Do you prefer results face to face?

jen2012 Member Posts: 1,607 Member

Just curious.  My husband's doctor will not give scan results over the phone or email.  Insists on face to face and the waiting drives me crazy.  It would be my preference, and my husband's, to get the results as soon as they are available and have a chance to process things and then meet with her.  I don't understand the thinking behind the dramatic reveal in her office.   Especially when we have to wait a week.  Do doctors not understand or care how anxious we get waiting, waiting, waiting??

Not going to change her mind, I'm just curious if the majority prefers to get results face to face?



  • Cathleen Mary
    Cathleen Mary Member Posts: 827 Member
    My oncologist has the same

    My oncologist has the same policy as your husband's....I think with good intention though it always seems a bit paternalistic to me. My preference was to know the news as soon as it was available. Scan reports are not put on the patient portal system for onc patients until after the meeting with the oncologist.  However, three years ago, I asked for the info when my onc was out of town and the info was not very good news. I did find myself wishing it was in person. That said, I still think my preference is info as soon as is available.


  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    I like results as soon as

    I like results as soon as they are available. I usually get my scans early in the morning. I request a copy of the disc once the radiologist report is on the disc which has always been the next day for me. The disc should have all of the images and the radiologist report. That way you dont have to wait. However my oncologist will email me the report as soon as he receives it so I would fight with your oncologist about it. As a warning a lot of times the report will mention every little area of concern which many times ends up being nothing. I think most oncologist leave that information out on face to face consultations. I know mine does unless I ask about it. It's good and bad. In one sense it is good to know EVERYTHING but as you know we spend too much of our lives worrying so I can understand shielding us from uneccasary worrying. I shield my wife from some of it as well. I just can't put her through any more worrying and stress unless I know for sure there is a problem.

  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member
    Test Results

    I always just assumed that the resusts would be favorable, so never minded waiting to truly find out.  Try it!  That way no anziety(spelling).

  • Phil64
    Phil64 Member Posts: 838 Member
    News on scans and CEA and other tests.

    I like results as soon as possible too.  UMHS has a patient health portal where they display results. HOWEVER, the doctors have to approve the results before they show up in the portal. I personally think the radiologist reports should show up immediately, as soon as the radiologist signs off on them..  E.g. when my doctor receives them, so should I.

    I think having them filter ther results is a little old. When you go through what we go through, we want to get updated quickly and without holding anything back.

    Then the conversation with the Onc is more about what do we do, and what does it mean...

    I will add, my oncologist has called me when reoccurances were found.  And I remember one time he called while I was driving and told me very quickly that the scan detected a new tumor...  Probably not the best position to receive this news, but then again, I have been pretty level-headed with all recurrence news.  Its not the same as the first time you hear "you have cancer."

    I do remember that first time.  And driving home in a daze. And thinking I lost my wallet (fogot that I took it out of my pocket and set it in my closet shelf, where I change). WOW. That was true shock. But nothing like that since the first time realization.


  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    I prefer knowing

    The big reveal does not work as well for me.  If they have results, tell me, even if ballpark  I get that some of the Devil is in the details where face-to-face can fill in some blanks, but along this process so far I can get a pretty good sense of what is going on by being told.  I also come from the spot of assuming the worse case scenario and brace for that.  

  • neons356
    neons356 Member Posts: 57 Member

    I once complained to the receptionist, and she told me that that way they were able to charge my insurance company for the visit.

  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Patient choice

    I think the doctor and patient should discuss this in the first meeting...pros and cons of getting the info before the visit.

    Some folks don't want the details and want to rely solely on the doctors words at the visit.

    Some folks want to have the opportunity to review the results and get their questions and concerns in order before the visit.

    I feel if the patient is mentally stable and feels they can handle whatever news they get, they should have the right to the info as soon as it is available.

    Of course there is always the alternative that the doctor schedules the appointment for the day the results are available.  That is what my sister's doctor did...he knew he would have the results the following day, and that was when he scheduled her appointment with him.  No long wait.

