Keep on keeping on

KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member

Results of PET scan--lymph nodes are shrinking, less uptake (SUV) in maxillary sinus.  They were not able to compare size of sinus cancer because scan was darker than the one in October.  Doctor wanted to stop chemo and see what would happen, I chose to stay on chemo and keep it working.  I am not having problems with Taxol.  Head pain might be from stopping depression med.  Ran out of prescription and I don't have a general doc right now.  Stanford will refill prescription and we will find out in a week if there is a difference.  Right now I feel pretty positive.  Doctor also said (ordered) that I get to Oregon to visit, maybe Matt and I will finally meet!


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Oh Bev!!

    That is great news....."shrinking" is another best word!!!  Hoping and praying that your pain dimishes once you get back on the antidepessent....

    Now girlie....start packing your bags....orders are orders!!


  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member
    Great news!

    Great news! Even though we get nervous when scan time rolls around, nothing can beat the feeling of news like this. You have a lot of people pulling for you and keeping you in their prayers. Enjoy your trip to Oregon. If you ever want to visit Wisconsin let me know!

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    I feel pretty positive.

    Shrinking is real good to hear. Not having any problems with Taxol is good also. 

    So go to Oregon and celabrate. Thank you for posting, this is very good news. But like I said; In for a penny in for a pound. Enjoy your day.............Smile


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    wmc said:

    I feel pretty positive.

    Shrinking is real good to hear. Not having any problems with Taxol is good also. 

    So go to Oregon and celabrate. Thank you for posting, this is very good news. But like I said; In for a penny in for a pound. Enjoy your day.............Smile



    What outstanding news! I am thrilled for you. Get to packing a celebration is in order

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Bev, shrinking is awesome!! 

    Bev, shrinking is awesome!!  i'm so thankful you got some good news.  now, like P said, get those bags packs and you and Matt have a splendid time in Oregon!  You deserve that and so much more for all you've been through!

    God bless you,


  • Hard12Find
    Hard12Find Member Posts: 218 Member
    keeping on

    Bev, Glad to hear your getting some positive news...keep hanging in there, your an inspiration.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    keeping on


    Good news on all fronts.

    Oregon would be a better place with you visiting.  Just let me know, I’ll shower, shave and comb my hair.



  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Keeping strong

    Wow I am happy to read your post, what a blessing. I can’t understand the doctor wanting to stop the Chemo right when he has the things shrinking, but maybe because he does not see any real tumor just lymph nodes. All we can do is to pray and ask God to guide their hands and mind in treating us. Enjoy your trip to Oregon


    God Bless


  • joannaw81
    joannaw81 Member Posts: 185 Member
    Hondo said:

    Keeping strong

    Wow I am happy to read your post, what a blessing. I can’t understand the doctor wanting to stop the Chemo right when he has the things shrinking, but maybe because he does not see any real tumor just lymph nodes. All we can do is to pray and ask God to guide their hands and mind in treating us. Enjoy your trip to Oregon


    God Bless


    so glad to hear this news

    Keep it going, you are a wonderful person. Have fun in Oregon!