Update: Radiation Burn NO. Likely Shingles!

Bunnymom Member Posts: 212 Member
edited March 2015 in Head and Neck Cancer #1


 Original Post

The other day, I noticed a good size blister that formed along the side of my neck where I received radiation treatment. It has drained. Now today, I'm seeing splotches of what looks like smaller blisters forming in the same area. No other place but on the side of my neck. No itching. Now this?

I'm 6 months post treatment so this has surprised me. I've not had any problems of this kind until now. My skin was fine. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Is this unusual? I've applied triple antibiotic ointment. That's all I can think to do. I'm thinking this must be a late side effect of radiation but I really don't know what's going on. Ideas? 



UPDATE: connected with rad Onc nurse & Dr. They think it is shingles! Thanks for your input. I guess it will just have to run its coarse!


  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member

    Could it be shingles? Just a thought. By the way, I like your new picture. Is the artwork yours?

  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    Radiation recall

    I have heard of a term, radiation recall.  Have you been taking any medications that you took during radiation?  The other thing I can think of is sun exposure, are you taking care when going out in the sun.  I wear a wide brimmed hat and a shirt that is SPF.  I may look like a site but I am not going to get sun burned.  If it was shingles you would know, PAIN, ITCH.

  • Bunnymom
    Bunnymom Member Posts: 212 Member
    MrsBD said:


    Could it be shingles? Just a thought. By the way, I like your new picture. Is the artwork yours?

    Hi B,
    I don't think its

    Hi B,

    I don't think its shingles. It's only along my neck, near the incision site where I was radiated. Yikes is right!!!



    P.S. The artwork is not mine...but reminded me of BunnyMom!

  • Bunnymom
    Bunnymom Member Posts: 212 Member
    KTeacher said:

    Radiation recall

    I have heard of a term, radiation recall.  Have you been taking any medications that you took during radiation?  The other thing I can think of is sun exposure, are you taking care when going out in the sun.  I wear a wide brimmed hat and a shirt that is SPF.  I may look like a site but I am not going to get sun burned.  If it was shingles you would know, PAIN, ITCH.

    Radiation Recall

    I've heard of this too. I'm not out in the sun (wish I could say I was!). not sure if its shingles.

  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member
    Bunnymom said:

    Radiation Recall

    I've heard of this too. I'm not out in the sun (wish I could say I was!). not sure if its shingles.


    if it's shingles, you will know about it as they hurt like hell. I've had them twice and my daughter once, something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member

    We all may be more prone to shingles, given our health histories.  My elderly mother in law suffered from painful shingles that resulted in hearing loss (a rare effect, but it happens).  Discuss with your doctor the idea of getting the shingles vaccine.  It won't prevent shingles, but it will reduce the severity.  I got the vaccine and had no adverse effects from it.


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    D Lewis said:


    We all may be more prone to shingles, given our health histories.  My elderly mother in law suffered from painful shingles that resulted in hearing loss (a rare effect, but it happens).  Discuss with your doctor the idea of getting the shingles vaccine.  It won't prevent shingles, but it will reduce the severity.  I got the vaccine and had no adverse effects from it.


    Wow, I had shingles when I was about 14.

    I was told I never had the chicken pox but I must have been exposed and it not show. It iched like the worst ever and went more than 3/4 around my waist. Just 3" from being completely touching. My mother had them in late 60's and her's were on bra line and got as big as quarters, and they ich so bad. I was given a series of shots [3 I think] but that was back in 1965?. They blister and travel around the nerve line of the body part. PLEASE do not scratch, you can spread them to other parts of your body is what my Dr told me. I had to keep socks on my hands at night.

    I hope your Dr is wrong.


  • lornal
    lornal Member Posts: 428
    Ah, Shingles

    Another gift that keeps on giving - as I'm sitting here putting my hand on my forehead where I had shingles last May.  Kinda hurting and kinda itching.  And my eye is uncomfortable. 

    My opthamologist diagnosed it when he walked in the room.  I thought I had some kind of infection.  Back to see him in July because my eye was red.  Said it was from the shingles.  Asked how long this was going to go on.  He said on and off for the next 20 years or so.  Great!

    Hope you get over it quickly


  • Bunnymom
    Bunnymom Member Posts: 212 Member
    wmc said:

    Wow, I had shingles when I was about 14.

    I was told I never had the chicken pox but I must have been exposed and it not show. It iched like the worst ever and went more than 3/4 around my waist. Just 3" from being completely touching. My mother had them in late 60's and her's were on bra line and got as big as quarters, and they ich so bad. I was given a series of shots [3 I think] but that was back in 1965?. They blister and travel around the nerve line of the body part. PLEASE do not scratch, you can spread them to other parts of your body is what my Dr told me. I had to keep socks on my hands at night.

    I hope your Dr is wrong.


    Doctor was not wrong.


    Doctor was not wrong. Saw him today and confirmed shingles. I had the chicken pox when I was little. Never had shingles Before! What was alarming was the fact that it's in my neck where I was radiated. My first thought was it had something to do with treatment. 

    I got the anti viral cream and am hoping it will resolve a little more quickly. It's stsrung to ich and hurt now. Never a dull moment!

  • Bunnymom
    Bunnymom Member Posts: 212 Member
    D Lewis said:


    We all may be more prone to shingles, given our health histories.  My elderly mother in law suffered from painful shingles that resulted in hearing loss (a rare effect, but it happens).  Discuss with your doctor the idea of getting the shingles vaccine.  It won't prevent shingles, but it will reduce the severity.  I got the vaccine and had no adverse effects from it.


    lim not big into


    lim not big into vaccines but this might just change my mind! Starting to itch and is painful now.

  • Bunnymom
    Bunnymom Member Posts: 212 Member
    lornal said:

    Ah, Shingles

    Another gift that keeps on giving - as I'm sitting here putting my hand on my forehead where I had shingles last May.  Kinda hurting and kinda itching.  And my eye is uncomfortable. 

    My opthamologist diagnosed it when he walked in the room.  I thought I had some kind of infection.  Back to see him in July because my eye was red.  Said it was from the shingles.  Asked how long this was going to go on.  He said on and off for the next 20 years or so.  Great!

    Hope you get over it quickly


    Hi Lorna,
    yes, it turned out

    Hi Lorna,

    yes, it turned out to be shingles. This is my first and hopefully my last bout with it. It really came out of nowhere. I heard you can get it in or near your eye. That can be dangerous. I hope it resolved ok with you!