    Bottom line, it is our life, and we should have the choice.

    Marie who loves kitties

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Mine would have preferred face to face too

    but after a year or so of scanning, I insisted on getting the results via email, so I could absorb the info before the actual appointment.  I also had him post the scan report, so I could read that myself.

    He didn't like this, but by law those medical records belong to me, so they have no right to withhold them, esp not for a week!

    I got my results within 24 hours (usually within 4-6 hours actually, which just goes to show how fast they have them ready to go).

    I can understand the "wait to talk to doc" approach with newbies, but once you're a veteren, like your husband, it's time to start giving the patient a little more autonomy, imo.

  • Momof2plusteentwins
    Momof2plusteentwins Member Posts: 509 Member

    I had a CT scan yesterday and I am waiting on results right now.  If I didn't get my results the next day I probably would change oncologists.  Cancer is stressful enough without the torture of waiting.  Also, every time I see my Dr I get charged a $50 co pay.  I don't need to see him for NED, hopefully!  I already pay my maximum out of pocket every year $2,500.  All of the $50 co pays add up. I guess it's an endless cycle for us cancer patients.


  • Coppercent
    Coppercent Member Posts: 158
    Face to Face

    I prefer getting mine face to face.  I always assume mine are great until I hear otherwise so I do not have any anxiety in waiting.  I want my results and options at the same time.  That being said, I get scanned and results in the same day so waiting is not an issue. Sometimes due to my work schedule, I have not been able to get scanned and results appointment in the same day and I just wait for my appointment. 

  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    All I can say is I hate

    All I can say is I hate waiting, the anxiety is just so bad on me. I can't remember how many times I was so stressed out by waiting.

  • tanstaafl
    tanstaafl Member Posts: 1,313 Member

    We get all lab and scan results directly, first, much preferred.   "Face-to-face", is often Skype or G-voice.   She/we actually trudge down to some of the drs' offices about once a year.

  • Steve444
    Steve444 Member Posts: 105 Member
    So tired, tired of waiting...

    I don't like waiting either, but can understand why the onc would like to discuss the results before having you worry alone.

    when I get a scan I always ask and wait for the CD before I take off.  I look at the images when I get home and then refresh the patient portal until the report from the radiologist shows up.  I also like to process the results before discussing with my oncologist the following week.  I should relax and not worry, but here I am a week out from my next PET scan wondering how it will go. 

    I was also the kid who would slice the tape on the presents under the tree, so I obviously have issues...  :)

  • zx10guy
    zx10guy Member Posts: 273 Member
    I'm with you.  I want to know

    I'm with you.  I want to know as soon as possible.  The longest wait I've had for results was the next day.  I don't and won't wait till my follow up visit with my oncologist to get the radiologist report.  I think more people should explore just going back to what ever facility your scans were done to get the report yourself.  I've done this since starting this whole nightmare journey and have never been told no.  Back in December, I had my 2 year scans.  I actually was able to get the radiologist report that same day.  The staff knew of the anxiety we were going through as the 2 year mark was a milestone on the way to the 5 year finish line.  The staff was very understanding of the multiple phone calls we placed asking if the report was done yet.  I also didn't wait for my onocologist to call me with the CEA/blood work.  I went into the clinic and asked for the results of the blood tests.

    The only time I waited for my oncologist to give me my scan results was the one year follow up when the follow up appointment was scheduled the day after my scan.

    I really think all the stress/anxiety of waiting for scan results is unnecessary when there might be an option to go get the report yourself shortly after the scans were done.

