Past Ain II, possible recurrence, a lot of bleeding

alex326 Member Posts: 3



I have followed this board for a while, concerned about my wife, and let me just say that this board is a blessing and the community here is a blessing.  I wish all of you here the best.


Anyway like I said I'm concerned for my wife who was diagnosed with HPV 4 years ago (she was 23 then), had anal warts and AIN II dysplasia (it advanced quite quickly as there was only about 5 or 6 months between the initial appearance of the warts and the surgery).  The HPV DNA test revealed types 6 and 11.  Anyway after the surgery and a couple of post operation procedures the Colorectal specialist basically said "come back if you get any more warts". 


Everything seemed ok and to go back to normal, although there was occasional bleeding (like every 6 months).  But recently (mid December) the bleeding has gotten way worse (once there was even blood without a BM) and she is complaining of pain and some fatigue, there have also been some stomach issues like gas and reflux (not sure if this is related).  We have recently been going through a tough and stressful time and I think the bleeding has always been related to stress.


We are planning a doctors visit asap but are in between insurances so our new coverage won't start until 2/1.  We are counting the days.  Clearly something is wrong, either a fissure or a recurrence of the dysplasia or something never healed from the previous surgery, hopefully we will figure it out soon!


My understanding is that HPV types 6 and 11 are 'low risk' so I am not sure what to make of this aggressiveness in the bug that we have contracted.  I know this is a cancer forum but is there anyone out there with experiences with AIN II or types 6 and 11?  Also any other advice to deal with this bleeding in the meantime?


many thanks



  • nicotianna
    nicotianna Member Posts: 209
    hpv 6

    Check out this excellent resource regarding hpv 6 & anal cancer.  It not considered to be oncogenic according to The U. of California, San Francisco:  <>.  I think you may be able to call the MD.  I think you may be able to have a phone consult w/the doc there (Palevsky?).


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    I hope your wife can see her doctor soon.  She should definitely ask for an anoscope exam.  I had 3 anal warts discovered 2 years after I finished treatment for anal cancer.  My colorectal surgeon said they needed to be removed, as there was potential for them to develop into cancer.  I had outpatient surgery for removal and healed just fine.  I hope it won't take long for your wife to get that appointment and I wish her all the veyr best.


  • alex326
    alex326 Member Posts: 3
    mp327 said:


    I hope your wife can see her doctor soon.  She should definitely ask for an anoscope exam.  I had 3 anal warts discovered 2 years after I finished treatment for anal cancer.  My colorectal surgeon said they needed to be removed, as there was potential for them to develop into cancer.  I had outpatient surgery for removal and healed just fine.  I hope it won't take long for your wife to get that appointment and I wish her all the veyr best.


    Thank you Nic and

    Thank you Nic and Martha,


    There are no warts on the outside, just bleeding and some pain inside.  We had a sitz bath last night and a massage and there was no blood but some pain this morning, so some improvement.  Thanks Nic for the great resource, I will talk to them this morning. 


    There is so much conflicting information online about this virus/disease.  I have always thought that types 6 and 11 were non-oncogenic but to have the dysplasia progress like that was quite scary, and her colorectal Dr. showed her the entire scale of dysplasia.  Although the HPV test was conducted by her GP and I'm not sure if we was aware of that result.   


    Like I said we have been through a stressful time the past few months (she had a benign cyst on her ovary rupture in December) so I'm hoping its a fissure due to stress.  I honestly think it never totally healed after the surgery 3 years ago because of the (very) occasional bleeding, which always seemed to correspond with stress.


    thanks again and all best,


  • alex326
    alex326 Member Posts: 3
    alex326 said:

    Thank you Nic and

    Thank you Nic and Martha,


    There are no warts on the outside, just bleeding and some pain inside.  We had a sitz bath last night and a massage and there was no blood but some pain this morning, so some improvement.  Thanks Nic for the great resource, I will talk to them this morning. 


    There is so much conflicting information online about this virus/disease.  I have always thought that types 6 and 11 were non-oncogenic but to have the dysplasia progress like that was quite scary, and her colorectal Dr. showed her the entire scale of dysplasia.  Although the HPV test was conducted by her GP and I'm not sure if we was aware of that result.   


    Like I said we have been through a stressful time the past few months (she had a benign cyst on her ovary rupture in December) so I'm hoping its a fissure due to stress.  I honestly think it never totally healed after the surgery 3 years ago because of the (very) occasional bleeding, which always seemed to correspond with stress.


    thanks again and all best,



    So yesterday I noticed a soft, puffy sore on her anus that is painful and itchy.  Did anyone else experience this?


    February 2nd is our appointment, just one more weekend to go.  Stress levels through the roof for me!  I am trying to stay positive for her, I feel like I'm getting pulled in two directions at once.


    Also the cyst rupture I mentioned earler... They did bloodwork in December and it came back fine, except for some activity in her liver but they were not concerned.  And now I am reading that the liver is one of the first places it goes once it metastatizes.  When that happened she had a really scary incedent where her fever went to 103 and she was throwing up.  After some antibiotics she was ok and the Ct scan revealed the aforementioned benign cyst on her ovary and the slightly hieghtened levels in the liver.


    Had anyone had a similar experience?

  • qv62
    qv62 Member Posts: 434 Member
    alex326 said:


    So yesterday I noticed a soft, puffy sore on her anus that is painful and itchy.  Did anyone else experience this?


    February 2nd is our appointment, just one more weekend to go.  Stress levels through the roof for me!  I am trying to stay positive for her, I feel like I'm getting pulled in two directions at once.


    Also the cyst rupture I mentioned earler... They did bloodwork in December and it came back fine, except for some activity in her liver but they were not concerned.  And now I am reading that the liver is one of the first places it goes once it metastatizes.  When that happened she had a really scary incedent where her fever went to 103 and she was throwing up.  After some antibiotics she was ok and the Ct scan revealed the aforementioned benign cyst on her ovary and the slightly hieghtened levels in the liver.


    Had anyone had a similar experience?


    I'm sure these next two days until the appt will be very stressful and long, I hope the colorectal surgeon will be able to biopsy the growth. I had pain and itching with many growths that were non invasive squamous cell carcinomas and also had pain and itching when it was an invasive tumor. Plesse keep us posted and know we are all here for support.