How were liver mets diagnosed?

Yolllmbs Member Posts: 360 Member

Welcome to all the newbies. I've been a little busy lately. I started having pain in my right side. I went to the surgeon. She couldn't feel a problem but ordered a ct scan and bloodwork. She called today to say there was a spot in the liver she wants to biopsy. She couldn't tell what type of small mass. She said my cea had remained normal which made her hopeful since it had risen before. The pain in my right side is a small hernia. My questions to those who have had liver mets are a)how was it diagnosed? b) what can I expect after the biopsy?  My needle biopsy is March 6 at 130  they tell me to expect 4 hours.

Thank you,




  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    I hate to hear this, Yolanda. 

    My liver met was diagnosed with a PET Scan. I had a CT Scan, but it showed nothing. My CEA was jumping up by leaps and bounds, so Doc figured something was amiss. 

    I didn't have a biopsy. My Onc got me right in to a liver surgeon and we went straight ahead with the Ablation. 

    My met was 2.2 cm and burried deep. 

    I so so so so so hope that your spot is nothing. I have a hemangioma. Quite harmless. Here's hoping that your spot is harmless as well. 

    I know you will keep us informed. 

    Lots of love, hugs and prayers heading your way. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • Steve444
    Steve444 Member Posts: 105 Member
    PET Scan

    Mine was also best diagnosed with a PET scan.  I didn't have a biopsy, so I can't help you there.  I did experience bad pain in my side, becoming unbearable when taking a deep breath Until chemo shrunk the tumors down.  They attributed it to organ swelling.  I'm very sorry for your new symptoms and hope they're able to take care of it.



  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    The first 2 times the ct

    The first 2 times the ct was followed up with a PET scan to confirm. The 3rd time was so large and given my past history they just went in and operated without doing a PET scan. The 4th time they just watched for a while then when it grew we decided to start treatment. I don't want to scare you but CEA was never a good indicator for me. It never rose above 1.0 even when I had liver mets in the past.

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    Shoot Yolanda

    Mine was a pet scan, no pain and no rise in cea. There was reluctance to biopsy it though as one doc suggested it might spread the cancer and others thought that was not a problem. Frustrating since you're the one who has it and you really don't know who's right. Mine was 1.2 cm in lobe 7 on the periphery. Luckily resectable so the decision was to cut it out ASAP. I assume it was malignant but looking back they never told me specifically and I never asked. This was August/September 2014. This was the point I switched to UCSF. My general surgeon who did my colectomy admitted to not having done a lot of livers. The 2 liver surgeons at UCSF do 10-15 a week! 

    Like you my time to celebrate NED was short. Sorry you're back on the rollercoaster again. Let's hope it's benign! Tell us as soon as you find out, best wishes and good luck!


  • Momof2plusteentwins
    Momof2plusteentwins Member Posts: 509 Member
    Pet Scan

    Seems that is the norm, noninvasive.  I would request a Pet Scan before I had a biopsy.  Best of luck, hope it's nothing.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Easyflip said:

    Shoot Yolanda

    Mine was a pet scan, no pain and no rise in cea. There was reluctance to biopsy it though as one doc suggested it might spread the cancer and others thought that was not a problem. Frustrating since you're the one who has it and you really don't know who's right. Mine was 1.2 cm in lobe 7 on the periphery. Luckily resectable so the decision was to cut it out ASAP. I assume it was malignant but looking back they never told me specifically and I never asked. This was August/September 2014. This was the point I switched to UCSF. My general surgeon who did my colectomy admitted to not having done a lot of livers. The 2 liver surgeons at UCSF do 10-15 a week! 

    Like you my time to celebrate NED was short. Sorry you're back on the rollercoaster again. Let's hope it's benign! Tell us as soon as you find out, best wishes and good luck!




    You must use punctuation. Surely you don't really want to 'shoot Yolanda'? HA!

    Yes, I am teasing you. But I got a giggle from your subject line. 

    Sorry, Yolanda. I hope you don't mind me interjecting a little humour into your thread. You know me well enough to know I don't mean to be disrespectful. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    Now, let's slow on down

    I know Yolanda, easier said then done.  Mine were found by biopsy, had I known anything about cancer, I don't think I would have allowed them to biopsy, just because I do worry about the "seeding", which may never happen, but still I worry, which is why they cannot say my lung tumors are cancerous because I refuse to let them biopsy them, they shrink and grow, but since mostly shrink and I've had them since the beginning, I've chosen to let them be.  But that decision is entirely yours, talk to your oncologist a little more before biopsy to get reassurances at least.

    My CEA has also been a good indicator for me,  and since it also is for you it might just be a small something or another that isn't cancer and that's a good thing to hope for, because I plan on speaking to the One in charge asking for that for you.

    i was awake for the biopsy and it was pretty quick, was back up in hospital room within half an hour after they finished. (I was in hospital getting scans, pain meds, etc., because was diagnosed with cancer that weekend) It was pretty quick but I can't remember how soon after that they confirmed it was cancerous, I'm pretty sure it was same day.

    I know this is an anxious time for you, every positive wish and thought I have are being sent your way, that it not be cancer.  I know hubby is holding you tight, ask him to give you an extra hug from me, OKAY?

    My heart is with you,

    Winter Marie

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    Trubrit said:



    You must use punctuation. Surely you don't really want to 'shoot Yolanda'? HA!

    Yes, I am teasing you. But I got a giggle from your subject line. 

    Sorry, Yolanda. I hope you don't mind me interjecting a little humour into your thread. You know me well enough to know I don't mean to be disrespectful. 

    Sue - Trubrit

    So sorry! Shoot,,,,,,Yolanda

    thanks Sue!


