Party time

donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member

Hi there- Just an update on the first decent test or exam in a year, so I bought an obnoxious purple and pink Minnie Mouse birthday cake/single layer to celebrate yesterday.

To refresh...May 2006, you have a mass...or two or three: Dx, 5-7 months if they cannot do surgery.  Yes to surgery and Dx'd at Stage IV, T2, N1,M1, Fuhrman III-!V.  In the pans were the right kidney, left half of liver, a set of nodes, gall bladder, and several slices of the right lobe of liver.  Node recurrence in 2007-surgery.  Node recurrence in 2008-surgery.

Thought I was moving along well by 4 1/2 years, when they found enlargements in the thyroid-went thru a series of tests, up to and including biopsy. Dx. benign growths.

Then I started 2014 with a bang.  Had a yearly CT and a polyp was observed in my stomach.  My internist decided to do both "sides"...and removed 1 stomach polyp and 3 colon polyps.  Different tools, guys.

Then I came down with a respiratory problem and had to go thru a series of tests.  No bronchitis but was put on an asthma inhaler and over the counter nasal sprays as needed.

Next was Vertigo.  When I nearly fell off a toiled in a rest room, I knew it was time to call someone.  Had to have a simplel physical therapy procedure done that shifted the "ear stones" so they weren't causing the vertigo.

Through all this, I was caregiving my mom-in-law during her final days with pancreatic cancer.  I wore myself out physically, mentally land emotionally and ended up in a very deep depression.  More drugs, more sleep, more cutting back on lots of stuff and the improvements are still coming along.

Next was the annual mammogram.  Oh, by the way we need to re-do one side; there's something there.  Two weeks later, I had the re-take and went into the next room for an Ultrasound.  It may be a cyst?  But we'll schedule for a full diagnostic in another 6 months.

Christmas came an went and did pretty well without having me this year.

So that brings us to yesterday.  25 pounds lighter, BP down to 112/72 and I was scheduled for a Chest x-ray and abd/pelvic Ultrasound in 4 months prior to seeing my oncologist the following week.  The progress is that he's moving my appointments from every 3 mo to every 4 months.  I asked him, "where do we go from here considering the original 5-7 months death sentence?"

He answered, that, "any oncologist I would have seen in 2006 would have given me the same type of answer;" and "considering the category I fell into, it was difficult to predict the future."

So, I put my blinders on and decided that this is good news.  While waiting for the lab tech to come draw my blood, I picked up a new mag on the table.  It listed treatements and facilities, for the common types of cancer.  Guess what?  Kidney Cancer is not on the list.  Does that mean we're super special and uncommon because we have kidney cancer?  

Then it was a trip to the grocery store for my cake and the rest of dinner, plus other items.  When I filled a bag with medium sized Russett potatoes, my thoughts were that my primary tumor was larger than those babies..12.5x11.5x8.5 cm.  Oh, and the grapes were the size of the lymph nodes that were removed.

Yesterday was my party, and my husband is taking me out to dinner tonight so we can celebrate again.  I'm hoping that the start of 2015 is a prelude to better things for me, and in turn, for all of us.  No one said everything would be easy.  We have cancer, we deal with what else is thrown at us, and try to find the many reasons to laugh at what is happening, sometimes even while crying.

I wrote this while I was waiting for paint to dry.  My bookkeeper is on vacation and I'm re-painting her side of the office.  One of the benefits of owning a business is that you get to do lots of weird things to help save money on the bottom line.

Here's to a better 2015. Hugs to all.




  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member

    Way to go, Donna!! WOW. But for all that you have been through, Minnie Mouse herself should have come and baked the cake for you!

    You are a true role model for us all and we all share in your joy and wonderful news.



  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Jojo61 said:


    Way to go, Donna!! WOW. But for all that you have been through, Minnie Mouse herself should have come and baked the cake for you!

    You are a true role model for us all and we all share in your joy and wonderful news.



    Feeling young again


    Us young guys know how to celabrate. When my AiC went down I went and got a big piece of 7 layer cake (think decadent chocolate). Hope I never catch up to you in age.

    May 2015 etc., etc., be all NED's.



  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    icemantoo said:

    Feeling young again


    Us young guys know how to celabrate. When my AiC went down I went and got a big piece of 7 layer cake (think decadent chocolate). Hope I never catch up to you in age.

    May 2015 etc., etc., be all NED's.



    Oh dear... ((((( DONNA )))))

    Oh dear... ((((( DONNA )))))

    I had no idea how much you have been going through.. amazing!! I just wanted to extend my compassion while sending you healing energy!!

    EnJOY, I hope you did! Seems you are appreciating the moments, those precious memories.

    Sending you love and care!

    Warmly, Jan

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    Jan4you said:

    Oh dear... ((((( DONNA )))))

    Oh dear... ((((( DONNA )))))

    I had no idea how much you have been going through.. amazing!! I just wanted to extend my compassion while sending you healing energy!!

    EnJOY, I hope you did! Seems you are appreciating the moments, those precious memories.

    Sending you love and care!

    Warmly, Jan


    ......................I Love You!..................

    nuff said.

  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member

    Hope it's great for you. You deserve a terrific year!


  • aamdsi
    aamdsi Member Posts: 284

    Here's to a grand 2015 to you... and may it spread into the next year...and so forth

  • danbren2
    danbren2 Member Posts: 311
    aamdsi said:


    Here's to a grand 2015 to you... and may it spread into the next year...and so forth



         Such great news for a geat lady! So happy for you, and thrilled for your celebrations!  May 2015 continue to be this good.

                                         Love and prayers!


  • JennyDra
    JennyDra Member Posts: 24
    Donna, you deserve a

    Donna, you deserve a party!!!!i hope this is just the beginning of many more celebrations to come for you!!! :-)


  • firedude21
    firedude21 Member Posts: 52
    Happy for you

    Donna -

    Hopefully this is a sign that 2015 will be a good year for you. I wish you and all of us stuck in this mess a brighter future.


    Keep the faith


  • brea588
    brea588 Member Posts: 240

    I Pray 2015 continues to be a wonderful year for you!!!  You certainly dserve it.  If we lived closer I would bake you a beautiful cake of your choice LOL.  Have a great year!

  • alice124
    alice124 Member Posts: 896 Member
    You are an amazing



    You are an amazing woman! May this year prove to be as amazing as you.