The Rumor Was True - Sundance Was Full of $hit After All. (Updated below)

Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
edited March 2015 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Well, it's yesterday's news now...but I did clear that major impaction.  I never thought I could it was so bad...half a colon full of rock stool.

It took 5 jugs of GoLytely...many chemical and warm water enemas, a couple of mag citrates...manual de-impaction to finally get was a mess and one of the hardest things I've ever done. 

The first scope attempt failed and I was really worried I would fail miserably.  But the 2nd one revealed all clear...not even a I'm good for 3 years now.

My 14 day staycation was eventful...

Originally, I was not a fall risk...but that changed.

What happened was I got up quickly and my hand slipped and wham I hit the ground hard like a ton of bricks.  There was blood all over me.  By rule they switched me to yellow gown and a fall risk...though I found a way around it, LOL

What happened was I had a garden hose up my backside and I had to go but the nurse did not pull out quick enough.

Next day I talked my way off the fall risk chart by charming a few nurses and showing them I was ok.  They said I was the first to do that one:). 

No surprise, right?

And my wife had bought me milks from the cafe...we had the nurses print labels and we put them in appointed fridge as instructed.  Long story short...they were mad and disappointed they were...they were mine and it cost us $10 so it was not right at all.

Other highlights...they scheduled us a room and then we waited for three hours upon check/in...nobody checked on us during all that time.

I had some good crews and other shifts turned out less than place recently opened so it may take some time.

And I still have not healed completely a month later from that fall...many scabs still.

Wish I could write more but hurting real bad...did the best I could.

I worry about another impaction but worries fill my days and nights...I hope that dissipates.  I just don't feel human anymore...just some kind of freak.

Thanks for listening and nice to see you again.

Oh and the endoscopy showed some irritation otherwise it was clear no cancer or obstructions so that was good.

The consensus is that tha pain pills have created all my problems.

I'm trying so desperately to wean down or get off those meds.

At this rate if I don't turn it around soon you won't have to worry about me.

Let us hope for some good news.

Goodnight and love you!




  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    (If you can swear, so can I).

    DAMN! (again)

    If only those pain pills didn't cause the back-up.  You can't live without the pain pills, I'm sure, but living with another impaction, well, thats as hard to swallow as the pills. 

    I wish there were an easy answer, but easy doesn't seem to want to be a part of your life. 

    I am happy to hear that all was clear. One brownie point for that. But it comes at such a cost, such a very high cost. 

    So, I will pray and send all of those good vibes your way, that weaning off your pain meds is a possibility, without causing you too much stress in mind and body. 

    We, obviously, are so happy to have you back. Have your back. I think you know you're loved and cared about here on the forum. 

    Your rally cry 'I am Sundanceh, Hear me Roar'.

    Cyber hugs!

    Sue - Trubrit

  • LivinginNH
    LivinginNH Member Posts: 1,456 Member
    Oh dear Craig, you really


    Oh dear Craig, you really had a bad time of it during your hospital stay, I cringed at almost every sentence.  :(   I'm glad that the scoping showed an all clear, at least that should provide you with a little less stress.  It's so nice to see you on the board, but I wish that it wasn't so hard to write with all that pain. :'(  I wish you better pain free days ahead my friend. You take care now, and no more falling, ok?  ;)

    Gentle hugs (())


  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    Hi Craig, Wow, that's sure a

    Hi Craig, Wow, that's sure a lot.  It's amazing the things our bodies will do, I had no idea this could even exist.  It's really good to hear that you were able to type even for a few minutes.  Really sorry you are going through such a hard time and you are totally loved by this group.  Helen

  • thingy45
    thingy45 Member Posts: 632 Member
    Good to hear you Roar

    hi Craig,

    good to hear/read you roar. What else is there to do you would say.

    so to read life is exciting, and you keep them all on their toes.

    all kidding aside, I'm so glad to see you post. You're always in my prayers and thoughts.

    life is running away with me here, daughter very ill, Trigiminal neuralgia is no pickNick either.

    very painfull and no relieve inside ever. 

    Hgs, Marjan

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member

    to see a nice long post from you. That's quite an ordeal you just went through. Get well and best wishes!


  • Yolllmbs
    Yolllmbs Member Posts: 360 Member
    Easyflip said:


    to see a nice long post from you. That's quite an ordeal you just went through. Get well and best wishes!


    Happy to hear

    that even in the heat of battle, you're a survivor. Good news as far as being clear. I hate thievery. It's just not right. I hope the hospital settles into the good pace they need. I'm praying the pain becomes lighter. Sending prayers




  • LindaK.
    LindaK. Member Posts: 506 Member

    Thank goodness you can still share these stories with us.  Would pain relief be easier on your colon through a patch or suppository? 

    I'm sure the nurses would much rather give you freedom to get to the toilet rather than cleaning up time after time.  Once last year when my husband was in the hospital and had c-diff for a 2nd time, they labeled him the "mad sh$tter"  I'm glad that happened during the night while I was not there!

    I'm glad you finally got some relief, but it doesn't sound pleasant.  How could you drink so much of that Golytely crap?  Ugh!  There has to be a better way

    Thinking of you,  Linda

  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    LindaK. said:


    Thank goodness you can still share these stories with us.  Would pain relief be easier on your colon through a patch or suppository? 

