
Made the decision to go on hospice as I'm too weak to do more chemo and it might add only a few months. Pain is increasing and I want that under control. I have been thinking about this for the past 2 months and I figured it is time to make that next step. Its been hell for 3+ years, no reason to prolong the agony. Doctor said I had weeks rather than months so its Time to see my mom, sister and my Lord. Could be 8 weeks but not 8 months.

good luck to all



  • KareGiver
    KareGiver Member Posts: 301 Member

    Sending peace to you and your loved ones...


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    jeff, this breaks my heart. 

    jeff, this breaks my heart.  i'm so very sorry and i pray the doctors get your pain under control.  i am keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers my friend.

    God bless you,


  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member

    Do what is best for you. Peace be with you.

  • Sailor123
    Sailor123 Member Posts: 97
    Dearest Jeff:
    My heart goes

    Dearest Jeff:

    My heart goes out to you.  It is a brave choice you have made.  One of my clients is a lovely hospice nurse.  She has always told me that there is so much they can do to help us transition, but that people don't usually call upon them until the end.  I'm glad to hear you will have them managing your pain going forward.  They will be able to provide you with much needed comfort.  Blessings to you on your final flight to the stars.


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    one day

    Every one of us as humans reaches the point when we depart one bus and board another. It is comforting to know you have folks to bring support and comfort. I'm glad to hear you have some visits planned. God bless us all.    

  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    donfoo said:

    one day

    Every one of us as humans reaches the point when we depart one bus and board another. It is comforting to know you have folks to bring support and comfort. I'm glad to hear you have some visits planned. God bless us all.    

    So Sad

    It is always very hard for us here to accept the loss of a member.  Most of us have thought at one time durning our beginning stages of diagnosis that it really could happen to us too.   


    My thoughts and prayers go out to you and yours during this terrible time.



  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Be at Peace Jeff

    Sorry for this news but I understand and support you. Keeping the pain under control is the most important thing right now. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Be at peace.


  • Ladylacy
    Ladylacy Member Posts: 773 Member

    My husband has had hospice since September 2013 and they have been great.  I have nothing but praise and heartfelt thanks for the nurses who visit us.  They have become part of our family.  They have kept his pain under control.  The only complaint, and it really isn't a complaint, is that they knew nothing about someone who is a laryngectomee and the supplies they need, how they breathe and the different oxygen masks, they need.  It has been a learning experience for them but they have been excellent in wanting to learn.  Seems my husband is the first laryngectomy they have had.  

    Wishing you peace and comfort -- Sharon

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Jeff


    We fully understand it is a hard decision to make my brother, sometimes we just need to put it all in Gods hand. You know my story back in 2006 I was giving 6 months but as fast as the cancer started growing again it stopped; God was not finished yet. I live everyday with a pray of thanks on my breath to Him who died for me. My prayers will continue for you too that His will may be competed in your life.


    Tim Hondo

  • Lmichelle
    Lmichelle Member Posts: 1
    Jeff I did Hospice care for

    Jeff I did Hospice care for 10 years and Hospice should help a lot, Just remember doctors dont really know how long people have ,

    I had some people I took care of for 2 years. Only GOD knows how long we have. Please remember stay ahead of the pain not the pain ahead of you. I'm praying for you.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    Tough decision.  Bless you.


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    So sad to hear this but happy

    So sad to hear this but happy you are strong enough to ask for help. As others have said, Only God knows how long we have left on this earth. Calling in Hospice isn't giving up so keep the faith and hope.

    Peace and Comfort


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    jim and i said:

    So sad to hear this but happy

    So sad to hear this but happy you are strong enough to ask for help. As others have said, Only God knows how long we have left on this earth. Calling in Hospice isn't giving up so keep the faith and hope.

    Peace and Comfort



    I will include you and your loved ones in my prayers

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    As always, I at a loss for words...

    There but for the grace of God....that is what always goes through my mind.  The courage and strength I see here on a daily basis reaches all of us....it does.  My heart goes out to you and your family, Jeff.  Like so many on here have said....we don't have an expiration date stamped on us anywhere.  I'm glad you have family around you....


  • Jeff2159
    Jeff2159 Member Posts: 108

    As always, I at a loss for words...

    There but for the grace of God....that is what always goes through my mind.  The courage and strength I see here on a daily basis reaches all of us....it does.  My heart goes out to you and your family, Jeff.  Like so many on here have said....we don't have an expiration date stamped on us anywhere.  I'm glad you have family around you....


    Thank you all

    Starting to gain strenth but still get tired walking 100 feet. Think i have the pain under control with meds finally. At least I don't have that death feeling anymore as I say I feel half human now. Taking more in more liquids and isosource and Im told I have a little more cheer in my face which I do. I'm getting all my details in order-- finalize/change old will, have my mass funeral all picked out with readings and sprucing up house with paint, repair and landscape-- fix stuff so my wife won't have to deal with it for a long time. Trying to make her life easier down the road as it is very tough on her and it is one of the few gifts I can give right now. chemo and recovering from pnemumonia has knocked me down hard and more chemo will just keep me further down with no guarantee and I feel better right now so that is what is important. I should have passed away 2 years ago so anything can still happen so there is no give up here. Hospice is just another step to take and I can still go off and do chemo if I feel stronger.I think possibilly the chemo helped me get pneumonia as it lowered my immune system adn I can't do that right now

    thanks again


  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    At a loss

    for words.  I am truly sorry and will keep you and your family in my prayers.

  • josh r.
    josh r. Member Posts: 264 Member
    Jeff2159 said:

    Thank you all

    Starting to gain strenth but still get tired walking 100 feet. Think i have the pain under control with meds finally. At least I don't have that death feeling anymore as I say I feel half human now. Taking more in more liquids and isosource and Im told I have a little more cheer in my face which I do. I'm getting all my details in order-- finalize/change old will, have my mass funeral all picked out with readings and sprucing up house with paint, repair and landscape-- fix stuff so my wife won't have to deal with it for a long time. Trying to make her life easier down the road as it is very tough on her and it is one of the few gifts I can give right now. chemo and recovering from pnemumonia has knocked me down hard and more chemo will just keep me further down with no guarantee and I feel better right now so that is what is important. I should have passed away 2 years ago so anything can still happen so there is no give up here. Hospice is just another step to take and I can still go off and do chemo if I feel stronger.I think possibilly the chemo helped me get pneumonia as it lowered my immune system adn I can't do that right now

    thanks again




    You have lived and continue to live with great courage. God bless. josh r. 

  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660

    At a loss

    for words.  I am truly sorry and will keep you and your family in my prayers.

    Your amazing

    Just reading your desire to fix up the house and yard to make it better for your spouse while going thru this time in your life shows you are a Very Strong and Gracious man, she is lucky to have you and I pray you will still be working on the house for years to come.  God Bless.

  • gdawg55
    gdawg55 Member Posts: 40
    Praying for you Jeff.  Stay

    Praying for you Jeff.  Stay strong and and put your trust in the LORD.