  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Face to face vs email or phone

    doctors cannot bill you for email or phone consults so they have you come in for the office call....very lucrative indeed.

    and no.... Doctors are not concerned with our anxieties and don't care how long we wait.

    they sure have not cared about me.....bedridden 24 hours a day for over 1 1/2 years.....and literally begging for help this whole time...

    even this upcoming sppt to discuss pain pump operation has taken a month to set up....and they did mark it "urgent" they would do.

    medical system is really compromised these days and moves at the speed of molasses...

    however for scans they can electronically release the results so I could read them prior to the test result consult meeting.

    safe to say the medical establishment is not "on-demand".

    Wish it were...


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Just Hate Results

    Just hate getting the results no matter what.  We have a "My Chart" which all results are posted once they are read or run and I've never signed up for it.  I'd like to know right away, but afraid to for some reason so therefore wait for the doctor's appointment.  Sometimes them "making" you wait for an appointment face to face makes me think they just want the extra office fee for seeing you, especially when you can get it on line if possible.  I'm torn both ways.


  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member

    Just Hate Results

    Just hate getting the results no matter what.  We have a "My Chart" which all results are posted once they are read or run and I've never signed up for it.  I'd like to know right away, but afraid to for some reason so therefore wait for the doctor's appointment.  Sometimes them "making" you wait for an appointment face to face makes me think they just want the extra office fee for seeing you, especially when you can get it on line if possible.  I'm torn both ways.


    Face to face because I have questions and like to discuss

    things with my doctor. I schedule the visit the day after my scan. I don't stress that 24 hours waiting period, why should I? That's not going to change anything. I also found out I'm ok with dying, I'm not super brave or anything, I'm just ok with it. My life's been awesome and I'm grateful for the run I've had. I had 'scanxiety' the first couple of times but not anymore, it's pretty hard to stress me out with scan results. Does that sound weird? If I go in 1 year or 40 years I just don't want it to hurt or be miserable, I guess I'm afraid of that but that doesn't scare me that much.


  • GSP2
    GSP2 Member Posts: 103 Member

    Most test results even if they are "OK" or clean require some type of follow up, either a f/u visit or a f/u scan at a determined

    time interval. Sometimes test results are "gray". They require a f/u scan or a more involved test. That is something that should be

    discussed in person. If a test is positive and a biopsy or treatment is required then that shoulkd be in person and in a timely fashion.

    This can be extrapolated to other fields as well. Does you doctor charge for this visit? You bet. Does the doctor go through angst at

    having to deliver bad news and prepare for the barrage of questions that we have. Hopefully yes.

  • jen2012
    jen2012 Member Posts: 1,607 Member
    Phil64 said:

    News on scans and CEA and other tests.

    I like results as soon as possible too.  UMHS has a patient health portal where they display results. HOWEVER, the doctors have to approve the results before they show up in the portal. I personally think the radiologist reports should show up immediately, as soon as the radiologist signs off on them..  E.g. when my doctor receives them, so should I.

    I think having them filter ther results is a little old. When you go through what we go through, we want to get updated quickly and without holding anything back.

    Then the conversation with the Onc is more about what do we do, and what does it mean...

    I will add, my oncologist has called me when reoccurances were found.  And I remember one time he called while I was driving and told me very quickly that the scan detected a new tumor...  Probably not the best position to receive this news, but then again, I have been pretty level-headed with all recurrence news.  Its not the same as the first time you hear "you have cancer."

    I do remember that first time.  And driving home in a daze. And thinking I lost my wallet (fogot that I took it out of my pocket and set it in my closet shelf, where I change). WOW. That was true shock. But nothing like that since the first time realization.


    My sister got the news that

    My sister got the news that she had cancer by phone..she was at work.  Not the best way!  But like you said, scan results are are different than the initial diagnosis.  

  • jen2012
    jen2012 Member Posts: 1,607 Member
    danker said:

    Test Results

    I always just assumed that the resusts would be favorable, so never minded waiting to truly find out.  Try it!  That way no anziety(spelling).

    I really really wish we had

    I really really wish we had that peace of mind. Unfortunately at stage 4, it's pretty hard to assume the best, especially when blood tests are saying different.