  • Yolllmbs
    Yolllmbs Member Posts: 360 Member

    Now, let's slow on down

    I know Yolanda, easier said then done.  Mine were found by biopsy, had I known anything about cancer, I don't think I would have allowed them to biopsy, just because I do worry about the "seeding", which may never happen, but still I worry, which is why they cannot say my lung tumors are cancerous because I refuse to let them biopsy them, they shrink and grow, but since mostly shrink and I've had them since the beginning, I've chosen to let them be.  But that decision is entirely yours, talk to your oncologist a little more before biopsy to get reassurances at least.

    My CEA has also been a good indicator for me,  and since it also is for you it might just be a small something or another that isn't cancer and that's a good thing to hope for, because I plan on speaking to the One in charge asking for that for you.

    i was awake for the biopsy and it was pretty quick, was back up in hospital room within half an hour after they finished. (I was in hospital getting scans, pain meds, etc., because was diagnosed with cancer that weekend) It was pretty quick but I can't remember how soon after that they confirmed it was cancerous, I'm pretty sure it was same day.

    I know this is an anxious time for you, every positive wish and thought I have are being sent your way, that it not be cancer.  I know hubby is holding you tight, ask him to give you an extra hug from me, OKAY?

    My heart is with you,

    Winter Marie

    You guys!!

    are the very best!  I know you understand when I say I can feel every hug and warm wish. Her reason for the biopsy is that she's not certain what the growth is. She said it wasn't there before. On the positive side, the ct scan didn't show any new growths in the colon.  I'm having the colonoscopy the 10th. Needle biopsy the 6th. I asked her about the seeding issue. She said there was more value in knowing what we are dealing with. The hernia she will fix whenever it becomes s major issue. I'm trying to live in the moment. Ken (my husband) is a rock. I worry about him. Im trying to remember it has just as much chance to be a good outcome as a bad one. In the meantime, we lost a close family member ( not to cancer).  He was a tremendous man. He was bigger than life. We are helping his east coast family move his belongings. I had the privilege to watch a full military ceremony for the Lt. Colonel. It's intetesting that with the passing of so many I find tranquility in their passing rather than feeling the pain in my loss. I'm so grateful to my friends and any time I have with them I'm rejoicing. Hugs back to all of you. You rock!



  • tanstaafl
    tanstaafl Member Posts: 1,313 Member

    We go for extra definition on biomarkers like CA19-9 and LDH, inflammation ESR, hsCRP.  It has helped us on monitoring, surgical and chemo treatment decisions.  Cimetidine pre-op antimetastasis...

  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    Hi Yolanda, I will be praying

    Hi Yolanda, I will be praying it is  nothing. I truly understand the rollercoaster ride feeling, it is no fun, and I am really tired of it. Best luck!

  • hippiechicks
    hippiechicks Member Posts: 509 Member
    Hi Yolanda, I do not have

    Hi Yolanda, I do not have much in the way to offer for liver mets, but I wanted to send you a message sending a hug and hoping all comes out well with the biopsy.  

    My cea never went above 1.0 with my recurrence either.  

    I am glad to hear you are taking one day at a time.  Living in the moment is a very healthy choice!  

  • lilacbrroller
    lilacbrroller Member Posts: 412 Member

    Hi Yolanda, I do not have

    Hi Yolanda, I do not have much in the way to offer for liver mets, but I wanted to send you a message sending a hug and hoping all comes out well with the biopsy.  

    My cea never went above 1.0 with my recurrence either.  

    I am glad to hear you are taking one day at a time.  Living in the moment is a very healthy choice!  


    yolanda - I really hope it's nothing, and that you are still NED.  

    Crossing my my fingers for you



  • Cathleen Mary
    Cathleen Mary Member Posts: 827 Member


    yolanda - I really hope it's nothing, and that you are still NED.  

    Crossing my my fingers for you



    Yolanda,  please know that i

    Yolanda,  please know that i am praying for you and wishing for the best.  I had a liver biopsy 18 mos ago for much the same reason and mine came back benign....I hope for you the same good news.



  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    Hoping it's nothing...

    My brother had the biopsy on the liver because they wanted to make sure it wasn't a "new" cancer which would be treated differently. It happens, but unfortunately for him, it was a met. The biopsy was no big deal for him. He had no pain afterward. His mets are being treated with irinotecan alone, but he had been on Folfiri and erbitux. He also has several mets to the lungs. He is stable, just gets tired easily which may be partially due to his weak heart. He hasn't had any new mets in the liver and it hasn't grown. From what I understand, the chemo kind of shriveled it up. It's there but not growing.

    Stay positive. It may be benign. I'll be thinking of you. Good luck!


  • Phil64
    Phil64 Member Posts: 838 Member
    Interesting to read Sue's

    Interesting to read Sue's experience.  My experience is similar in that CT and PET scan showed a "healthy" liver. Only the MRI revealed the tumors in my liver.  I've had three liver resections. In all cases when I had liver mets MY CEA was climbing, which was the queue to start hunting for mets.

  • Yolllmbs
    Yolllmbs Member Posts: 360 Member
    Phil64 said:

    Interesting to read Sue's

    Interesting to read Sue's experience.  My experience is similar in that CT and PET scan showed a "healthy" liver. Only the MRI revealed the tumors in my liver.  I've had three liver resections. In all cases when I had liver mets MY CEA was climbing, which was the queue to start hunting for mets.

    It's amazing

    to see so many different methodologies. I'm going in next Friday. Hoping for the best. Im certain with the help of all my csn family, I'll have the strength to handle whatever comes my way


    love you guys!

