Hi everyone!

UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member

I've been on and off the boards because I've been down in Florida awaiting the birth of my grandson. My poor daughter is 10 days late now and we are hoping she either goes into labor soon or that the induction Sunday night brings her and our grandson a safe ride through this journey.

In other news, while I was down here helping my daughter get the baby's room ready, I got a call from dad. His apartment complex was sold and he has to be out by April 30th. The lease was a month to month lease for all tenants with a cap on raising the rent for a year. Never, in my wildest dreams, did I ever think a garden apartment complex would be sold and torn down to make room for a development. His building is only a couple of years old. My sister is in NY trying to find something that will work for both my brother and dad. Obviously, this is all stressing dad out and his BP is rising. So my 89 year old, WWII veteran dad and my cancer stricken brother are being evicted! I am beside myself worrying about if we will be able to find an apartment to accomodate their needs. The thought of packing them up again is very stressful! The cost, too, is really making me angry at this whole situation. I am told that Jehovah Witness is building something there. I am hoping that they will be compassionate and give us all the time we need to find new homes.

Healthwise, my brother is stable. No growth so far. My dad keeps having BP issues. We did convince him to stop driving because he failed the driving tests and all the tests issued by the Burke Rehab Facility. This makes finding an apartment near public transportation a must for the two of them. Hopefully something will turn up quickly.

I hope everyone is doing well. I check in on you all often to see what's going on. Please stay healthy and heal quickly.



  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Its good to hear from you

    Its good to hear from you Lin. Sorrh about the apartment and BP situation. I am glad your brother seems to be stable.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    So sorry to hear this

    I remember how hard it was on everyone when you moved your dad and brother closer to you. I hope that this move isn't so hard. 

    I hope that you are given a reprieve on the time limit. That small amonut of time really forces you to take something that may not be ideal, and your brother and dad need something that fits their needs. 

    You are all in my prayers. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Dear Lin

    I hope by now that your grandson has been delivered safely and that mother and son are doing well.

    I am so sorry to hear about the apartment problems.  I know how much effort it took for you to find that one and get them moved.

    You may want to check with your city's social services to see if there is a senior or medical disability organization which will have good options to recommend not only for housing but for transportation needs.

    Hope all is resolved quickly and to good advantage.  Who knows, thie cloud could have a silver lining yet.


    Marie who loves kitties

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Hi Lin, it's good to *see* you...

    but I'm sorry to hear about your dad and brother having to leave their apartment.  That is just so unfair.  I hope you guys can find something that works for them.

    On the bright side, the news about your grandchild, and your brother's stability, makes me happy!  Make sure to come back and let us know all the baby details!

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    They can

    both use Uber for transportation, it works great and is available in most big cities. Good news about your brother and thank your father for his military service. Good luck with your move.  Who knew the Jehovah's Witnesses would have so much money? Actually true with many religions, doesn't feel quite right to me. They may cut you some slack, lets hope so, isn't that what Jesus would do?


  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    Easyflip said:

    They can

    both use Uber for transportation, it works great and is available in most big cities. Good news about your brother and thank your father for his military service. Good luck with your move.  Who knew the Jehovah's Witnesses would have so much money? Actually true with many religions, doesn't feel quite right to me. They may cut you some slack, lets hope so, isn't that what Jesus would do?


    Thanks everyone.

    Richard, Uber is not an option because we don't live in the city and my brother needs to be in county to bget the transportation provided to him. 

    I was told Jehovah Witnesses bought the complex, but until I see the facts, I have to say I really am not sure. There are several stories I've heard, so I'll wait until I learn more. No matter who bought it, I would hope they'd have more compassion than this. I am calling a lawyer from the office of aging on Tuesday. Maybe he can give me and idea of what we can do.

    Thanks for all your well wishes and ideas, everyone.
