DONE and thank you!

avisemi Member Posts: 172
edited March 2015 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

hi all,

We are D O N E!!!!!!!!


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Avisemi


    You all made the finished line, I am happy for you both. Just remember the effects of the treatment will continue for a few weeks but things will slowly start to get better and better.


    God Bless

    Tim Hondo

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Ring that BELL loud and proud............

    You now really understand the term, "to hell and back". It is so hard on the caregiver and as the paitent we do appreciate every thing you do and all the worring you go through, that we don't feel good or are in pain. Some times it's harder on you. Then toss in some young kids, and pray to keep sane, but you do, somehow, it's called love.

    I am very glad you got through this and he is doing better. Remember he will still be slow cooking for a while. Please remember to celabrate all those major steps [they seem smal to ones that never went through this] like eating, going fron soft food to all food, being able to tast something. Now the best of all........ now you can think about your tomorrows, no one day at a time. There still might be some bad days, but we're open 24/7 so just write it dowm on thos bad days, it does help. You know we are all here and you are now family and never alone.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    We congratulate you!

    Keep swallowing.


  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member
    Isn't it a great feeling?

    Isn't it a great feeling? It's a long haul for sure, but in a few weeks you will see a little improvement every day. Congratulations! 

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    i knew i heard a bell ring!! 

    i knew i heard a bell ring!!  congratulations, now your time is yours again. woooowhoooooo.  you know i'm doing a happy dance for you both!!

    God bless you,



  • avisemi
    avisemi Member Posts: 172
    Thank you all!  For some

    Thank you all!  For some reason my posts never work as planned. Here is the rest of what I tried to say.

    Dmitri ended up having 3 not 4 cyberknife sessions.  We saw chemo doc last week and rads doc today. He is doing much, much better than last time I posted.  He has even gained a couple of pounds. He is still mostly using his tube but just started eating over the weekend.  He has some good and some bad days. Though today doctor mentioned he is doing better than many he sees at this point And we don't have to be back until a month for now.  He will have the scan in 2 months.

    While we just finished the cyber knife last week, today we realized he finished rads almost a month ago.  Time, which was running so slow during treatment, is flying by. 

    the best part is that little by little he is more a more back. I feel so happy to see him playing more with our daughters. :D

    and I wanted to say thank you! You prayers and comments are/were a blessing. Thanks for helping make our road a little easier.

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    avisemi said:

    Thank you all!  For some

    Thank you all!  For some reason my posts never work as planned. Here is the rest of what I tried to say.

    Dmitri ended up having 3 not 4 cyberknife sessions.  We saw chemo doc last week and rads doc today. He is doing much, much better than last time I posted.  He has even gained a couple of pounds. He is still mostly using his tube but just started eating over the weekend.  He has some good and some bad days. Though today doctor mentioned he is doing better than many he sees at this point And we don't have to be back until a month for now.  He will have the scan in 2 months.

    While we just finished the cyber knife last week, today we realized he finished rads almost a month ago.  Time, which was running so slow during treatment, is flying by. 

    the best part is that little by little he is more a more back. I feel so happy to see him playing more with our daughters. :D

    and I wanted to say thank you! You prayers and comments are/were a blessing. Thanks for helping make our road a little easier.

    avisemi, this is so wonderful

    avisemi, this is so wonderful to hear!!  you're right, time will go by quickly now that it is YOUR time again.  it is just wonderful that he has the energy to play with your daughters again and get back to living.  hopefully, it will only get better from here on out.

    God bless you and your family,
