Sore toenails from Taxol

nanacin Member Posts: 9

I am diabetic and having tenderness on several toes. I have had 4 treatments of Taxol and am wondering if this is a side effect. I have heard that some people lose their toenails/fingernails and am worried about infection from my diabetes(typs 1 for 46 years).


  • nanacin
    nanacin Member Posts: 9
    Post lumpectomy fluid filled sac

    I have developed a tangerine size lump in my breast where I had the lumpectomy.I had a ultrasound and they say that it is a fluid filled space from where the lump was removed. They say I may have to have it drained after I finish chemo but I am worried. It is now tender and discolored.


  • desertgirl947
    desertgirl947 Member Posts: 653 Member
    I had taxol for my four final

    I had taxol for my four final infusions.  It was then that I had a bit of neuropathy in two of my little toes on one foot.  I did have discoloration on my toenails as well as a rough area that went from my left foot up to my ankle bone.  I had a bit of peely feet on the edges and around the toes.  I did what I could to keep my feet from developing cracks, as I had seen that with one of my friends.  I used lotion (and wore socks) to keep that from happening.

    Eventually, the toenails got back to normal as they grew out after I finished chemo.  I wasn't sure what to expect, as they were really weird-looking.

  • jessiesmom1
    jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member
    Loss of Toenails and Fingernails

    The taxane class of drugs includes both Taxol and Taxotere. I had 12 rounds of Taxotere (plus 4 rounds of A/C). I was told that problems with the nails are pretty common with those drugs. In my case I completely lost 8 of 10 fingernails and the toenails on both my big toes. First they became somewhat discolored and ridged. Then they seemed to separate from the nail beds. At that point I very carefully cut them off. They were likely to get caught on things and rip off. I felt it was safer to just remove them. It was not painful. It did look strange. All the nails eventually grew back. Especially as a diabetic you are right to be especially careful of infections to the extremities. I would suggest that make your oncologist as well as the doctor who manages your diabetes aware of any issues you have with your nails. If you do have issues you can get treatment earlier rather than later. Good luck.



  • GlowMore
    GlowMore Member Posts: 789 Member

    Loss of Toenails and Fingernails

    The taxane class of drugs includes both Taxol and Taxotere. I had 12 rounds of Taxotere (plus 4 rounds of A/C). I was told that problems with the nails are pretty common with those drugs. In my case I completely lost 8 of 10 fingernails and the toenails on both my big toes. First they became somewhat discolored and ridged. Then they seemed to separate from the nail beds. At that point I very carefully cut them off. They were likely to get caught on things and rip off. I felt it was safer to just remove them. It was not painful. It did look strange. All the nails eventually grew back. Especially as a diabetic you are right to be especially careful of infections to the extremities. I would suggest that make your oncologist as well as the doctor who manages your diabetes aware of any issues you have with your nails. If you do have issues you can get treatment earlier rather than later. Good luck.



    Agree with Irene

    Talk with your Oncologist about this proactive.    We lose our hair and our nails because they are made of Protein and chemo halts all growth for a day or so....that is why we get the white lines across our finger nails and look like we are Raccoons....and sometimes we totally lose the nail........but it will grow back.   Take good care and sending Prayers for Strength and Courage....  xxoo  Glo

  • linpsu
    linpsu Member Posts: 747

    I had 4 rounds of dose-dense A/C, then 4 rounds of dose-dense Taxol.  All 10 of my toenails came off eventually, but they all grew back quickly (except my 2 big toes).  I actually got an infection under one of my big toenails and the dr. had to remove it.