for a several days now and last night it was my wife that said she was cold not me so maybe this stuff is working.

    Saw my ENT yesterday and she scoped me and said everything looks good and took blood to check thyroid and set up for a thyroid ultrasound as well just to make sure. She did not expect me to have trouble with it for many years out....we shall see.


    it seems now that the fun just never stops :)

  • robswife87
    robswife87 Member Posts: 209
    Super-b said:

    Here we go...

    Ok... have been using the Apple Cider Vinigar for a several days now and last night it was my wife that said she was cold not me so maybe this stuff is working.

    Saw my ENT yesterday and she scoped me and said everything looks good and took blood to check thyroid and set up for a thyroid ultrasound as well just to make sure. She did not expect me to have trouble with it for many years out....we shall see.


    it seems now that the fun just never stops :)

    Getting better

    Hubby was freezing his first winter after treatment. He lost 45 pounds but more than anything he lost so much muscle. This winter was much better. He has gained some weight back but his muscle tone is really good. I don't feel bones on him anymore. 

    It was tough both winters because I run hot and he used to. He does say he still does not have the strength he once had and may never get it all back, but it is his new normal. Hoping to see him in shorts and t-shirt this summer. 

    His thyroid was cooked right away. 6 months out of treatment he was on put on Synthroid and they keep up the tests every 6 months.

    I would have thought at 8 months out you would have had a scan by now. Most here have had them at 3 months and 6 months. At 3 months you are usually still cooking but at 6 they can usually get a real good look at everything.

    I think by next winter you will be a lot less cold. Try to work out a little to rebuild you muscle. Remember you may not get it all back but some is better than none. Most important you are still here, blessed everyday and most likely have a long life ahead.
