about to complete 1 yr

Day after tomorrow i am taking my father for the monthly check up). Its been long and toughest year for our family.Last April My father was detected with cancer IVA of Pyriformafossa from then long 8 months suffer continued(Chemo, radiation then surgery on october and after surgery complications continued for 3 months after surgery). Now i am haapy that my father is doing well and he is eating without the Feeding tube(which he has used for almost 8 months). He has gained weight. He is doing all his stuff by himself. I would like to thank all the inspiring people here who has give me courage during this tough time and i want to tell those who are still struggling that we can beat this **** Beast.Have courage and fight dnt loose hope.Exercise as much u can and have sufficient nutrients.


Thank You all


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    The past year............

    It has been a very tough year for him and your whole family to say the least. But what was accomplished is amazing.It is a very hard roat to travle and fight the beast, but you all went down it and your Father fought the beast with all your help. Now the yearly check up and he is eating and gaining some weight as well. You had to go one day at a time, but now you can and will see the tomorrows that lay ahead. Be proud of all of your family, it is not easy to go through this.

    May all his tomprrows be N.E.D. and much peace with less pain.


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    hope, i'm so happy your

    hope, i'm so happy your father is doing well and that you found help with this group.  cancer is not easy to go through for anyone and i truly believe in support groups like this one.  now you and your father can have some real quality time.  Enjoy and here's to many, many good years to come to you both.

    God bless you,


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    Congratulations for the journey so far.   Get you second wind and keep moving forward.


  • avisemi
    avisemi Member Posts: 172
    Congratulations and many

    Congratulations and many blessings!

  • hope3210
    hope3210 Member Posts: 27
    Thank You all.We had the

    Thank You all.We had the Checkup, Doctor was very happy to see my father in such a better condition and told Everything is fine and has scheduled a Contrast CT scan next month.Hope everything comes fine. I will always pray to god for all of the members here.


    Thank You