    I'm sure the nurses would much rather give you freedom to get to the toilet rather than cleaning up time after time.  Once last year when my husband was in the hospital and had c-diff for a 2nd time, they labeled him the "mad sh$tter"  I'm glad that happened during the night while I was not there!

    I'm glad you finally got some relief, but it doesn't sound pleasant.  How could you drink so much of that Golytely crap?  Ugh!  There has to be a better way

    Thinking of you,  Linda


    Im on several patches right now.

    and I could not drink all of that so they inserted an NG tube twice - and second time I was hurt bad.

    thank you

  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    Thoughts With You

    You have gone through a lot and best wishes that things get better ASAP for you. 

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Holy Crap - literally.  You have been through so much but glad that you have been relieved and hopefully for awhile.  I'm not sure if you asked but maybe you could take Miralax everyday.  It sure helps a lot of people stay regular.  The medicine can really screw up your digestive system so I'm glad you are trying to get off most, but then you will feel worse pain wise.  Thanks for keeping us updated as I'm sure it took a lot of strength to write what you did. 


  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member


    Holy Crap - literally.  You have been through so much but glad that you have been relieved and hopefully for awhile.  I'm not sure if you asked but maybe you could take Miralax everyday.  It sure helps a lot of people stay regular.  The medicine can really screw up your digestive system so I'm glad you are trying to get off most, but then you will feel worse pain wise.  Thanks for keeping us updated as I'm sure it took a lot of strength to write what you did. 



    were doing miralax and about to start LINZESS.

    well see and thanks

  • LindaK.
    LindaK. Member Posts: 506 Member
    Sundanceh said:


    Im on several patches right now.

    and I could not drink all of that so they inserted an NG tube twice - and second time I was hurt bad.

    thank you


    Nasty NG tube, my poor husband was awake for every one. 


  • TheLadySkye
    TheLadySkye Member Posts: 203 Member
    I'm so sorry about your

    I'm so sorry about your ordeals.  You remain in my thoughts on prayers.

    During chemo, I would get blocked up REALLY bad.  I found that miralax in hot cocoa a couple days before and during helped with the worst of it.  Perhaps that will help until they can reduce the pain meds a bit? 

    On the bright sides, I'm glad all of your scans came back clear!

  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    OMG, it is too much to go

    OMG, it is too much to go through. My husband hates NG tube, he experienced once when he had blockage. It's good to hear that no cancer found. I hope your pain and many other issues will be under control or resolved soon. You are in my prayers.

  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member

    OMG, it is too much to go

    OMG, it is too much to go through. My husband hates NG tube, he experienced once when he had blockage. It's good to hear that no cancer found. I hope your pain and many other issues will be under control or resolved soon. You are in my prayers.


    y- no new cancer found.....just the old cancer...


  • traci43
    traci43 Member Posts: 773 Member
    Wow, what an ordeal!

    Craig  So sorry to hear about your latest adventure.  It's good that there is nothing new.  Wish they could figure out how to get rid of the old stuff and get you off those pain pills.  Take care of yourself.  I'm rooting and praying for you.  Traci

  • Joy1216
    Joy1216 Member Posts: 290 Member

    Wow!  You've really been through a lot.  At least you're not full of it any more!  I hope that the Linzess works. You are so strong and such an inspiration.  I pray that your pain will end soon.


  • John212
    John212 Member Posts: 116 Member
    I hear...

    that lots and lots of sex is the best cure for these kinds of things. At least that's what I tell my wife.


    She rarely listens to me, though. Maybe you'll have better luck.  :)

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Craig it's so good to *see* you here

    but I just can't tell you how sorry I am that you have had to suffer so much. It's just completely unfair.

    You mention that they didn't find any new cancer, which is they have a plan for treatment for the old stuff (hope you don't mind me being nosy, just hoping that they have some thoughts for moving forward once they get you through this rough patch)?

  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member

    Craig it's so good to *see* you here

    but I just can't tell you how sorry I am that you have had to suffer so much. It's just completely unfair.

    You mention that they didn't find any new cancer, which is they have a plan for treatment for the old stuff (hope you don't mind me being nosy, just hoping that they have some thoughts for moving forward once they get you through this rough patch)?


    i dropped out of chemo iin November because of the issues I was having...I literally could not get it done because it took so long and I could not go to restroom

    the rest you know .....

    its all been too much of course...

    Probsbly will be back in hospital soon to get tpn...still can't eat much physically....will have to do ct soon for pump implant and then that surgery hopefully upcoming. Need to this as I'm still bedridden 24/7 except for appts....the drive is so hard on me I can barely make them anymore it hurts so much.

    dont know how this will play out but hope cancer is growing very slowly.

    remarkably last time cea was checked it was down 20 points...more than when I was doing it...strange.

    just don't know Annie...Very scary and difficult much to wade through it seems.

    i saw the pain pump at consult and its big as a hockey puck with a catheter and wire that goes into spine...won't be an easy surgery but I'll try.

    cancer is beating on me on all fronts...hope I still have what it takes...gonna call monday (wife) to see about admittance for tpn...may call hospicd to see if they can help...gotta be off chemo...and I sm right now... can stop if chemo resumes.

    i feel wrong right life ebbing out like sands through the hourglass....

