Water and food

I am half way thru my radiation and the last 2 days I have been having to put water into my peg. Its not that Icant drink it, it just tastes soooo bad. Also I am NOT sleeping even with sleeping pills=maybe 2 hours a night.  My dry mouth keeps me up. I have the Biotene and Stoppers 4 and it seems nothing I do gives me relief. Any ideas? Food is do able.


  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member

    Sorry you are having troubles. If you live where the water is treated with chlorine, you might try letting it sit in an open container overnight so it can outgas. You might also try putting a small pinch of baking soda in your water. I think it changes the pH. Both helped me. For the nighttime dry mouth, use a humidifier in your room and have the door shut. I also had acupuncture to preserve my salivary gland function. I only have a really dry mouth at night if my nose is stuffy. You'll get lots of other suggestion from people on this site. Congratulations on being halfway through your treatment!

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    sharon,  i'm praying that it

    sharon,  i'm praying that it doesn't get any worse.  the dry mouth can be pretty bad.  i know others will have more ideas for you.  its been too long for me, i just don't remember. i hope someone is able to help with this.

    God bless you,


  • sharon 1
    sharon 1 Member Posts: 50

    sharon,  i'm praying that it

    sharon,  i'm praying that it doesn't get any worse.  the dry mouth can be pretty bad.  i know others will have more ideas for you.  its been too long for me, i just don't remember. i hope someone is able to help with this.

    God bless you,



    Thanks for the help. I use the humidifier ALL the time. I just am so at the end of my roap with all of this. I know it seems like whinning but I honestly dont know if I am strong enough. I think for the most part I am a bit depressed and tomorrow things may seem better.  Regardless again thanks for letting me sound off.

  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member
    sharon 1 said:


    Thanks for the help. I use the humidifier ALL the time. I just am so at the end of my roap with all of this. I know it seems like whinning but I honestly dont know if I am strong enough. I think for the most part I am a bit depressed and tomorrow things may seem better.  Regardless again thanks for letting me sound off.

    It's okay. This is a good

    It's okay. This is a good place to whine because we know what you're going through. I remember halfway through being a tough time, but before you know it, you'll be celebrating your last treatment. Any time you are feeling blue or experiencing side effects, log in and you'll find people here to help. I know I did!

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    life during treatment is weird


    We each hit rough patches and have doubts, but you need to stay in the game.

    It is more important that you keep swallowing and less important on what the liquid is.  Try anything and exploit the least objectionable.

    At 2y 10m I still go to sleep with 2 Xylimelt tablets for dry mouth.   I never tried them during treatments, so I cannot say ‘try them”, but you might.

    Sleep is where you find it, if it is  in a recliner, take it, If you need meds just ask.  Your life is temporarily different and you have to think outside of the box no matter how crazy.

    Good luck,


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    sharon 1 said:


    Thanks for the help. I use the humidifier ALL the time. I just am so at the end of my roap with all of this. I know it seems like whinning but I honestly dont know if I am strong enough. I think for the most part I am a bit depressed and tomorrow things may seem better.  Regardless again thanks for letting me sound off.

    sharon, if you want to whine,

    sharon, if you want to whine, this is the place to do it as we have all probably whined about the same thing and since we have, we completely understand why you are so frustrated.  You just can't give up.  yes, it is very tough but soon it will be in your rearview mirror and you will be on your way to healing and getting back to life.  you are so much stronger thank you know and this will give you an idea of just how strong and tough you really are.  hang in there Sharon and know that we are on the sidelines cheering you on and waiting to celebrate with you the day of your last tx and then your first scan.  it will be here before you know it.

    God bless you,


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    End of rope.... Not even close..........

    First, venting is not only good but extreamily healthy, and we all understand. Truly sorry the water tasteing so bad.

    Second, you are not at the end of your rope. You just came to a knot in the rope, and they are in all climing ropes. It helps your grip as you climb the rope and stops you from slipping. Sorry we forgot to let you know earlier.

    You are much stronger then you think and you have everyone here at CSN for support. Just take one day at a time, and only today matters. You will get through this and win the battle.


  • sharon 1
    sharon 1 Member Posts: 50
    wmc said:

    End of rope.... Not even close..........

    First, venting is not only good but extreamily healthy, and we all understand. Truly sorry the water tasteing so bad.

    Second, you are not at the end of your rope. You just came to a knot in the rope, and they are in all climing ropes. It helps your grip as you climb the rope and stops you from slipping. Sorry we forgot to let you know earlier.

    You are much stronger then you think and you have everyone here at CSN for support. Just take one day at a time, and only today matters. You will get through this and win the battle.



    Well today Ive got my Big Girl Undies on again. Phew, yesterday sure was a rough one! it seems like weekends seem to be the worst for me even tho its nice to have the time off treatments. I think that I was getting ahead of myself and I was thinking that if I feel this bad now, how am I going to endure the rest of it.  Im back to my fighting side. Bill you are so extraordinary-in fact you all are. I really appreciated the roap anology. You are fast becoming my first page to go to in the morning. God Bless All of you.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    sharon 1 said:


    Well today Ive got my Big Girl Undies on again. Phew, yesterday sure was a rough one! it seems like weekends seem to be the worst for me even tho its nice to have the time off treatments. I think that I was getting ahead of myself and I was thinking that if I feel this bad now, how am I going to endure the rest of it.  Im back to my fighting side. Bill you are so extraordinary-in fact you all are. I really appreciated the roap anology. You are fast becoming my first page to go to in the morning. God Bless All of you.

    Hi Sharon

    It does get rough at times going through treatment but it will get better and that is what you need to focus on. My second treatment made the first treatment look like nothing, how I made it was with the help and support of my wife and family and keeping my focus on God that no matter what I went through He would give me the strength I needed one day at a time. You are almost to the finish line so keep running your race and very soon you will cross over to the other side.

    God bless you while in His Workshop

    Tim Hondo

  • Sailor123
    Sailor123 Member Posts: 97
    I feel your pain Sharon.  Its

    I feel your pain Sharon.  Its exhausting.

    You can get through and will.  I wove in and out of depression and exhaustion throughout the last phase of treatment and a couple of months following it.  It felt like it would never end.  Good news, it does end and slowly we recover and even resume our lives eventually.  I would never have believed I would ever feel this good again, but I do.

    I started using medical marajuana at the stage you are at.  It made me hungry and helped me relax so the days didn't drag on as much.  It also helped me not care about the details so much.  I watched a lot of movies from my favorite era 30s and 40s.  Reading and using the computer were unpleasant for me.  I hope you find something that makes you feel better and helps you through it.

    Paint by numbers is fun and also helps the time pass more quickly.

    Hang in there lady.  Your going to be finished soon and then you will begin your journey back to life.


  • eulerphi
    eulerphi Member Posts: 17

    I recommend xylimelts as well for night time. They help with dry mouth longer than most other products I have tried. The only problem with using it was when I had severe mucositis. I felt it made the sores worse. If you don't have mucositis, I would say give it a try.