Alternative Medicine Colon Cancer

I was wondering if anyone along with there regulary treatment chemo etc found alternative medicine that also seem to help my wife has colon cancer stage 4 liver mets so i am looking at some other options to also help her treatment thanks for any help


  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    As long as you've asked......

    I've been around awhile, but I don't usually post here anymore.

    Try reading my "blog", it may offer some help:



    To all those that sent mail or posted to me.... THANK YOU!

    Every one of you are always in my thoughts. I wish I had a magic wand to wave over every head and cure you all of this problem.

    My best wishes for each and every one of you!


    loveya' all!


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    John23 said:

    As long as you've asked......

    I've been around awhile, but I don't usually post here anymore.

    Try reading my "blog", it may offer some help:



    To all those that sent mail or posted to me.... THANK YOU!

    Every one of you are always in my thoughts. I wish I had a magic wand to wave over every head and cure you all of this problem.

    My best wishes for each and every one of you!


    loveya' all!


    Magic wand

    You might be the magic wand, John.

    I'll go read your blog. 


  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Sloan Kettering has a good site for integrative medicine

    that covers many alternative cancer treatments.  They have a good overview of research for each listing, which might give you an idea of what could help (as well as what might hurt).

  • lilacbrroller
    lilacbrroller Member Posts: 412 Member

    Sloan Kettering has a good site for integrative medicine

    that covers many alternative cancer treatments.  They have a good overview of research for each listing, which might give you an idea of what could help (as well as what might hurt).

    Colon Chat forum

    Hi, you might want to check out the colon chat forum - it is like this one but bills itself as "alternative treatment focused" , if you want to get ideas and talk online with like minded others



  • pilarica
    pilarica Member Posts: 44 Member
    Integrative medicine

    I went to see and integrative medicin oncologist last week in NY, I spent 3 hours with him. Mitchell Gaynor.

    1.He talked about meditation. We did 20 mins. of it, it felt really good. He also said to do yoga (which I have been doing for 10 years) or tai chi as well as aerobic exersices when possible. This is to keep stress in control.

    2.- He also talked and gave me literature about certain supplements, Like: Vitamin D3, Turmeric, Red berries, garlic, blackseed cummin, ALA for the neurophaty and a bunch of mushrooms to boost the inmune system.

    3.- He said to cut refined sugar and white carbs, white pasta white rice etc. Ok to have honey, or real maple syrup.

    4. Not to eat tuna or sword fish becuae of mercury content.

    5. Very little red meat or none (if I chose to eat red meat preferably organic, no pestisides etc.)

    6. To cook with coconut oil, grapeseed oil or butter, other oils when heated make toxins that are not good for anybody.

    7 use olive oil in salds etc. not for cooking.

    8. Serve your plate with 70% vegetables and the rest proteins and carbs.


    9.- Have a vegetalbe + fruit juice or smoothie in the morning

    I have a friend that is doing her treatment with him and she is having good results....... the down side is that he does no ttake insurance, they do file for you. I started my treatment 16 mos. ago at UPENN "Traditional" but since then I have been doing acupunture and taking some supplements. I wish I had met this Dr. back then because he combines the 2 traditionaal with alternative. What I am doing right now is continuing with my chemo at UPENN and seeing him for alternative advise.

    I hope this helps, all the best through this journey. If you would like more info just send me a message, would be happy to help if I can.


  • rosamargarita
    rosamargarita Member Posts: 9
    alternatives with chemo


    Yes, I know there are people that take escozine along with their conventional chemo treatments to good effect.  In my blog I recently published the results of a pre-clinical study conducted at UC San Diego about the effects of escozine and its synergy with some common chemo medications.  You can find my blog if you google escozine cancer stories

    Good luck and I wish your wife the best!
