Left frontal lobe tumor Just removed

My husband had a left frontal lobe tumor removed 4 days ago.  He was released from the hospital less than 48 hours after surgery.  He is suffering from ahpasia (the reason I took him to ER originally). I don't know what kind of cancer it is yet, no patholgy report is ready.  I don't know what the post surgery MRI showed. I hope to speak with his doctors today an get more information.  My question is, how do I help him recovver.  Prior to the tumor, I had a very articulate, intelligent man who was active and involvbed. The aphasia has caused him to become withdrawn and emotionless. He has no issues with mobility or cognitive function.  He actually drove to the hospital before surgery.  I don't know what he should or should not attempt to do.  How long wil his brain be swollen after surgery? When will the slight bulging of his left eye go down? With the tumor gone will his emotions return?  Will the cancer treatment (whatever it is) cause him to change again?  I know these are alot of questions, but I just want to help him.  We have been mariried 44 years, since high school.  Maybe someone could guide me with the right questions to ask the doctors.  Thank you


  • Crissyyoung1
    Crissyyoung1 Member Posts: 2

    My 8 year old son had a tumor removed from the same area when he was three. He had a seizure that's how we found out. The eye swelling will go down in a couple of days. He just needs to rest. Turmeric is a awesome supplement you can get for him. Read up on it. My son has been on cold pressed flax seed oil since he was three because it has a calming affect. If I don't give it to him after a week he twitches every five minutes. (Very small seizures) My son tends to get hyper or angry before a seizure. My son has tons of emotions. (: Before the surgery he would zone out and act irritating. Now he's still irritating  because of the seizure meds. My son was great for 3 years after surgery then he began to have seizures. His tumor is a pilomyxoid astrocytoma WHO grade 2. It has slightly grown. This is why he's having seizures now. We are now looking into hemp oil. I refuse to do chemo. Still not confident in the gamma knife either.  We are looking into hemp oil now, because they want to operate again!! 

    I pray they got it all. They couldn't get all of my sons tumor due to healthy brain in the mix. Feel free to email me. Justusclstone@yahoo.com. 

  • 123daylight
    123daylight Member Posts: 3
    Questions to ask the doctor

    I am so sorry for all you are dealing with at this stage of the cancer...I would definetly ask the long term impact of the surgery and if his response is typical. YOU might need counseling for yourself in how best to deal with the situation. My husband refused to go even though his personality had changed a great deal.Someitmes the effects seem to lessen the longer it is aftrer treatment has passed, but no guarantees.

    Good luck to you. FInd a good support system and have numbers of family and friends you can call when the situation gets so very confusing.

    You might have someone close, a family memeber perhaps, sit down with both of you and tlak about the changes they have seen since the surgery. SOmeone suggested showing videos of family activities to show how they use to interact with everyone, including you.

    Best of luck.

  • Mannie
    Mannie Member Posts: 52
    I had a right frontal lobe

    I had a right frontal lobe tumor removed in 2007. I felt better in the post op cubicle bc I had a lg tumor. I don't think I had significant changes afterwards. I also had chemotherapy 13 months and IMRT. I did good with that tumor, it's still stable. We've been working on 3 new tumors that popped up the last 3 yrs, on both right and left sides. I had problems after having CyberKnife in 2013. He will probably return to somewhat normal within the year. I hope his isn't cancerous. To help, I found it helpful to have food premade and medications in pillboxes. I was too shaky to cook food w/o burning myself or I would forget I was cooking. I would suggest forcing him to get out and go places. Sitting around will kill a person, sad but true. Good Luck!



  • lostwife47
    lostwife47 Member Posts: 1
    My husband just went through

    My husband just went through surgery too on March 25 for grd 3 astryctoma on left frontal lobe... Its been an up and down road some days better then others... Swelling bruising went down in about 3 weeks, but alot of memory loss ,confusion,agitation......Just when I think he's back to his old self we have setback.. Very hard.... I too was wondering if anyone else has any information on this...