Symptoms & Random questions (not diagnosed)

needadvice1 Member Posts: 11
edited January 2015 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1

Hello.  I'm 42 (premenopausal) and have had pelvic symptoms for about 5 years.  Terrible pain, bloating, cramping, bleeding, and excessive discharge.  I had irregular bleeding many times, but I made an emergency trip to the clinic for a pap test because of extremely heavy bleeding 14 days into my cycle.  The blood was watery and bright red with clots the size of quarters.   The pap was normal except for endometrial cells where they should not be.  This was in September.  

I got a referral to an obgyn but they canceled on me 2 times.  Each time i waited a whole month, but they can see me this Friday.  In the meantime, I returned to the clinic to discuss the results of  a transvaginal US.   The left ovary wasn't seen.  I have a diffusely heterogeneous uterus.  The endo stripe is 7mm  (I did the US 25 days into my cycle).   The nurse told me everything looks ok.  I asked her if it were a late stage endo cancer, would there be a mass?   And she said yes.  I don't know if this is true.  Could a "mass" be hiding my ovary?  

I have gritty discharge, which is new and  I was told that i have a few intramural fibroids which were too small to do anything.  Could the "discharge" be endometrial cells shedding?  I feel very "bulky" in my pelvis. The nurse told me that with uterine cancer, you don't stop bleeding. I skipped a few periods in Oct & Dec.   Is this true?  I also had a couple periods too close together.


Thanks for your help.  







  • Hybridspirits
    Hybridspirits Member Posts: 209

    I am really sorry you are going through this at such an early age. I am not sure if the symptoms are different premenopausal, but what i observed is folks sometimes have different sympoms. Mine was spotting and it wasn't consitent.  Mine ended up being a polyp that was cancerous.  not even a big polyp in the uterus.  I was 54 at diagnosis.  the year before i had spotting and was told after an in the office biopsy they couldn't get enough cells that since it was only for a few days not to worry it wouldn't be anything else.  ONe year later had spotting for a few days and that is when i pushed.  My D&C showed cancer. i didn't have continuous bleeding until after the D&C when they grabbed the polyp.  My recommendatoin is if you are concerned push for more tests until you get answers and hopefully the answers are nothing. 

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,531 Member
    needadvice1 I don't think I

    needadvice1 I don't think I have any real guidance regarding everything that you mention but I hope you can find a caring Gyn who is going to work with you and figure out what is going on. A Gyn canceling  twice on you???  What kind of doctor is that????  Also, I love my nurses but they are not doctors and you really need a doctor to diagnosis what is going on.

    When you get to see a gyn, express to them that you have these concerns and that it could be serious. 


  • needadvice1
    needadvice1 Member Posts: 11

    needadvice1 I don't think I

    needadvice1 I don't think I have any real guidance regarding everything that you mention but I hope you can find a caring Gyn who is going to work with you and figure out what is going on. A Gyn canceling  twice on you???  What kind of doctor is that????  Also, I love my nurses but they are not doctors and you really need a doctor to diagnosis what is going on.

    When you get to see a gyn, express to them that you have these concerns and that it could be serious. 


    thank you for your replies.

    thank you for your replies.  I have no idea what they are going to do on Friday so i don't know how to prepare - I don't know  if i will have a biopsy, D&C.., etc.   I tried to get the receptionist to have a nurse call me to let me know but I can't seem to get past this person.   During my recent visit back to the clinic, i had a whole list of questions for the nurse.   I guess i was so nervous because i started to ask her questions but realized i didn't ask her most of what was on my list. 

  • Sandy3185
    Sandy3185 Member Posts: 229 Member
    Lots of symptoms

    Take a deep breath and slow down! You are going through a lot and need to get your head together. Making a list is a great idea, but you are asking the wrong person. These are all things you need to discuss with your doctor. During your upcoming visit, the doctor will discuss your symptoms with you and recomend a course of action. i went to my gyn because of a vaginal discharge and some bleeding. He sent me for an ultrasound which indicated some thickening of the vaginal lining. He then recommended doing a D&C. The results came back upsc and he scheduled an appointment with a gyn oncologist who ultimately performed a complete hysterectomy. This may not be the way it goes for you, but I think my experience has been the norm for many people here, I have omitted many annoying problems along the way, again par for the course.

    it is very upsetting that your appt was cancelled twice and no effort was made to get you in ASAP. Also upsetting is that the nurse took it upon herself to give you advise and possibly incorrect info. I would seriously consider changing doctors. I am sure others here will reach out to you. Please let us know what is happening
