My husband makes me laugh. :)

Terri065 Member Posts: 81

I'm looking up everything possible to fight RCC. I picked up a Nutra Nija so I could get him to eat blueberries and a bunch of other cancer fighting foods . I'm buying books on meditation and the power of positive thought.

We'll apparently my husband has his own views on fighting this thing.

He's looking at Honda Goldwings. Lol


  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member

    Sounds bad! Try a Triumph instead!

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member


    Sounds bad! Try a Triumph instead!


    Hahaha....the silver lining of RCC. Yamaha!!


  • Terri065
    Terri065 Member Posts: 81


    Sounds bad! Try a Triumph instead!

    I would love a Triumph


    I would love a Triumph but he wants a touring bike.

    What ever makes him happy.  :)

  • Terri065
    Terri065 Member Posts: 81
    I don't know what I'm doing

    I don't know what I'm doing wrong but my posts come up multiple times. Sorry ;)

  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    Terri065 said:

    I don't know what I'm doing

    I don't know what I'm doing wrong but my posts come up multiple times. Sorry ;)


    Thats what happens when you start looking at Hondas!

    I used to tour on an old British bike. It had the added interest of bits falling off every hundred miles or so due to the vibration.

    Oh the fun of standing in the freezing rain trying to reassemble a motorcycle!

  • Terri065
    Terri065 Member Posts: 81


    Thats what happens when you start looking at Hondas!

    I used to tour on an old British bike. It had the added interest of bits falling off every hundred miles or so due to the vibration.

    Oh the fun of standing in the freezing rain trying to reassemble a motorcycle!

    Hey Footstomper,
    We went to

    Hey Footstomper,

    We went to the dealer today to look at the Honda.

    My husband wanted to know why I was looking at the Triumph. Lol

    It was good not to think about cancer for awhile. 

  • sblairc
    sblairc Member Posts: 585 Member

    When I was home on a leave of absence with my husband as he recovered from his left kidney removal, we were REALLY going stir crazy. One day we were both in seperate rooms on our laptops.  I was reading journal articles and information about clinical trials. He was googling to see if any famous people had kidney cancer!! 

  • Terri065
    Terri065 Member Posts: 81
    sblairc said:

    When I was home on a leave of absence with my husband as he recovered from his left kidney removal, we were REALLY going stir crazy. One day we were both in seperate rooms on our laptops.  I was reading journal articles and information about clinical trials. He was googling to see if any famous people had kidney cancer!! 

    I Love it!

    I Love it!


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Terri065 said:

    I Love it!

    I Love it!


    And were there any

    And were there any celebrities with kidney cancer???? (save me from googling it, LOL)

  • sblairc
    sblairc Member Posts: 585 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    And were there any

    And were there any celebrities with kidney cancer???? (save me from googling it, LOL)

    Hacksaw Jim Duggan

    Well, when I asked him all he came up with was Hacksaw Jim Duggan the WWF wrestler. But there is a rumor and/or well kept "secret"  that Steven Spielberg had it. I am fascinated by this possibility, but it was never confirmed to the public to my knowledge.  I know that he has donated a tonne of money to Cedars Sinai hospital. 

    I wish that if he did have it, he'd champion the cause. But I guess everyone has the rignt to privacy. I fantacise that he's funding a secret lab devoted to curing kidney cancer and when he does, he'll go public!! A girl can dream, right?

  • Terri065
    Terri065 Member Posts: 81
    sblairc said:

    Hacksaw Jim Duggan

    Well, when I asked him all he came up with was Hacksaw Jim Duggan the WWF wrestler. But there is a rumor and/or well kept "secret"  that Steven Spielberg had it. I am fascinated by this possibility, but it was never confirmed to the public to my knowledge.  I know that he has donated a tonne of money to Cedars Sinai hospital. 

    I wish that if he did have it, he'd champion the cause. But I guess everyone has the rignt to privacy. I fantacise that he's funding a secret lab devoted to curing kidney cancer and when he does, he'll go public!! A girl can dream, right?

    I read your post to my

    I read your post to my husband, it actually made him laugh. 

    I talk about you guys now like I've known you for years.

    It feels good to laugh. 

    Thanks, Theresa :)

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Terri065 said:

    I read your post to my

    I read your post to my husband, it actually made him laugh. 

    I talk about you guys now like I've known you for years.

    It feels good to laugh. 

    Thanks, Theresa :)

    Yes a girl CAN dream!

    Steven Spielberg would be a great advocate for Kidney Cancer (although throwing lots of money at a hospital is a great start!)

    He could direct movies that would bring kidney cancer to the forefront....Raiders of the Lost Ark: Search for the Cure.....Saving Private Ryan From Kidney Cancer....A.I. Artificial Intelligence: The Fight Against Recurrence....Catch Me If You Can Kidney Cancer....The Terminal - Not!!.....Minority NED Report! The list can go on and on!

    So yes, a girl CAN dream! Keep smiling!


  • sblairc
    sblairc Member Posts: 585 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Yes a girl CAN dream!

    Steven Spielberg would be a great advocate for Kidney Cancer (although throwing lots of money at a hospital is a great start!)

    He could direct movies that would bring kidney cancer to the forefront....Raiders of the Lost Ark: Search for the Cure.....Saving Private Ryan From Kidney Cancer....A.I. Artificial Intelligence: The Fight Against Recurrence....Catch Me If You Can Kidney Cancer....The Terminal - Not!!.....Minority NED Report! The list can go on and on!

    So yes, a girl CAN dream! Keep smiling!


    Let's change that to MAJORITY NED REPORT!!

    Yes, but Majority Ned Report, lol!!! 

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    sblairc said:

    Let's change that to MAJORITY NED REPORT!!

    Yes, but Majority Ned Report, lol!!! 

    LOL, I needed that laugh this

    LOL, I needed that laugh this morning. Very funny movie titles Laughing

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    APny said:

    LOL, I needed that laugh this

    LOL, I needed that laugh this morning. Very funny movie titles Laughing


    2009 harlley streetglide is now for sale

  • Terri065
    Terri065 Member Posts: 81
    foxhd said:


    2009 harlley streetglide is now for sale

    Picked up a Honda Gold Wing.

    Picked up a Honda Gold Wing. It's not an Ultra but he's always wanted one, so what a heck.

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    foxhd said:


    2009 harlley streetglide is now for sale

    oh Foxy, you love that

    oh Foxy, you love that bike.

       x         x

    x       x      x

    x               x

      x           x

         x    x


  • Terri065
    Terri065 Member Posts: 81
    foxhd said:


    2009 harlley streetglide is now for sale

    Fox, I'm so sorry to hear

    Fox, I'm so sorry to hear that you're going to be giving up your bike.

    You're in my prayers, 


  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    Terri065 said:

    Fox, I'm so sorry to hear

    Fox, I'm so sorry to hear that you're going to be giving up your bike.

    You're in my prayers, 


    Just make my car

    Mouseproof.  It's 10 years old and runs great...but the field mice have decided they also like it.  I caught 7 of the little SHi---- between TG and Xmas.  Last week I found evidence again and caught 2 more.  Vaccumed everything again and left 2 traps set.  I guess there are drawbacks to our moderate weather.

    We're off to watch our grandson play a club soccer game this weekend.  He's already set his sights on playing college and pro soccer.

    Happy Valentine's Day to all.
